Is anyone else wondering about the baby, Hope? Like...I dunno, they seemed to zoom up on her a lot (someone mentioned this a couple posts back...), and there was obviously a huge emphasis placed on the theme of "Hope" in this tv movie.??Actually, the whole show has had that theme. For example:
??"But I haven't lost hope. I still believe the Avatar will return to save the world" as said by Katara in the pilot opening.
??Later, in "The Avatar Returns," Katara's Grandma says, "You have a long journey ahead of you. It's been so long since I've had hope, but you brought it back to life, my little waterbender."
??In Imprisoned, the Warden tells Katara, "You thought a few inspirational words and some coal would change these people? Look at these blank, hopeless faces. Their spirits were broken a long time ago. Oh? But you still believe in them"
Then in "The Storm," Katara says, "I know it's meant to be this way. The world needs you now. You give people hope."?? which ironically, Luitenant Jee also??says to Iroh, "So that's why he's so obsessed. Finding the Avatar is the only chance he has of things returning to normal." and Iroh replies, "Things will never return to normal. But the important thing is, the Avatar gives Zuko hope."
And now, in "The Serpent's Pass," the entrance says, "Abandon Hope," right? And then Aang says, "The monks used to say that hope is just a distraction. So maybe we do need to abandon it. Hope isn't going to get us into Ba Sing Se, and it's not gonna find Appa."??And??then later, (although I don't remember the exact quote" but when the baby is born, he says something along the lines of, "Seeing this family together, filled with's made me hopeful again."
I'm sure there are more references to Hope, but that's all I can think of at the top of my head. Because of this, I have a feeling this baby will be important. Whether it be important like, she grows up to be a really important character, or important as in she is symbolic of something like, "Hope is born" (haha, you can take that literally and symbollically. Genius, no?). Then again, maybe I'm just over-analyzing things...well, I just had to toss that in here and state my opinion. I'm not sure how many people agree with me, but whatever.