Well not only for letting the prisoner's escape in Crossroads Of Destiny but another reason to Azula to??be angry at?? Mai and Ty Lee, is what happened in The Chase I don't think Azula was to happy with her two henchgirls, when she had the Avatar beat, when his friends showed up, Mai and Ty Lee were suppose to take care of the Avatar's traveling companions. I am sure when she meet back up with them, she let them have it verbally.
In Crossroads Of Destiny Toph was about to bend rocks at Mai, when she just let them take the bear, I don't blame her, I don't want to mess with Toph at that point, she was at all time high??in confidence and an emotional high when she discovered the ability to bent around metal, espcially for a worthless bear.
If Azula is going to be mad at Mai for letting the Earth King, his bear, Sokka, and Toph go, Mai should tell Azula "I am not fighting that crazy earth bender."
Edited on 03/25/2007 7:55pm
Edited 3 total times.