Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
- Unagi+ momo
Appa 9Bosco 11Flopsy 10Miyuki the Cat 10Momo 11Shirshu 10Shine the Penguin 9 Roku's Dragon 10Unagi 10Foo foo cudly poops 10
-Foo foo cudly poops +Shine the Penguin
Appa 9Bosco 9Flopsy 10Miyuki the Cat 10Momo 11Shirshu 10Shine the Penguin??11 Roku's Dragon 10Unagi 10Foo foo cudly poops 9
- Appa + Momo
Appa 7Bosco 10Flopsy 10Miyuki the Cat 11Momo 12Shirshu 10Shine the Penguin 11Roku's Dragon 10Unagi 10Foo foo cudly poops 9
Just a friendly thought..try not to knock anyone out yet...I would feel bad if that was me ....cya
Appa 6Bosco 10Flopsy 11Miyuki the Cat 11Momo 12Shirshu 10Shine the Penguin 11Roku's Dragon 10Unagi 10Foo foo cudly poops 9
+Roku's Drangon -Bosco
Appa 6Bosco 9Flopsy 11Miyuki the Cat 11Momo 12Shirshu 10Shine the Penguin 11Roku's Dragon 11Unagi 10Foo foo cudly poops 9
+Flopsy?? -Bosco
Appa 7Bosco 7Flopsy 12Miyuki the Cat 11Momo 12Shirshu 10Shine the Penguin 11Roku's Dragon 11Unagi 10Foo foo cudly poops 9
+ Roku Drangon -Unagi
Appa 6Bosco 7Flopsy 12Miyuki the Cat 11Momo 12Shirshu 10Shine the Penguin 11Roku's Dragon 11Unagi 9Foo foo cudly poops 10