[aang and??appa are??being chased by zuko and his men. one group has appa cornered in a dead-end alley. aang is just running around dodging fireballs looking for appa.]
zuko: you can't run forever, avatar! [shoots another fireball]
[aang finds appa, who is backing into the wall. aang hides behind appa.]
zuko: you honestly think we won't find you there, hiding behind your bison?
[the soldiers surround appa. aang is nowhere to be seen.]
zuko: where is he? where is the avatar?!?!
soldier: i ... i don't know, sir. [the other soldiers are searching appa, but still don't find aang] should we detain the bison?
zuko: no, leave him. there's no point, not without the avatar. search the outskirts of town! do not let him escape.
[the soldiers leave. when they're all gone, aang emerges from under appa's tail.]
aang: whew, that was a close one, buddy. thank god they don't know you're actually a girl bison.
[appa makes grunting noises]
aang: actually, it's pretty warm in there, i'm going back in.??just try not to ... you know ... while i'm in there, ok?
Edited on 12/10/2006 1:35pm
Edited 4 total times.