Hey whoa whoa hey, I was gone for a while but I came back now and am here to stay, I'm definitely coming back to post here in the Avatar forums after reading these last few posts here. Hey why remove me from the Ambassadors list? I think I make a good Ambassador, I think I have proven myself worthy of being helpful because I set up a committe for an animated tv show that is on Disney Channel.
The rules state here that you are in danger if you haven't posted here in a month, well I'm pretty sure the last time I posted here was April 8th, so technically it hasn't been a month yet.
Well on-topic was that Avatar Committee is great yeah and is good to spread around other committees for other tv shows, and this Avatar Signature Contest looks cool, how do I participate? I actually already have a pretty good signature right now. Bring on the Avatar epicness!
Oh yeah and here's proof that I created a loyalist Committee: http://www.tv.com/american-dragon-jake-long/show/26513/the-official-american-dragon-loyalist-committee./topic/12370-1271707/msgs.html