Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
the_yssa wrote: |
Yes, but it takes 11 months and $1,000,000 to make ONE epi! |
antlive831 wrote: |
in the eppisode "the southern air temple" aang goes into the avatar state. the temples in the fire nation and in the earthnation glow so does he one in the water nation. the waternation people and the temple looked nothing like the people of the northern water tribe or its temple. this was the same eppie withe the order of the avatars goofup. |
antlive831 wrote: | ||
indeed, if it did the show would now be about 35 years old. unless that was a hyperbole. |
Thanks Yss.?? Yeah it takes a??LONG time and a lot of money to make episodes.????I think the reason they're taking so long is so the avatar episode schedule can stay??on course.????They??may not be working on the next episode but??maybe after that episode's done with they'll have avatar every week.?? Who knows??at this point.?? All we know is it could be soon.????
Anyway I was thinking about the impending battle between the Firelord and Aang.?? It occured to??me that they have said the Firelord??started the war right?????It was Ozi that started the war.?? Then??Zuko alone screwed things up.?? If his father became firelord when he was only a young boy then how could he have been firelord for a hundred years!?? If I'm confused then some one straigten the facts please.
The_Rebell wrote: |
Thanks Yss.?? Yeah it takes a??LONG time and a lot of money to make episodes.????I think the reason they're taking so long is so the avatar episode schedule can stay??on course.????They??may not be working on the next episode but??maybe after that episode's done with they'll have avatar every week.?? Who knows??at this point.?? All we know is it could be soon.???? Anyway I was thinking about the impending battle between the Firelord and Aang.?? It occured to??me that they have said the Firelord??started the war right?????It was Ozi that started the war.?? Then??Zuko alone screwed things up.?? If his father became firelord when he was only a young boy then how could he have been firelord for a hundred years!?? If I'm confused then some one straigten the facts please. Thanks?? |
the_yssa wrote: | ||
Hello Ms. Yssa good day isn't it.
Colonel_Brian wrote: | ||||
Hello Ms. Yssa good day isn't it. |
In Bato of the Water Tribe, during a fight scene, we see just how limited the animation style is. For a split second you can clearly see Zuko drawn with three legs.
Phantom_Gurl wrote: |
In Bato of the Water Tribe, during a fight scene, we see just how limited the animation style is. For a split second you can clearly see Zuko drawn with three legs. |
neverbeenpinker wrote: |
episode twleve there was a big debate on the Ty Lee: Part Air Nomad? thread about her eyes changing color. plus, on that "a closer look" commercail that was on nick last weekend, it said that toph ws about 5'1'', but in one scene, where the pro-wressler girls were standing next to her, she was about half their hieght. which means, either that was a mess up in art, a mess up on the commercial, or the Earth Kingdom has 10 foot tall people. that's all i got. |