Buffy The Vampire Slayer:
Buffy: Katara/ genderbended Aang
Willow: Toph
Xander: Sokka
Angel: Zuko (LOL)
Spike: Jet (only without the great sense of humor in that way) (and a slight bit of zuko: especially in that episode where spike seems to have a really nice bond with Joyce Summers when actually planning to kill Buffy and stuff)
Anya: Mai/Suki/Ty lee
Dawn/Harmony: Ty Lee
Cordelia: Mai (hmmz...ah, well)/or Suki? orrr.....dang.
Rupert Giles: Iroh
Riley Finn: Haru
Darla/Drusilla/Glory: Azula
Principal Snyder: Long Feng
Andrew/Jonathan/and a third guy forgot his name: Foamy
Joyce Summers: Ursa/Kataras and Sokkas mom.
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