raienbrasa wrote: | ||||||
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
raienbrasa wrote: | ||||||
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||||||
latinblue wrote: | ||||||
exactly!! and me neither!! woooottt!!! yay you know spanish ??qui??n m??s hablara espa??ol por aqui? |
No, I don't speak alot of spanish (If that's what you asked). I'm still taking spanish 1, so I know grammer and some vocabulary, but I don't know past or future tense. Soon, though, I will be fluent in Spanish .
raienbrasa wrote: | ||||||||||
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||||||
Yeah, I thought it would mean "or" or "through". And you suck. I wish I had a 5-day weekend... What't the occasion?
latinblue wrote: |
Cool! now I can't unsult you in spanish XD |
latinblue wrote: | ||||||||||||
That's wierd. I know my friend's school does it where after summer vacation, you come back to school on a Friday. It's completely pointless, you might as well just wait three days.
raienbrasa wrote: | ||
Vocab is what kills me. Even in English, I'm bad with vocab.
SpiffyBacon wrote: | ||||||||||
Yeah, I thought it would mean "or" or "through". And you suck. I wish I had a 5-day weekend... What't the occasion? |
fudgemonkey10 wrote: |
If you have seen all of the episodes up to Sozin's Comet (meaning you'd have to be at the comic con to see EIP) you know that this isn't something that appears in any of the episodes. Meaning that this picture (below) is from the last episode. If you look closely, and if you think back on an interview with Mike and Bryan, and really think it through, you may find something sort of shocking. Look at the picture: In the series, it was confirmed that there will be no Zutara. This image does not appear in anything up to Sozin's comet. Look at Katara's face, also. It has the look of shocking and so big that no one can believe it's true, News. MY CONCLUSION: 1.) Someone is captured in the fire nation and may be imprisioned for life(again) OR, worse 2.) Aang dies I really hope it's not possibility #2! |
Zutara has not been confirmed to not happen. It's cemplete bulls**t. Mike and Bryan wouldn't let something like that slip.
SpiffyBacon wrote: | ||||
Vocab is what kills me. Even in English, I'm bad with vocab. |
SpiffyBacon wrote: | ||||||||||||||
That's wierd. I know my friend's school does it where after summer vacation, you come back to school on a Friday. It's completely pointless, you might as well just wait three days. |
latinblue wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
El 22 es dia del estudiante, verdad? |
fudgemonkey10 wrote: |
In the series, it was confirmed that there will be no Zutara. |
LeonMorado wrote: | ||
...pardon? |
member12 wrote: |
personally, it looks like zuko is like "wow, what did i just do? i really did just kill my dad?" lol. on the other hand, katara seems to be relieved of something and has tears of joy. |
raienbrasa wrote: | ||||
fudgemonkey10 wrote: |
If you have seen all of the episodes up to Sozin's Comet (meaning you'd have to be at the comic con to see EIP) you know that this isn't something that appears in any of the episodes. Meaning that this picture (below) is from the last episode. If you look closely, and if you think back on an interview with Mike and Bryan, and really think it through, you may find something sort of shocking. Look at the picture: In the series, it was confirmed that there will be no Zutara. This image does not appear in anything up to Sozin's comet. Look at Katara's face, also. It has the look of shocking and so big that no one can believe it's true, News. MY CONCLUSION: 1.) Someone is captured in the fire nation and may be imprisioned for life(again) OR, worse 2.) Aang dies I really hope it's not possibility #2! |