Many people have talked about trolls and how awful they can be. But what of the wise, nice, thoughtful poster? I propose that certain people be voted as Disciples of the Dragon in honor of the sincerity and dedication to THIS forum.
Disciples/OWLs Leaders:
Disciples/OWLs Creator: Ddendong116
Disciples/OWLs Ambassador: Wiselad
Assistant to the Ambassador: Dafoose
Disciples Disciplinary Panel:
Chief Justice: Ddendong116
The Fallen: *Banned*
The Old Guard: *Inactive*
Active Disciples:
Discipleship REVOKED:
***ATTENTION: The operations of the Disciples of the Dragons are being transferred to the Avatar mocVT Refuge. Elections will no longer be held here. All records will be transferred to the Refuge, and operations will continue there, albeit with some changes. This thread will stay here as a back-up for records. Updates to follow.*** (06/08/09)
***Congratulations are due to Ross93, _Flutterlight_, and Gilvatar for becoming our newest Disciples of the Dragon!*** (06/01/09)
***Following a review by the Disciple Disciplinary Panel, Kikithefiend has been reinstated as a Disciple.*** (05/30/09)
***The decision to suspend Kikithefiend's Discipleship is currently under review and may be overturned.*** (05/14/09)
***Kikithefiend's Discipleship has been revoked following an investigation on our sister site, The Refuge. He will NOT be eligible for nomination during the June elections (starting May 25) but will be eligible for nomination in the August Elections.*** (05/07/09)
***ATTENTION ALL DISCIPLES: In remembrance of the fallen, please put this in your signature. It replaces the Nales one:
***All Disciples, you are cordially invited to join the Avatar Refuge, created by WiseLad. For linkage, PM me or WiseLad. It's a great place to escape from the mod squad.***
This is the Disciple icon;
By: 4nationfury
*NOTE* When a disciple is elected, they will receive their icon via PM by the artist, personalized with their 'name' on it.
Here are some answers to some questions asked. Hopefully this helps.
Q: How do you become an official Disciple of the Dragon?
A: You must be elected by the forum public.
Q: So the title is temporary and switches out each month or so? Or, once elected as DD, you remain a DD?
A: You remain a Disciple for as long as you earn it. After the voting for who will become a new Disciple at the beginning of EVERY OTHER month, there will be vote to see if anyone thinks a current Disciple needs to have his or her status revoked. While we cannot go in and remove their icon, their name will be posted here so that everyone knows that they are no longer a Disciple. If they continue to keep the icon, not only will they be publicly shunned, but they will never be accepted for nomination again.
Q: People could easily steal the icon. How will we prevent this?
A: This is a big concern. However, when an icon is voted on, my associates and I will discuss with the artist how to keep the picture safe. On a side note, the winner will be able to have this icon in their sig at all times, albeit with "creator" somewhere on it.
Q: Can good trolls be owls, like reflectthestorm, or nicasso, i think they are very deserving, they entertain us with their off-topicness but never insult anyone.
A: I believe that this is the very problem i am trying to fix. they were only known as trolls because there was no other term to use. there is no such thing as a good troll. only trolls and owls. so yes, they are owls.
Q: I'm thinking a lot about what I'm posting.. Always.. But at some threads, I don't really know what to do.. For instance.. The adult Avatar thread is funny at some points.. but really sick at some other points.. If I respond to anything there or join in on the humor.. I wonder how far I could go.. I mean.. It's always fun and jokes but I feel uncomfortable if I join in on the fun somehow. A: I see your dilemma, and it is one that many people who are trying to do good in the world face. Just how bad is bad? Can I still have fun while adhering to the restrictions of kindness? While I cannot answer life's problems, yours is a bit simpler. As long as the fun is not directed to make fun of a person, race, religion, etc. than I see it as ok. But if someone gets offended, then you should back off. I hope this helps.
Q: Why 'owl'?
A: In all the fairy tales and ancient lore, the owl is the one people respect and go to for advice. Those are the qualities that define an Owl; you are respected for the good you do, your knowledge, and your politeness. Also, by Tomtitan's great suggestion, it now also stands for the Order of the White Lotus.
- A note on the voting process - The nominations will be held during the 25th and 26th of the ODD MONTHS(January, March, May, July, September and November) in a thread on the normal board. You will post who you think is Disciple worthy. And the reasons you think that possible candidate is an example of owlistic manners Then, the nominations will close, and the DOD will decide if all candidates are Disciple worthy, and post that list in a new thread;and at that time the voting will begin, lasting 2 days(27th and 28th) where you vote for 3 of the listed candidates. After 2 days, the top five (but it might include more if some are tied for 5th) will go onto another vote also on said thread. This voting will go on for 2 day(29th and 30th) where you vote for ONE of the 5 finalists, and the top 3 will be given the rank of Disciple(with exception that if there are 2 or more tied for 3rd place, in which case a 1 day special voting will be held for those tied for 3rd place). The icons will be distributed. The whole process takes usually 6 to 7 Days. The next day is when the nominations for impeachment will be held. This process will take FOUR days, on said thread. The first day is for nominations. The second day is the voting. Anyone with 15 or more votes against them will be impeached. Those impeached will have 2 days to remove their icon before their candidacy for future nominations is revoked. Their names will be posted HERE on THIS POST.
-I believe that to be a Disciple, most everyone needs to know who you are for the GOOD that you have done. this will NOT be a popularty contest. Also, becoming a Disciple takes time. THIS WILL NOT BE A POPULARITY CONTEST! Achieving Disciple status takes time.
-Also, just to clarify, an Owl is just the standard term, like troll. but a Disciple is special, and specific to this forum
A Note On Disciple Discipline
On May 7th, 2009, there was a sudden need for a Disciple Disciplinary Panel. It consisted of the Disciples'/OWL's Ambassador (Wiselad), his Assistant (Dafoose), and myself, DDenDong116. Resulting from this emergency, I have constructed a set of rules that will be adhered during a Disciplinary hearing.
1) The Disciple in question will be labeled as "Under Review", meaning that they are being investigated for whatever action they are accused of.
2) There are four possible results of a Review by the Disciples' Disciplinary Panel:
a.) Acquittal = The Disciple is cleared of all charges.
b.) Official Warning = The Disciple is given a 'yellow card': one more infraction and they will lose their Discipleship.
c.) Suspension = The Disciple loses their Discipleship and will not be elible for nomination in the next election. They will be eligible in the second election from their conviction.
b.) Banishment = The Disciple loses their Discipleship and will NEVER be eligble for nomination again.
-One should note that a Disciple can come under review for actions OUTSIDE OF TV.COM.
-When a Disciple is Suspended or Banished, they are required to delete their Disciple badge from their signature.
-->Their name will be displayed in the Discipleship REVOKED section.
-During the time that the Disciple is under review, his or her name will be displayed under the 'PENDING' heading on the status list. Likewise, if the Suspension/Banishment decision is overturned, his or her name will be displayed under the 'PENDING' heading until the Disciple is notified.
-Hearings will take place at the Refuge only, as some of our Disciples are no longer able to access this site.
Pooldude256 wrote: |
Keep up the fine submissions guys! This sounds like a fun project and would like to see it succeed! |
*bows to pooldude* We thank you, almighty moderator, for your support of this thread.
I would like to thank, for their support of this idea from its very birth on a remote (and now seemingly extinct) topic,
and, of course,
and anyone else I have forgotten! Thanks for all your support!
(*I will update THIS post as much as possible so you dont have to go searching through the thread for answers*)
(*If you have any questions as to what a Disciple of the Dragon is, you can pm me.*)
Edited 112 total times.