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How would a bender respond?

  • Avatar of thatother1dude


    [1]Aug 8, 2006
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    topic about how you think a person with the personality of bender of each element would respond

    ex. being insulted

    Airbender: respond jokingly and brush it off

    Earthbender: ignore completely and move on??unfazed

    Firebender: respond by viciously tearing at the other person

    Waterbender: cleverly turn it around to insult the instigator

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  • Avatar of metalcurtainrod


    [2]Aug 8, 2006
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    Well the responses for earth benders that you put doesn't apply to Toph, or the Boulder...or any earthbender.
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  • Avatar of thatother1dude


    [3]Aug 8, 2006
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    you now what? I misassumed the last part of earthbender and that they would insult back and completely ignore??any other insult??other person said and the firebender would do it without giving them a chance to reply.

    The main character's personalities are different at almost the level of being the main characters of a school sitcom.

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  • Avatar of SapphireStones


    [4]Aug 8, 2006
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    Okay, i've got one:

    What if a bender was walking one day, and someone pushed them, gruffly saying, "Move it." What would they do?

    Air Bender: Keep walking, thinking that it's no big deal; they're probably just in a hurry...

    Earth Bender: Would say snappish response, such as, "Bite me, dirtbag, etc."

    Fire Bender: Would automatically bound onto the insulting pighead, throwing flames and screaming, "You DARE insult me, inferior beast?!"

    Water Bender: Would roll eyes and silently say, "Idiot," as walking onward.
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  • Avatar of thatother1dude


    [5]Aug 8, 2006
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    SapphireStones wrote:

    Fire Bender: Would automatically bound onto the insulting pighead, throwing flames and screaming, "You DARE insult me, inferior beast?!"

    They're not neseccarily a bender just act the way it mostly requires you to be (still REALLY funny though
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  • Avatar of SapphireStones


    [6]Aug 8, 2006
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    thatother1dude wrote:
    SapphireStones wrote:

    Fire Bender: Would automatically bound onto the insulting pighead, throwing flames and screaming, "You DARE insult me, inferior beast?!"

    They're not neseccarily a bender just act the way it mostly requires you to be (still REALLY funny though

    Thanks. I try.
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  • Avatar of thatother1dude


    [7]Aug 9, 2006
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    How about being shorted on change when they buy something.
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  • Avatar of thndrbndr


    [8]Aug 9, 2006
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    thatother1dude wrote:
    How about being shorted on change when they buy something.

    Air bender would say Keep the change

    Water bender would probably ask the person to pay the right amount

    Earthbender would demand it back

    Fire Bender would Insult the person and forcibly take it back

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  • Avatar of thatother1dude


    [9]Aug 9, 2006
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    Being told they need to step out of line in the airport for "a random inspection"
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  • Avatar of thndrbndr


    [10]Aug 9, 2006
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    thatother1dude wrote:
    Being told they need to step out of line in the airport for "a random inspection"

    Airbender: Oh Okay this wont take long will it

    Witerbender: Ugggh Im in a hurry make it quick

    Earthbender: What this isnt random Your just Benderist or Nationist or something like that.

    Firebender:?? Throws fire at the Metal detector, I dont think you want to frisk me now do you.

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  • Avatar of thatother1dude


    [11]Aug 9, 2006
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    How about getting a speeding ticket when you're going 3 over and had to go along with traffic?

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  • Avatar of F1ames


    [12]Aug 10, 2006
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    you know the reactions you guys have about the firebenders aren't necessaryily true. look at iroh, hes always calm and nice to ppl. in chapter 4 the swamp, when that guy took out his swords and slashed them at iroh and made him dance and in the end drop the gold piece on the ground, iroh responded by saying "such a kind man." it prob applies to zuko, ozai, or azula, but definitely not to iroh or even jeong jeong
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  • Avatar of KittyEmber


    [13]Aug 10, 2006
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    thatother1dude wrote:

    How about getting a speeding ticket when you're going 3 over and had to go along with traffic?

    Airbender: Prol'ly figure that it was fair enough
    Waterbender: Groan and roll their eyes- "Oh, don't worry, I'm just trying to get to something important is all, take your time..."
    Earthbender (namely Toph): Freak out and go into a long rant about how it was so not fair, they just had to keep up with traffic, you know, and why didn't everyone else get ticketed, etcetera. Hey, that's what I'd do, too!
    Firebender: Burn the police officer right on the spot.

    How about getting beaten on?
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  • Avatar of Hoshie26


    [14]Aug 10, 2006
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    What do you mean get beaten on?
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  • Avatar of KittyEmber


    [15]Aug 10, 2006
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    Like, having someone beat them up and/or insult them badly.
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  • Avatar of Budokaisp


    [16]Aug 10, 2006
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    Airbender: I beg your pardon?

    Waterbender: Get away from whoever is beating on them

    Earthbender: punch them back

    Firebender: Put them in a pit of oil and use firebending

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  • Avatar of Taang_Forever


    [17]Aug 10, 2006
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    Oh, i got one, mostly for female benders though. What if: they asked their boyfriend/husband/life partner if they looked fat in their dress, and they said yes?
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  • Avatar of aa_623


    [18]Aug 10, 2006
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    Here's some cheesey pick up lines:

    Waterbender: I can melt away your troubles...
    Earthbender: You want me to rock your world?
    Firebender: I must be seeing this, 'cause you're on fire!
    Airbender: Baby you blow me away...
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  • Avatar of Taang_Forever


    [19]Aug 10, 2006
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    I figured a firebender would say...

    Firebender: Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
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  • Avatar of Hoshie26


    [20]Aug 10, 2006
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    What if there was a play group and one of the ??kids??was being mean how would the moms react?
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