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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of louzer900


    [3521]Feb 29, 2008
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    -thread is in a hospital- CLEAR! -zap- LIVE THREAD!! LIIIIVVVEEEE! CLEAR! -zap-
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  • Avatar of jadeflower82


    [3522]Feb 29, 2008
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    It's been a very long time since I posted anything on the TV.com forums, much less the ATLA section:!

    I noticed the words life and this thread in particular have been mentioned in reference with each other, and thought I'd tried to help with the resuscitation

    *Takes place during DOBS, scene with Zuko confronting Ozai*

    Zuko: I tried so f****** hard to be the son you wanted me to be, but all I got from you was s***. You fried my face, told me I didn't belong in my own kingdom and sent me packing, giving me pipe dreams that I could come back if I brought you the f****** Avatar, you scared away mom with just how f****** ugly you are, when I failed you in bringing you your precious f****** Avatar, you sent my f****** sister on a witch hunt for me, and after all that S***, you still don't love me or respect me. For that, I'm gonna take you down...HARD.

    *From elsewhere* Aang: Hey! I thought that was my destiny to take him down!

    Cut Cut!! Zuko---first off, Aang's right; you're not supposed to make threats of death to the Firelord. Second: cut the cursing. Now, again from the top.

    *starting scene again*

    Ozai: You have---

    Zuko: You were never a real father for me. You think I'm a f****** screwup, Ozai, but I'm not the screwup. You're the f****** screwup!


    Ozai: I'm the scewup??!! You're the one who can't even speak your lines right! If anyone here is the screwup, you are.

    Sokka *off screen*: You know something's not quite right when the Firelord actually starts to make sense....

    Zuko: Fine, I've had it! I can't take this right now! If anyone needs me, I'll be off screwing with Katara.


    Toph: Now there's something I wasn't expecting.

    Azula: I was

    Not exactly supremo, but it just kinda came to me


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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3523]Mar 1, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    new avatar in the city episode! i'm going to use a totally 100% original, never before seen in sitcom plot for an episode! seriously, it's like, entirely my idea, and it's genius! remember *cl* stands for *canned laughter*, the kind you see in sitcoms that's so obviously fake.

    aang: hey sokka! check this out! *aang points to a huge metal box*
    sokka: a box?
    aang: not just any box, a bending-proof box!
    sokka: a bending-proof box?
    aang: that's right, it's 100% fireproof, impervious to earth, air and water-based attacks, and 100% free of earthen impurities.
    sokka: so what's it for?
    aang: capturing criminals who bend, durr!
    sokka: great...
    aang: anyway, i gotta go, i've got a da-i err mean..i gotta go do..avatar stuff, yeah, sure, ehehe..
    sokka: *he glares at aang*
    aang: okay i'm on a date with your sister!
    sokka: *continues glaring*
    aang: okay she doesn't know it's a date!
    sokka: *keeps glaring*
    aang: okay it's not a date! sheesh!
    sokka: *still glaring*
    aang: what? what else do i need to say?
    sokka: nothing, i was just hoping you would admit something else!
    aang: anyway, seeya!
    *aang leaves*
    sokka: well, it looks like i have the whole apartment to myself! so, what should i do? hmm...
    *sokka sits on the couch, we see a clock change from 12:30 to 2:25, we then see sokka, still sitting in the exact same position, canned laughter esues*
    sokka: okay i'm bored.
    *zuko walks in*
    sokka: zuko!
    zuko: what?
    sokka: i'm so bored! please help me!
    zuko: no! i'm just here to pick up my...err...umm...manly..thing...
    sokka: your dolls are on the table.
    zuko: they're action figures! action figures!
    sokka: whatever. hey, is mai still up for that double date tonight?
    zuko: totally, is suki still okay?
    sokka: yup, this is going to be awesome!
    zuko: i'm so excited! this is so cool!
    sokka: yeah i know!
    zuko: what's with the box?
    sokka: oh, that's just some bending-proof jail cell, don't touch it, it's aang's.
    zuko: pff, bending-proof? i doubt that!
    sokka: no apparently it's 100% fireproof and impervious to bending attacks.
    zuko: yeah right! i'll bet i can escape from it!
    sokka: you cannot!
    zuko: can too! c'mon!
    *zuko drags sokka inside the large metal prison cell*
    sokka: zuko i don't think we should-
    zuko: quiet sokka! this is going to be awesome! *he closes the door*
    sokka: why'd you do that?
    zuko: to prove to you that i can escape from it!
    sokka: but what if you can't?
    zuko: relax. it's not locked. see? *zuko kicks the door, it doesn't budge*
    sokka: yeah i'm guessing it locks itself when closed.
    zuko: well why didn't you tell me?
    sokka: i didn't know! anyway, try firebending us out!
    zuko: right, here goes! KYAA!!*zuko shoots a huge fireblast at the box, nothing happens*
    sokka: we're free! oh wait, no, we're not! *cl*
    zuko: shut it! i will get us out! KYAAAAAAAAAA! *zuko shoots an even bigger fireblast at the box, once again, the box remains intact*
    sokka: well that did so much! *cl*
    zuko: i said shut it! KYAA! *fireball* KYAA! *fireball*
    zuko: (weakly) kiyaa. kiyaa. kiyaa.... yeah i think we're stuck.
    sokka: oh, really?

