Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Ya, like, totally! Zuko sooo did not deserve that crap! She thinks she's all that, like Paris Hilton, or something...
I hope she dies.
chentalsong wrote: |
Phew! I thought you'd be one of those people who'd curse me out and say how much you LUUUVVVV Katara. Isn't she a little old for Aang? |
MarryLarry wrote: |
Damn. My sarcasm key must be broken. |
_Flutterlight_ wrote: | ||
I guess they just don't make idiots the way they used to. |
dissapearing wrote: |
okkk...put yourself in katara's position: imagine having your mother taken away from you (and possibly killed) when you are just a child, and then being forced to "grow up", to take on responsiblility and to take care of everyone, to be a motherly figure, it's not katara's fault she ruins everyones fun or doesn't even know how to have fun herself. Im sure if that event didn't happen katara would be a lot more fun and free spirited, (not that way). Plus, about the age difference between her and aang, in the beginning aang was 12 and katara was like..what, 14? Now in the end (1 year later) aang is 13 and katara is 15. And if you consider aang being "gone" for 100 years that would make him 113, he's just immature for his age haha. |
Remember the old days when people didn't take threads like this seriously?
I miss them.
Alpha1Niner wrote: | ||||
_Flutterlight_ wrote: | ||
you 2 made me giggle 5/5
chentalsong wrote: |
You all suck. Except for the guy with the really long post. He rocks. |
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
Sheesh, they just stated their opinion, on a matter that ended quite some time ago. If you had made this thread around the times when 3X12+ (The Western Air Temple and above) aired, some people would've agreed with you though. IMO, she was a bit harsh to Zuko, although it was explained with Jet and Hakoda that she does hold a grudge, a big one, to whoever betrays her, so it was understandable that she would be MEAN (censorship lawlz) towards Zuko, but of course she changed her opinion of Zuko, and back to her nice common character again. |
Okay. They did not just "state thier opinion". They called me an idiot, which a hate.
chentalsong wrote: | ||||
Okay. They did not just "state thier opinion". They called me an idiot, which a hate. |
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||||
chentalsong wrote: | ||||||||