Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
F1ames wrote: |
Yes we should have a season 4 cause that was actually what the creators intended when they first created avatar. also, i dont see how just defeating firelord ozai will stop the fire nation from winning the war cause killing ozai wont kill his soldiers. so after ozai gets killed, his soldiers and generals could still go on fighting the war. |
Avatar is good and safe with 3 seasons unless it ends like Xiaolin showdown then bring on a 4.
F1ames wrote: |
Yes we should have a season 4 cause that was actually what the creators intended when they first created avatar. also, i dont see how just defeating firelord ozai will stop the fire nation from winning the war cause killing ozai wont kill his soldiers. so after ozai gets killed, his soldiers and generals could still go on fighting the war. |
Say what? ??Dude, the creators orginally intended (and??this has??been said b4 several times) to have 60 episodes in a three-season format. Then when the show got really good really fast (they actually thought it be a while b4 people noticed it, boy were they wrong??
) they've said that they've "considered" adding another book. Meaning that its still a "no" but they're considering to look into it. Why? Because its like phoenixfirework and fafnir said, every1 knows that its a really bad idea to go past your prime (can u believe they're making the Simpsons movie now? What the hell? and don't get me started on that new Rocky movie). Sure, everything on TV and entertainment in general??is basically just what some guy with a pencil is pullin' out his a$$ (never get tired of that 1) but this is different, its unknown territory.??By then, they'll have run out of story because they've overcome the point of the main plotline and the show will slowly but??surely start 2 degrade (assuming that people will even choose to watch??the "added" season in the first place). Its like milk when you've left it out 2 long, can't think of a better??way 2 describe it. ...Wait here's 1:??"Its like that hatch on??Lost, once??you know what's inside, its a lot less interesting."??
i think that the should could continue, it would do pretty well
-air nomads return
-zuko as fire lord/still defeating Ozai
-new and more powerful threats such as Azula
-more flashbacks
-look at other air temples
-life after aang and the gang has grown up
-the last 3 seconds of the show would be a female waterbender from the southpole being born, and it eyes glowed for??a sec
-the dark avatar theory
-spiritual matters
JasonG2006 wrote: |
i think that the should could continue, it would do pretty well -air nomads return -zuko as fire lord/still defeating Ozai -new and more powerful threats such as Azula -more flashbacks -look at other air temples -life after aang and the gang has grown up -the last 3 seconds of the show would be a female waterbender from the southpole being born, and it eyes glowed for??a sec -the dark avatar theory -spiritual matters |
Here is my opinion on what will happen in the Season 3 finale (so its my series finale):
The crew will make it to the Fire Nation all fine and dandy. But while fighting the Fire Lord, Toph dies. Aang goes into the Avatar State and kill a bunch of guards and possibly Zuko or someone. A while later Sokka will die and again Aang in AS. I think in the end it will be a 2-1 match. The Fire Lord vs. Aang and Katara. The Fire Lord will quickly kill Katara. Aang is so devestated he goes in a blind rage (like in The Avatar State) and completly levels the Fire Nation and kills every soldier and innocent pedestrian alike and him. The world is saved and peace soon returns. But there will be no more Avatar's (as said in The Avatar State because the cycle was broken). But there are few Fire Benders left in the world and no Air Benders (since Aang was the last one). But in the center of every city in the world there is a statue of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Momo and Appa. The camera stops on a statue in the city, and the screens darkens untill the credits roll up.
True its sad. Yes its depressing. Yes it would leave a bittersweet taste in the mouth of every fan. And yes it is actionpacked. But if it is the series finale, it should wrap up the show, not leave it open like Danny Phantom will be because it may be brought back. The creators will eventually have to wrap up the show and like the old saying "All good things must come to an end."