    to be continued.


    zuko: *continuously banging head against wall* ow..*smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *smack* ow..
    sokka: oh would you stop doing that! it's bad enough that i'm stuck in here with you without you smacking your head continuously against the wall!
    zuko: ok fine, i'll stop!
    sokka: oh this is bad, this is real bad! i mean, our double date is in an hour! even if we get out right now we still have to wash and change and shower and-
    zuko: dude, would you please stop panicking?
    sokka: no, i will continue to panic!
    sokka: i mean, what will suki and mai do if we stand them up? they'll go mental!
    zuko: chill, we'll just tell them the truth!
    sokka: oh okay, so we'll just go up to them and say 'hey girls, we couldn't make the date because we were stuck in a huge metal box!' yeah that'll go down well!
    zuko: i know, won't it?
    sokka: oh i was being sarcastic!
    sokka: i mean, they'll probably say something like (he makes a mock girly voice) 'you two were very bad for standing us up! we're going to break up with you and date jocks!'
    zuko: jocks?
    sokka: did i say that?
    zuko: this happened to you in high school didn't it?
    sokka: she went off with the kuai ball captain! i couldn't make the date because i got my foot stuck in a rock on the way over but noo, she couldn't believe that!
    sokka: wait, weren't you the kuai ball captain in high school?
    zuko: yeah, she was such a great kisser!
    sokka: oh that's it! you're going to pay for that! come here! *sokka grabs zuko and starts strangling him*
    *cl ensues*
    zuko: stop! stop! we'll never get out if we don't co-operate!
    sokka: you're right! now let's think.
    *time lapse*
    zuko: yeah i got nothing!
    sokka: me too!
    zuko: we should at least do something to pass the time!
    sokka: like what?
    zuko: i've got it! the alphabet game! i say something that starts with an a, then you say something with a b and we go on like that!
    sokka: oh that sounds like a great idea, for 3 year olds!
    zuko: great, i'll start! umm... avatar
    sokka: bending.
    zuko: kuai ball.
    sokka: that starts with a k!
    zuko: no it doesn't!
    sokka: hello! spelling bee champ 5 years running!
    zuko: ah yes, i forgot, the golden dork award!
    sokka: that's the golden bee award to you mister!
    female voice: hello, anyone there?
    zuko: oh, someone's come to save us!
    sokka: in here! who is it?
    katara: it's me, katara!
    zuko: awesome, it's your hot sister!
    sokka: eew! you stay away from my sister!
    zuko: oh like i want to date her! have you seen her PMSing?
    sokka: too many times my friend, too many times!
    zuko: besides, you let aang date her!
    sokka: please, like he's actually dating her!
    katara: i can hear everything you're saying! now let's get you out of there!
    *katara tries to use her waterbending to cut open the box, she fails*
    katara: oh, this might be a problem.
    sokka: aww geez!
    katara: i'll go get aang!
    sokka: you do that.
    *katara leaves*
    zuko: she's not coming back is she?
    sokka: no chance.

