Hi there! Me again. I feel pretty bad for getting Ask A Question, Get an Answer 2 locked, so I've made a new one! I feel the Question/Answer thread is very important, because without it lots of unnecessary threads are being created, for example 'what was the name of episode 201?' is a question that can be answered here, it doesn't need a new thread to be created.
This thread (in case you didn't know) is a thread where any question can be asked, for example, the ever so popular 'when will the next episode air?', if you have any question concerning the show, this forum etc. please use this thread, don't make another one.
ONE MORE THING! Under no circumstances can the contents of the Sozin's Comet book be mentioned in this thread, ever. I REPEAT, DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THE SOZIN'S COMET BOOK.
ONE MORE THING! (oy vey!) i really don't care how many times the same question has been answered, it will still be answered, that's the entire point of the thread. so don't feel intimidated by the large size of the thread, YOUR QUESTION WILL GET ANSWERED!!!
ONE MORE THING! I saw this question posted here:
Murellus wrote: |
The walls of Ba Sing Se have a perimeter of 50 miles and a thickness of 10 meters. The height of its walls is 350m with double crenellations with a pattern of 25 35cmx40cmx30cm blocks of stone equidistant of each other per 100m, the same stone used to construct its walls. Excluding the amount of stone used to construct towers and gates and assuming that every stone block is roughly homologous, what is the maximum amount of blocks used to construct Ba Sing Se's walls? |
and I feel the need to make an addition to the rules, no stupid questions like that. Seriously we go to this forum to escape our everyday lives, we don't need reminding that we have to do maths problems thankyou very much! Seriously, Murellus, be serious. I am serious Tom, this is serious thread.
If you have a question, try looking around this site. It has a lot of infomation for all things Avatar-ish, and your question may be answered there.
Still not answered? Try the official Nick.com Avatar site here.
STILL not answered? No worries, it'll probably be in my...
Frequently asked questions here:
Q: Will there be any more Avatar ever?
A: NOTHING has been confirmed officially, and I refuse to say that those so-called 'mini-episodes' will happen because I don't want to get people's hopes up only to have them crushed if they don't happen. So until we get OFFICIAL confirmation live under the impression that the show has ended. Hence the show's status being changed to 'ended'.
Q: Where is Ursa?
A: There is no official answer on this. It was pretty much a cliffhanger. If you want an opinion, here's mine: Ursa is hiding in some little Earth Kingdom village that Ozai knows the location of and has told Zuko. Zuko will go and find her and bring her home and nothing worthy of mentioning will happen on the journey. Basically, he'll find her and bring her back, nothing special, hence the reason it was left out of the finale.
Q: Is this the last season?
A: Yes. The show ends with Sozin's Comet, hence the subtitle 'the Final Battle'.
Q: What does 'George' mean?
A: George is the name given to the Sokka/Suki ship, the same way 'kataang' refers to katara/aang, or zutara refers to zuko/katara. Don't ask why, it's a loooooooong story, just accept it.
Q: If fire has lightning, earth has metal and water has blood, what does air have?
A: Nothing, deal with it. Plus metal isn't the advanced earthbending, only toph can do it, the advanced earthbending is sticking to walls, i know, it's lame, deal with it.
Q: What happened to Ask A Question, Get An Answer 1/2?
A: Both went too off-topic and got locked, so i made this one.
Q: What does *insert term here* mean?
