Hi there. I haven't been around for about a year now. I see there is a topic about the movie but I still feel this is different enough to post outside that topic. If I am worng and the mods feel this is out of place, I do apologize and will have no problem with you locking or deleting my topic and will continue my conversation in the proper thread. If I am totally out of place bringing this up here, then once again I apologize.
This message is for the people who are against the casting for one reason or another and are planning on boycotting the movie. First I will say that I am not trying to alienate anyone with discenting opinions. You are still more than welcome to voice your protests here. What I am doing here is discussing an option to those who wish to take it. I'm sure there has been plenty of discussion around this board about the casting controvercy so I won't take a lot of time restating what has probably been said 10 or even 100 times over on these bards already.
Avatar is undeniably influenced by Inuit, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanes, and Korean culture. In making this movie M. Night has taken what many fans have loved so much and twisted it into something almost unrecognizeable. Unless the water tribes are in fact white, this movie will also be another chapter in Hollywood's long embarrassing history of yellowfacing.
So for those of you who are disappointed, saddened, angered, or upset about this movie and plan on boycotting it or at the very least want the cast to be reconsidered, please consider signing this petition here: http://www.petitiononline.com/racebend/petition.html
Here is the full length petition letter: http://www.racebending.com/petition/letter.html
If you want to do somthing about it, here is something you can do!
Edited 2 total times.