FreakishChild wrote: |
What were you dorks expecting? The perfect show? I don't need to say anything about Avatar, that's already been done. But I'll admit this: Battlestar Galactica is my second favorite show in existence. It's wonderfully complex and realistic, the psycological depth and moral is fascinating, the graphics and settings are well worth the more-than-a-million bucks poured into development, ancient religion and good old storytelling tactics are used. The Quest archetypical plot takes form in the search for "Earth." But even then I admit it's nothing short of a soap opera in space. |
Well, yea I know, and I agree, nothing is or ever will be perfect, they bust their butts to make it as good as it is. I just wish they woul dgo back to how they did it in "Jet" "The Fortuneteller" and "The Deserter", those where very well done, not only animation wise (b...e...a...u...t...i...f...u...l) but plot wise. They were very good. And yes, to what someone said before, I got some ?'s too with the whole Dai Li situation. You'd think they'd be smarter than that to just say "Here you go Fire Nation Princess, Ba Sing Se all nice and wrapped up for you, yes we are well aware we will probably die for this." Omashu ran perfectley well without all the conspiracy in Ba Sing Se. As of the season finale, the plot seems to be getting back on track, I'm just sooooooooo glad we are finally leaving Ba Sing Se.