    *at the restaurant*
    suki: hey mai! you look nice tonight! have you seen the boys?
    mai: no, no sign of them anywhere!
    suki: well let's sit down and wait.
    *they sit*
    *awkward silence*

    *in the box*
    sokka: oh i bet they're already at the restaurant by now!
    zuko: what can we do? we're stuck in here!
    toph: sounds like you need help!
    sokka: toph! i've never been happier to hear your voice! metalbend us out! quickly!
    toph: here goes!
    *tries to bend the metal*
    toph: uh-oh!
    zuko: uh-oh? what uh-oh? what's the uh-oh?
    toph: there's no earth in this to bend!
    zuko+sokka: uh-oh!

    teo: hey girls!
    suki: oh, hi.. teo is it?
    teo: that's right, me and my friend haru were in the area and we saw you two sitting by yourselves.
    haru: (abridged voice) two women of such beauty as youselves shouldn't be alone at night! please, let us sit with you!
    mai: whatever.
    teo: so....you come here often!

    zuko: i spy with my little eye...
    zuko: something beginning with 'm'.
    sokka: is it...METAL?
    zuko: you're good at this! your turn!

    teo: so then i said, that's no arctic hen, that's my wheelchair!
    *they all laugh, along to cl in the background*
    haru: true story!
    suki: you guys are soo funny!
    mai: yeah, can you get us some more soda?
    teo: sure thing!
    *teo and haru leave the table*
    suki:......................let's ditch 'em!
    mai: right behind you!
    *they run*

    katara: right here aang!
    sokka: katara! you came back!
    toph: they're stuck in here! even i can't bend them out!
    aang: okay, they can't bust out.... they're trapped.
    zuko: yeah can you get us out?
    aang: hmm, looks like they're stuck. who wants pizza?
    katara: oh i love pizza!
    toph: me too!
    aang: let's go!
    *they leave*
    sokka: wait! i like pizza!
    zuko: aww shut up! *nudges sokka*
    *sokka nudges back*
    *zuko nudges back*
    *sokka nudges back*
    *the nudging escalates into slapfighting, the fighting causes teh box to roll around, eventually crashing out of teh window and falling two stories onto the ground below*
    sokka: awful!
    zuko: bad!
    sokka: catastrophic!
    zuko: dreadful!
    sokka: enfuriating!
    zuko: f****ng nnoying!
    sokka: ghastly!
    zuko: horrific!
    sokka: indecent!
    *they go on*

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  • Avatar of shadowysea07


    [3524]Mar 1, 2008
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    that made me hungry
    Edited on 03/01/2008 8:19am
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  • Avatar of louzer900


    [3525]Mar 1, 2008
    • member since: 02/13/08
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    • posts: 235

