wow. OMG IM FREEEEEE i am so sorry i havnt been here in such a long time. i really apologise ive been really backed up with music exams and work and have had no time to do anything. on that note. whats everyone been up to. i see there has been a huge discussion about the movie and the refuge.
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Ok, Blaster made the ones for those who didn't want to read the finale book, Ross made this for those who wanted to stay on, Maddokos made one to stop trolling and newbies, i for the lulz made one to stop him from stopping trolling and newbies, then when blaster and others from the refuge started to troll here, Maddokos and I "joined forces" to report all their trolling so they wouldn't get some of our users banned, and, i think Libraman had a comitee himself too. Man we were so silly on those days XD though blaster sucked.
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Ok, Blaster made the ones for those who didn't want to read the finale book, Ross made this for those who wanted to stay on, Maddokos made one to stop trolling and newbies, i for the lulz made one to stop him from stopping trolling and newbies, then when blaster and others from the refuge started to troll here, Maddokos and I "joined forces" to report all their trolling so they wouldn't get some of our users banned, and, i think Libraman had a comitee himself too. Man we were so silly on those days XD though blaster sucked.
damn those trolls. I hate them, its good theyre banned.
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