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Metal Bender?

  • Avatar of oppositehand


    [41]Oct 29, 2006
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    KilalaRose wrote:
    oppositehand wrote:
    hmmmm I wonder if the Dai Lee can bend metal? have you seen their gloves. they look very suspicious
    it's already been proven that allearthbenders can't bend metal.

    okay but the dai lee's gloves do seem to be of a stronger stone. I mean most earthbending I've seen usually deals with spherical stones when they get that small. the dai lee's gloves are more like flat oval stones and are of a dark substance . its kinda interesting and I believe requires further investigation
    Edited on 10/29/2006 9:30am
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  • Avatar of masterofaeons


    [42]Oct 29, 2006
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    Onyx, perhaps? Ebony? And Ivory?
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  • Avatar of litoterrapin


    [43]Oct 29, 2006
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    bobbee1 wrote:
    i think that this aminal was the closest aminal to get on sokka's nerves beside from momo the lumer??

    Teehee. "Aminal"...
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  • Avatar of someone198


    [44]Oct 29, 2006
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    "Earth Benders can't bend metal" is just an established law of physics for their universe. It's like wondering why Superman is harmed??by kryptonite or why each member of the Fantastic 4 was affected by the cosmic radiation the way they were. This is the danger of indulging in fanon; canon is occasionally perceived as incorrect if there's any possibility it could have been done a different way. Earth Benders can't bend metal, Water Benders can heal, Muggles with the slightest drop of wizard blood can still do magic, Vulcans??can render someone unconscious with a pinch to the neck, R2 units can't speak but other robots can... Could the writers have designed a world where Earth Benders could bend metal? Sure, but they didn't, so it doesn't work that way. If metal's imperviousness to Earth Bending doesn't make sense, it makes about as much sense as a girl becoming the moon, the existence of sea serpents and platypus-bears, and people with the ability to shoot fire and lightning out of their fingertips.

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  • Avatar of masterofaeons


    [45]Oct 29, 2006
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    Easy there, Randall. I think they get the point.
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  • Avatar of galvin9


    [46]Oct 30, 2006
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    WiseIroh wrote:
    loekynr1 wrote:
    you all talk like there arent any metal benders but im sure there are for what aang said in the epid\sode the drill.
    he literaly sais: i wish i was a metal bender!!! its probably not gonna be show in the series... but it could be shown... and it would be prety normal if they showed one... furthermore wouldnt a metalbender be a spinoff of an earthbender even though earthbenders can only bend natural metals??

    he didnt say " i whish i was a metal bender" you probably thought cosmo and wanda were just gonna pop out of novhere and grant him that wish? his corect quote is... "what i'd give to be a metal bender"

    lmao at fairly oddparents references, good call lol
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  • Avatar of loekynr1


    [47]Nov 12, 2006
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    WiseIroh wrote:
    loekynr1 wrote:
    you all talk like there arent any metal benders but im sure there are for what aang said in the epid\sode the drill.
    he literaly sais: i wish i was a metal bender!!! its probably not gonna be show in the series... but it could be shown... and it would be prety normal if they showed one... furthermore wouldnt a metalbender be a spinoff of an earthbender even though earthbenders can only bend natural metals??

    he didnt say " i whish i was a metal bender" you probably thought cosmo and wanda were just gonna pop out of novhere and grant him that wish? his corect quote is... "what i'd give to be a metal bender"

    ok i got that wrong. but that doesnt mean that metalbenders dont exist... and im not saying they can bend earth im only saying they are uuhhmmmmm how should i say it... distant cousins of earthbenders at least...
    and why should he go into every detail in the series... they didnt go into details in how the platypuss bear evolved or something either did they... let the fans have something to think about and invent stuff while they further design the world of avatar outside the series...

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  • Avatar of candygirl527


    [48]Nov 12, 2006
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    did u noe that earthbenders can bend earth, rock, crystal, sand, dirt, gems, minerals, and even rock candy! remember wat bumi did in the king of omashu?

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  • Avatar of MCMLXVI


    [49]Nov 12, 2006
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    candygirl527 wrote:
    earthbenders can bend earth, rock, crystal, sand, dirt, gems, minerals, and even rock candy!
    I want Aang to get fitted for some hard silicate/carbide shoes. Since he can't use earthbending, he'd airskate around and scratch up all that nice steel.
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  • Avatar of nopperabo


    [50]Nov 15, 2006
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    If the dai lee's gloves really were ebony that would be interesting since it would mean that earthbenders could create organic materials (ebony is a kind of wood) but then again if bumi's trap really was made of rock candy that would already provie it sice rock cand is made of sugar which is also organic. onyx is a possibly though black jasper??would ber better (mineralogial note onyx is a layered chalcedony (microcystlline quartz) as shoud have white stripes jasper is a massive??cryptocrztinne quartz (same as microchystiline) and??is somewhat more durable though both are very tough. However you would not want to use these in the presence of a firebender as??grey jasper is what we know of as flint, an you know what happen when flint hits steel.??I also just relized since it is made up of minerals (ground flint sulphur and such) shoulnt earbender be able to??create. bend ??gunpower? ????????
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  • Avatar of loekynr1