    tomtitan wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    new avatar in the city episode! i'm going to use a totally 100% original, never before seen in sitcom plot for an episode! seriously, it's like, entirely my idea, and it's genius! remember *cl* stands for *canned laughter*, the kind you see in sitcoms that's so obviously fake. aang: hey sokka! check this out! *aang points to a huge metal box* sokka: a box? *cl* aang: not just any box, a bending-proof box! sokka: a bending-proof box? aang: that's right, it's 100% fireproof, impervious to earth, air and water-based attacks, and 100% free of earthen impurities. sokka: so what's it for? aang: capturing criminals who bend, durr! *cl* sokka: great... aang: anyway, i gotta go, i've got a da-i err mean..i gotta go do..avatar stuff, yeah, sure, ehehe.. *cl* sokka: *he glares at aang* aang: okay i'm on a date with your sister! *cl* sokka: *continues glaring* aang: okay she doesn't know it's a date! *cl* sokka: *keeps glaring* aang: okay it's not a date! sheesh! sokka: *still glaring* aang: what? what else do i need to say? sokka: nothing, i was just hoping you would admit something else! *cl* aang: anyway, seeya! *aang leaves* sokka: well, it looks like i have the whole apartment to myself! so, what should i do? hmm... *sokka sits on the couch, we see a clock change from 12:30 to 2:25, we then see sokka, still sitting in the exact same position, canned laughter esues* sokka: okay i'm bored. *zuko walks in* sokka: zuko! zuko: what? sokka: i'm so bored! please help me! zuko: no! i'm just here to pick up my...err...umm...manly..thing... sokka: your dolls are on the table. *cl* zuko: they're action figures! action figures! *cl* sokka: whatever. hey, is mai still up for that double date tonight? zuko: totally, is suki still okay? sokka: yup, this is going to be awesome! zuko: i'm so excited! this is so cool! sokka: yeah i know! *cl* zuko: what's with the box? sokka: oh, that's just some bending-proof jail cell, don't touch it, it's aang's. zuko: pff, bending-proof? i doubt that! sokka: no apparently it's 100% fireproof and impervious to bending attacks. zuko: yeah right! i'll bet i can escape from it! sokka: you cannot! zuko: can too! c'mon! *zuko drags sokka inside the large metal prison cell* sokka: zuko i don't think we should- zuko: quiet sokka! this is going to be awesome! *he closes the door* sokka: why'd you do that? zuko: to prove to you that i can escape from it! sokka: but what if you can't? zuko: relax. it's not locked. see? *zuko kicks the door, it doesn't budge* *cl* sokka: yeah i'm guessing it locks itself when closed. zuko: well why didn't you tell me? *cl* sokka: i didn't know! anyway, try firebending us out! zuko: right, here goes! KYAA!!*zuko shoots a huge fireblast at the box, nothing happens* *cl* sokka: we're free! oh wait, no, we're not! *cl* zuko: shut it! i will get us out! KYAAAAAAAAAA! *zuko shoots an even bigger fireblast at the box, once again, the box remains intact* sokka: well that did so much! *cl* zuko: i said shut it! KYAA! *fireball* KYAA! *fireball* *timelapse* zuko: (weakly) kiyaa. kiyaa. kiyaa.... yeah i think we're stuck. sokka: oh, really? *cl* to be continued.
    continuation... zuko: *continuously banging head against wall* ow..*smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *cl* sokka: oh would you stop doing that! it's bad enough that i'm stuck in here with you without you smacking your head continuously against the wall! *cl* zuko: ok fine, i'll stop! sokka: oh this is bad, this is real bad! i mean, our double date is in an hour! even if we get out right now we still have to wash and change and shower and- zuko: dude, would you please stop panicking? sokka: no, i will continue to panic! *cl* sokka: i mean, what will suki and mai do if we stand them up? they'll go mental! zuko: chill, we'll just tell them the truth! sokka: oh okay, so we'll just go up to them and say 'hey girls, we couldn't make the date because we were stuck in a huge metal box!' yeah that'll go down well! zuko: i know, won't it? sokka: oh i was being sarcastic! *cl* sokka: i mean, they'll probably say something like (he makes a mock girly voice) 'you two were very bad for standing us up! we're going to break up with you and date jocks!' *cl* zuko: jocks? sokka: did i say that? zuko: this happened to you in high school didn't it? sokka: she went off with the kuai ball captain! i couldn't make the date because i got my foot stuck in a rock on the way over but noo, she couldn't believe that! *cl* sokka: wait, weren't you the kuai ball captain in high school? *cl* zuko: yeah, she was such a great kisser! *cl* sokka: oh that's it! you're going to pay for that! come here! *sokka grabs zuko and starts strangling him* *cl ensues* zuko: stop! stop! we'll never get out if we don't co-operate! sokka: you're right! now let's think. *time lapse* zuko: yeah i got nothing! sokka: me too! zuko: we should at least do something to pass the time! sokka: like what? zuko: i've got it! the alphabet game! i say something that starts with an a, then you say something with a b and we go on like that! sokka: oh that sounds like a great idea, for 3 year olds! *cl* zuko: great, i'll start! umm... avatar sokka: bending. zuko: kuai ball. sokka: that starts with a k! zuko: no it doesn't! sokka: hello! spelling bee champ 5 years running! zuko: ah yes, i forgot, the golden dork award! *cl* sokka: that's the golden bee award to you mister! *cl* female voice: hello, anyone there? zuko: oh, someone's come to save us! sokka: in here! who is it? katara: it's me, katara! zuko: awesome, it's your hot sister! *cl* sokka: eew! you stay away from my sister! zuko: oh like i want to date her! have you seen her PMSing? *cl* sokka: too many times my friend, too many times! zuko: besides, you let aang date her! sokka: please, like he's actually dating her! *cl* katara: i can hear everything you're saying! now let's get you out of there! *katara tries to use her waterbending to cut open the box, she fails* katara: oh, this might be a problem. sokka: aww geez! *cl* katara: i'll go get aang! sokka: you do that. *katara leaves* zuko: she's not coming back is she? sokka: no chance. *cl* *at the restaurant* suki: hey mai! you look nice tonight! have you seen the boys? mai: no, no sign of them anywhere! suki: well let's sit down and wait. *they sit* *awkward silence* *in the box* sokka: oh i bet they're already at the restaurant by now! zuko: what can we do? we're stuck in here! toph: sounds like you need help! sokka: toph! i've never been happier to hear your voice! metalbend us out! quickly! toph: here goes! *tries to bend the metal* toph: uh-oh! zuko: uh-oh? what uh-oh? what's the uh-oh? toph: there's no earth in this to bend! zuko+sokka: uh-oh! *cl* teo: hey girls! suki: oh, hi.. teo is it? teo: that's right, me and my friend haru were in the area and we saw you two sitting by yourselves. haru: (abridged voice) two women of such beauty as youselves shouldn't be alone at night! please, let us sit with you! mai: whatever. teo: so....you come here often! zuko: i spy with my little eye... sokka: *cl* zuko: something beginning with 'm'. sokka: is it...METAL? zuko: you're good at this! your turn! teo: so then i said, that's no arctic hen, that's my wheelchair! *they all laugh, along to cl in the background* haru: true story! suki: you guys are soo funny! mai: yeah, can you get us some more soda? teo: sure thing! *teo and haru leave the table* suki:......................let's ditch 'em! mai: right behind you! *they run* katara: right here aang! sokka: katara! you came back! toph: they're stuck in here! even i can't bend them out! aang: okay, they can't bust out.... they're trapped. zuko: yeah can you get us out? aang: hmm, looks like they're stuck. who wants pizza? *cl* katara: oh i love pizza! toph: me too! aang: let's go! *cl* *they leave* sokka: wait! i like pizza! *cl* zuko: aww shut up! *nudges sokka* *sokka nudges back* *zuko nudges back* *sokka nudges back* *the nudging escalates into slapfighting, the fighting causes teh box to roll around, eventually crashing out of teh window and falling two stories onto the ground below* sokka: awful! zuko: bad! sokka: catastrophic! zuko: dreadful! sokka: enfuriating! zuko: f****ng nnoying! sokka: ghastly! zuko: horrific! sokka: indecent! *they go on* end.