A: There are many various internet terms we use here, almost everyone will know 'lol', but there are many more. I B T L means 'in before the lock', basically when a thread is so stupid we just wait for the mods (guys in charge) or editor (guy in charge, less power than mod) to lock the thread, meaning it can't be posted in. NOTE: I B T L is now a forbidden phrase. Do not use it. FTW stands for 'for the win', internet expression, if XYZ is really good, we say 'XYZ FTW!'. N00B is a derogatory term that refers to someone who is, or acts in a way that only new people would, e.g. being obnoxious, or not using this thread to ask questions. NOTE: N00B isn't the same as newb. newb is a new person, not necessarily a bad thing. /thread means endthread. If a thread is dull, useless or has had its question answered, people will say /thread, it never actually ends the thread (unfortunately) but it does show that people are uninterested. Bump is what you say when you wish to make an old thread appear on the front page. If you 'bump' a page from really far back it's called forum necromancy, which is bad. QFT means 'quoted for truth'. if someone really agrees with a statement someone else said, they will quote it and say QFT. Quoted for truth. ZOMG is a deliberate typo of the acronym OMG (oh my god), this probably originated from the fact that the 'z' button is located next to the shift button, which is usd to capslock OMG. tl;dr stands for too long; didn't read. If you post a wall of text (a long long speech with no paragraphing) or if your post is just too long, don't be surprised if people say tl;dr. Also, some people are very kind and make tl;dr versions of long posts, and sometimes people will ask for tl;dr versions of posts. Bryke is an abbreviation of Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the co-creators of Avatar.
Q: How old is *insert character name here*?Aang 12/112
Sokka 15
Katara 14
Toph 12
Zuko 16
Azula 14
Mai 15
Teo 13
Yue 16
Gran Gran 80
Koko 8
Bumi 112
Shyu 60
The Duke 8
Guru Pathik 150
The Herbalist 80
Chief Arnook 50
Hahn 17
Q: How do i make spoiler tabs?
A: (spoiler)insert text here(/spoiler) except instead of using (these brackets) you use [these brackets].
Q: How do i level up on TV.com?
A: Writing reviews, blogs, posts, making contributons to episodes, they will all help you level up. It's also worth noting that making a new thread will give you just as many points as posting in an old thread. So don't make new threads just to level up quickly. It won't work.
Q: How do i post pictures?
A: Either (IMG) insert image URL here (/IMG) (with []those brackets) or click on that tree in the options bar, put the URL in the first field, leave the others empty and press submit. NOTE: only level 3+ may post pictures.
Q: Where can i watch avatar episodes online?
A: Legally i can't give you nice answers like veoh or livevideo or www.theavatarportal.org , all i can legally say is turbonick, which s**ks for international folk (like me) who can't access it, what i can say is DO NOT VISIT watch-avatar.com, avatarchapters.net or any site that mentions 'zango'. It will download adware onto your computer, even if you decline, do not visit those sites, they make money off the back of the avatar fandom. which s**ks.
Q: Was Avatar affected by the writers' strike?A: No. the Avatar writers never went on strike, it would be kinda pointless to go on strike since the writers had finished writing the scripts before the strike even started.
Q: Will there be a Book 4: Air?
A: No, there will be no book 4, or any spinoff, at least until all 3 avatar live action movies are completed. Deal with it. Although Bryke have said they're considering some stuff. No matter what happens they've confirmed season 3 marks the end of Aang and Zuko's stories.
Q: There's going to be 3 avatar live action movies?
A: That's right, Manoj Night Shyalaman (he's a director, he made lady in the water, the village and several others) fell in love with the series, and is working closely with the creators of avatar to make 3 live action movies, one for each season. for more info check out 'The Last Airbender: Official Movie News and Discussion'.
Q: When did Iroh go into the spirit world/How will the airbenders be repopulated?
A: There is no definite answer. any answer you receive for these questions or similar ones is almost entirely speculation. Oh, and Bryke said we won't find out about Iroh's trip to the Spirit World in this series.
Q: Is Jet dead?
A: Yes. The creators confirmed that Jet was killed by Long Feng. He is never coming back. We will never see him again. Deal with it. Oh, and Zhao's dead too. Yeah I'm looking at you Noselfcontrol, face the truth.
Q: My question isn't answered here, what do i do?
A: Ask it in this thread! That's what it's here for! If it gets asked enough times i'll update this list of questions. But until then, this is the FAQ section. Hope it helped!
Edited 50 total times.