    [51]Nov 17, 2006
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    nopperabo wrote:
    If the dai lee's gloves really were ebony that would be interesting since it would mean that earthbenders could create organic materials (ebony is a kind of wood) but then again if bumi's trap really was made of rock candy that would already provie it sice rock cand is made of sugar which is also organic. onyx is a possibly though black jasper would ber better (mineralogial note onyx is a layered chalcedony (microcystlline quartz) as shoud have white stripes jasper is a massive cryptocrztinne quartz (same as microchystiline) and is somewhat more durable though both are very tough. However you would not want to use these in the presence of a firebender as grey jasper is what we know of as flint, an you know what happen when flint hits steel. I also just relized since it is made up of minerals (ground flint sulphur and such) shoulnt earbender be able to create. bend gunpower?

    uuhhmm could you speak english please
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  • Avatar of MCMLXVI


    [52]Nov 18, 2006
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    loekynr1 wrote:
    uuhhmm could you speak english please
    Or write it in your native language -- just inform us of which language, and how we can get a translation.
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  • Avatar of nopperabo


    [53]Nov 21, 2006
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    okay will try again this time in point form

    1. Ebony is a kind of wood. If the gloves are ebony it would mean that eartbenders are also able to bend wood and (presumably) other organic materials

    2. Onyx is a kind of stone, but onyx has white stripes so the gloves can be onyx. The can however be black jasper. onyx and jasper are mebers of the same mineral family??and are both made of of billions of tiny interlocked quartz crystals??(in onys these are in layers in jasper they aren't) Jasper would be a likely choice as it is very tough and durable. HOWEVER?? since flint is also a kind of jasper one would not want to use it in the presence of a firebender, since hitting the jasper on any hard surface (particularly metal) would create sparks which a firebender could presumably bend. (my personal glove guess is basalt)??

    Final question since gunpoweder is made of ground of minerals shoundn't earthbenders be able to bend it?

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  • Avatar of andrew1101


    [54]Nov 21, 2006
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    Metalbenders must be a sub class of earthbenders,if there is even a metalbender.The reason for this is because the avatar must learn each element of bending before the commet arrives,since the avatar will only be learning earth,fire,water,and air metalbending must either be a)a sub class of earthbending or b)there is no such thing as metalbending.
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  • Avatar of masterofaeons


    [55]Nov 21, 2006
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    nopperabo wrote:

    okay will try again this time in point form

    1. Ebony is a kind of wood. If the gloves are ebony it would mean that eartbenders are also able to bend wood and (presumably) other organic materials

    2. Onyx is a kind of stone, but onyx has white stripes so the gloves can be onyx. The can however be black jasper. onyx and jasper are mebers of the same mineral family and are both made of of billions of tiny interlocked quartz crystals (in onys these are in layers in jasper they aren't) Jasper would be a likely choice as it is very tough and durable. HOWEVER since flint is also a kind of jasper one would not want to use it in the presence of a firebender, since hitting the jasper on any hard surface (particularly metal) would create sparks which a firebender could presumably bend. (my personal glove guess is basalt)

    Final question since gunpoweder is made of ground of minerals shoundn't earthbenders be able to bend it?

    *Breaks into song*

    *agents carry me away*
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  • Avatar of HellsAngelxx


    [56]Nov 30, 2006
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    then earthbenders can also bend mud right?
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  • Avatar of MCMLXVI


    [57]Nov 30, 2006
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    HellsAngelxx wrote:
    then earthbenders can also bend mud right?
    Oh totally! Did you not you watch as Toph animated her mud mask in "The Tale of Toph & Katara".
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  • Avatar of Eman5805


    [58]Nov 30, 2006
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    One thing I can assume about metalbending, is it would be a pretty lethal techinque. Hurling a chunk of iron will cause alot more damage than hurling a chunch of stone. And there's always the making a blade and gutting someone like a fish...
    Edited on 11/30/2006 11:01am
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  • Avatar of MCMLXVI


    [59]Nov 30, 2006
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    Earthbenders should be able to bend gunpowder. Have they yet on the program? I'm not sure; what were the men doing in the beginning of chapter "The Avatar State" to ignite the fireworks?
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  • Avatar of UGamer08


    [60]Dec 2, 2006
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    Due to unfortunate circumstances, we are unable to bring you a crappy one-liner regarding the preconcieved notions regarding the prospect of bending metal. Please await, for the upcoming apocolypse followed by Dick Cheney's inauguration into office. That is is all.
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