    y does that sound so familier......-ponders awhile- do u happen 2 be a fan of drake and josh? hmm?

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  • Avatar of shadowysea07


    [3526]Mar 1, 2008
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    louzer900 wrote:

    tomtitan wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    new avatar in the city episode! i'm going to use a totally 100% original, never before seen in sitcom plot for an episode! seriously, it's like, entirely my idea, and it's genius! remember *cl* stands for *canned laughter*, the kind you see in sitcoms that's so obviously fake. aang: hey sokka! check this out! *aang points to a huge metal box* sokka: a box? *cl* aang: not just any box, a bending-proof box! sokka: a bending-proof box? aang: that's right, it's 100% fireproof, impervious to earth, air and water-based attacks, and 100% free of earthen impurities. sokka: so what's it for? aang: capturing criminals who bend, durr! *cl* sokka: great... aang: anyway, i gotta go, i've got a da-i err mean..i gotta go do..avatar stuff, yeah, sure, ehehe.. *cl* sokka: *he glares at aang* aang: okay i'm on a date with your sister! *cl* sokka: *continues glaring* aang: okay she doesn't know it's a date! *cl* sokka: *keeps glaring* aang: okay it's not a date! sheesh! sokka: *still glaring* aang: what? what else do i need to say? sokka: nothing, i was just hoping you would admit something else! *cl* aang: anyway, seeya! *aang leaves* sokka: well, it looks like i have the whole apartment to myself! so, what should i do? hmm... *sokka sits on the couch, we see a clock change from 12:30 to 2:25, we then see sokka, still sitting in the exact same position, canned laughter esues* sokka: okay i'm bored. *zuko walks in* sokka: zuko! zuko: what? sokka: i'm so bored! please help me! zuko: no! i'm just here to pick up my...err...umm...manly..thing... sokka: your dolls are on the table. *cl* zuko: they're action figures! action figures! *cl* sokka: whatever. hey, is mai still up for that double date tonight? zuko: totally, is suki still okay? sokka: yup, this is going to be awesome! zuko: i'm so excited! this is so cool! sokka: yeah i know! *cl* zuko: what's with the box? sokka: oh, that's just some bending-proof jail cell, don't touch it, it's aang's. zuko: pff, bending-proof? i doubt that! sokka: no apparently it's 100% fireproof and impervious to bending attacks. zuko: yeah right! i'll bet i can escape from it! sokka: you cannot! zuko: can too! c'mon! *zuko drags sokka inside the large metal prison cell* sokka: zuko i don't think we should- zuko: quiet sokka! this is going to be awesome! *he closes the door* sokka: why'd you do that? zuko: to prove to you that i can escape from it! sokka: but what if you can't? zuko: relax. it's not locked. see? *zuko kicks the door, it doesn't budge* *cl* sokka: yeah i'm guessing it locks itself when closed. zuko: well why didn't you tell me? *cl* sokka: i didn't know! anyway, try firebending us out! zuko: right, here goes! KYAA!!*zuko shoots a huge fireblast at the box, nothing happens* *cl* sokka: we're free! oh wait, no, we're not! *cl* zuko: shut it! i will get us out! KYAAAAAAAAAA! *zuko shoots an even bigger fireblast at the box, once again, the box remains intact* sokka: well that did so much! *cl* zuko: i said shut it! KYAA! *fireball* KYAA! *fireball* *timelapse* zuko: (weakly) kiyaa. kiyaa. kiyaa.... yeah i think we're stuck. sokka: oh, really? *cl* to be continued.
    continuation... zuko: *continuously banging head against wall* ow..*smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *cl* sokka: oh would you stop doing that! it's bad enough that i'm stuck in here with you without you smacking your head continuously against the wall! *cl* zuko: ok fine, i'll stop! sokka: oh this is bad, this is real bad! i mean, our double date is in an hour! even if we get out right now we still have to wash and change and shower and- zuko: dude, would you please stop panicking? sokka: no, i will continue to panic! *cl* sokka: i mean, what will suki and mai do if we stand them up? they'll go mental! zuko: chill, we'll just tell them the truth! sokka: oh okay, so we'll just go up to them and say 'hey girls, we couldn't make the date because we were stuck in a huge metal box!' yeah that'll go down