Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
ElJorro wrote: |
It is not, Aang is still alive, most of the earth kingdom is still free, they haven't completely conquered ba sing se yet and there is still the water tribe. No it is far from over. |
cjmg85 wrote: |
The capitol of the Earth Kingdom has fallen but that doesn't necessarily mean that the entire nation has... Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, Rome didn't fall in a day either. That being said, the war continues, though is looking extremely good for the fire nation right now, and the EK will fall completely without proper intervention soon. The gAang really better hurry up now! |
Miroku_of_Nite1 wrote: | ||
But Rome was sacked in three days in 410 AD. Many people consider this the end of the Western Roman Empire since the Western Roman Empire was effectively open to raids by Germanic tribes and rebellions and Rome was unable to do anything about it thus falling apart and being ruled by non Romans. Sure you could say it ended when Romulus Augustus went into retirement in 476 AD being he was of little importance to anyone. But for all intense and purposes it ended at the sack. |
Nalesnik wrote: | ||||
The Western Roman empire fell, but not the Eastern, the Eastern still survived for many more decades. But I agree that EK fell in pretty much a couple days. The FN pounding on the walls from the outisde did little to help overtake it. It was pretty much all Azula. |
To quote Aang:
"No, it's not over" (Plunges??into water)