Here's my take on all the relationships out there (that are even worth mentioning) in Avatar: Kataang: Duh, obviously going to happen, Aang will never give his heart to any other girl, so this is the only relationship that can have Aang in it. Ha Taang fans. There's just been too much foreshadowing for this relationship. George: I think it'll happen "in the future", Sokka will never be able to replace Yue completely, there'll always be that little piece of ducktape over his heart, but he'll still love Suki. Toph: Poor girl can't think of any real relationship for her, Teo, eh, maybe, but probably not. Maybe just some random nice guy. Sorry Toph. Zuko: Poor guy, but no matter what anyone says, I really get the feel he's a loner. At least for a while. Like in T.B.S.S., he told Jin (uggghhh hated her) that "it was complicated", he's going through to much right now. Love is like the last thing on his mind. Maybe when he's an adult he'll find someone (NOT KATARA), but for now in his teenage years, he's a loner, a sad,??sexy loner. I liked Song, she sort of "completed" him in a way, you want "opposittes" Zutarians, Song and Zuko are perfect opposittes. So I guess I'm going for a in the future Zuong, or Suko(hehe that sounds funny) I'm also kinda out there for Mai and Zuko to get together. Don't ask why, I don't know either. Ty Lokka/Tokka: Uggggghhhh, noooooooooooo. If Katara and Aang can't get together becuase of age, then how the hell can Sokka and Toph????? katai: maybe Any other stupid ship: no comment ?? |