well! zuko: i know, won't it? sokka: oh i was being sarcastic! *cl* sokka: i mean, they'll probably say something like (he makes a mock girly voice) 'you two were very bad for standing us up! we're going to break up with you and date jocks!' *cl* zuko: jocks? sokka: did i say that? zuko: this happened to you in high school didn't it? sokka: she went off with the kuai ball captain! i couldn't make the date because i got my foot stuck in a rock on the way over but noo, she couldn't believe that! *cl* sokka: wait, weren't you the kuai ball captain in high school? *cl* zuko: yeah, she was such a great kisser! *cl* sokka: oh that's it! you're going to pay for that! come here! *sokka grabs zuko and starts strangling him* *cl ensues* zuko: stop! stop! we'll never get out if we don't co-operate! sokka: you're right! now let's think. *time lapse* zuko: yeah i got nothing! sokka: me too! zuko: we should at least do something to pass the time! sokka: like what? zuko: i've got it! the alphabet game! i say something that starts with an a, then you say something with a b and we go on like that! sokka: oh that sounds like a great idea, for 3 year olds! *cl* zuko: great, i'll start! umm... avatar sokka: bending. zuko: kuai ball. sokka: that starts with a k! zuko: no it doesn't! sokka: hello! spelling bee champ 5 years running! zuko: ah yes, i forgot, the golden dork award! *cl* sokka: that's the golden bee award to you mister! *cl* female voice: hello, anyone there? zuko: oh, someone's come to save us! sokka: in here! who is it? katara: it's me, katara! zuko: awesome, it's your hot sister! *cl* sokka: eew! you stay away from my sister! zuko: oh like i want to date her! have you seen her PMSing? *cl* sokka: too many times my friend, too many times! zuko: besides, you let aang date her! sokka: please, like he's actually dating her! *cl* katara: i can hear everything you're saying! now let's get you out of there! *katara tries to use her waterbending to cut open the box, she fails* katara: oh, this might be a problem. sokka: aww geez! *cl* katara: i'll go get aang! sokka: you do that. *katara leaves* zuko: she's not coming back is she? sokka: no chance. *cl* *at the restaurant* suki: hey mai! you look nice tonight! have you seen the boys? mai: no, no sign of them anywhere! suki: well let's sit down and wait. *they sit* *awkward silence* *in the box* sokka: oh i bet they're already at the restaurant by now! zuko: what can we do? we're stuck in here! toph: sounds like you need help! sokka: toph! i've never been happier to hear your voice! metalbend us out! quickly! toph: here goes! *tries to bend the metal* toph: uh-oh! zuko: uh-oh? what uh-oh? what's the uh-oh? toph: there's no earth in this to bend! zuko+sokka: uh-oh! *cl* teo: hey girls! suki: oh, hi.. teo is it? teo: that's right, me and my friend haru were in the area and we saw you two sitting by yourselves. haru: (abridged voice) two women of such beauty as youselves shouldn't be alone at night! please, let us sit with you! mai: whatever. teo: so....you come here often! zuko: i spy with my little eye... sokka: *cl* zuko: something beginning with 'm'. sokka: is it...METAL? zuko: you're good at this! your turn! teo: so then i said, that's no arctic hen, that's my wheelchair! *they all laugh, along to cl in the background* haru: true story! suki: you guys are soo funny! mai: yeah, can you get us some more soda? teo: sure thing! *teo and haru leave the table* suki:......................let's ditch 'em! mai: right behind you! *they run* katara: right here aang! sokka: katara! you came back! toph: they're stuck in here! even i can't bend them out! aang: okay, they can't bust out.... they're trapped. zuko: yeah can you get us out? aang: hmm, looks like they're stuck. who wants pizza? *cl* katara: oh i love pizza! toph: me too! aang: let's go! *cl* *they leave* sokka: wait! i like pizza! *cl* zuko: aww shut up! *nudges sokka* *sokka nudges back* *zuko nudges back* *sokka nudges back* *the nudging escalates into slapfighting, the fighting causes teh box to roll around, eventually crashing out of teh window and falling two stories onto the ground below* sokka: awful! zuko: bad! sokka: catastrophic! zuko: dreadful! sokka: enfuriating! zuko: f****ng nnoying! sokka: ghastly! zuko: horrific! sokka: indecent! *they go on* end.

