Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Sasukeslayer wrote: |
Sokka made a good name for that group a |
Myn would be toph she is funny and she is really strong she can bend metal dang and she is blind she is strong on the inside to and that is hard and she lives with it that is who i would pick but then aang he is second.
Toph... She is the most powerful Earth-bender in the world, she CREATED the special art for Earth-bending (Metal-bending), she has defeated almost anyone who has tried to challenge her in battle, she is the only bender capable of practicing ALL forms of Earth-bending, etc... All this, and she is a 12-13 year old blind girl. I also admire her as a Human Being... Her whole life, her parents have shielded her from the world, she has been CONSTANTLY underestimated, never really had a real friend until she met the gAang, and has low self-esteem about her appearance... She is also quite an inspiration to blind people in real life, and basically shows that she IS AMAZINGLY POWERFUL, even though she can't see... She sucks all of this up, and is very strong towards it... She doesn't let it become her weakness, she just deals with it and faces problems head on. She also seems to have great advice, and would probably give sound advice on things.
ThisCrazyGuy wrote: |
Toph... She is the most powerful Earth-bender in the world, she CREATED the special art for Earth-bending (Metal-bending), she has defeated almost anyone who has tried to challenge her in battle, she is the only bender capable of practicing ALL forms of Earth-bending, etc... All this, and she is a 12-13 year old blind girl. I also admire her as a Human Being... Her whole life, her parents have shielded her from the world, she has been CONSTANTLY underestimated, never really had a real friend until she met the gAang, and has low self-esteem about her appearance... She is also quite an inspiration to blind people in real life, and basically shows that she IS AMAZINGLY POWERFUL, even though she can't see... She sucks all of this up, and is very strong towards it... She doesn't let it become her weakness, she just deals with it and faces problems head on. She also seems to have great advice, and would probably give sound advice on things. |
snowprincess456 wrote: |
I would have to say Katara because she has so many different sides to her..and it is pretty cool to see some of the "hidden" aspects of her personality..Plus she one of the only bloodbenders around..that is pretty cool... |
I don't have a favorite character. I like most of them equally.
My favorite is Aang for sure. His personality is great, is a fun loving, carefree kid and that's what makes him awesome. He's also very intelligent and selfless.
Next is Katara because she cares so much for everyone and does everything she can to help everyone, forgetting herself.
I didn't like Toph at first because she was a jerk to Aang, but she's cool.
Zuko is awesome, I just want him to get his life together faster, and he needs to learn not to trust his family besides Iroh.
Iroh is one of my favorites too! He's so laid back and all he seems to really care about is tea. He makes me laugh my head off! He's also very humble and wise and he knows the difference between good and evil.
Really I like all the characters, gotta love Sokka, and Momo and Appa are awesome!