    y does that sound so familier......-ponders awhile- do u happen 2 be a fan of drake and josh? hmm?

    i thought it sounded familiar to like something from a monty python or men in tights movie
    Edited on 03/01/2008 8:28am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3527]Mar 1, 2008
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    shadowysea07 wrote:
    louzer900 wrote:

    tomtitan wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    new avatar in the city episode! i'm going to use a totally 100% original, never before seen in sitcom plot for an episode! seriously, it's like, entirely my idea, and it's genius! remember *cl* stands for *canned laughter*, the kind you see in sitcoms that's so obviously fake. aang: hey sokka! check this out! *aang points to a huge metal box* sokka: a box? *cl* aang: not just any box, a bending-proof box! sokka: a bending-proof box? aang: that's right, it's 100% fireproof, impervious to earth, air and water-based attacks, and 100% free of earthen impurities. sokka: so what's it for? aang: capturing criminals who bend, durr! *cl* sokka: great... aang: anyway, i gotta go, i've got a da-i err mean..i gotta go do..avatar stuff, yeah, sure, ehehe.. *cl* sokka: *he glares at aang* aang: okay i'm on a date with your sister! *cl* sokka: *continues glaring* aang: okay she doesn't know it's a date! *cl* sokka: *keeps glaring* aang: okay it's not a date! sheesh! sokka: *still glaring* aang: what? what else do i need to say? sokka: nothing, i was just hoping you would admit something else! *cl* aang: anyway, seeya! *aang leaves* sokka: well, it looks like i have the whole apartment to myself! so, what should i do? hmm... *sokka sits on the couch, we see a clock change from 12:30 to 2:25, we then see sokka, still sitting in the exact same position, canned laughter esues* sokka: okay i'm bored. *zuko walks in* sokka: zuko! zuko: what? sokka: i'm so bored! please help me! zuko: no! i'm just here to pick up my...err...umm...manly..thing... sokka: your dolls are on the table. *cl* zuko: they're action figures! action figures! *cl* sokka: whatever. hey, is mai still up for that double date tonight? zuko: totally, is suki still okay? sokka: yup, this is going to be awesome! zuko: i'm so excited! this is so cool! sokka: yeah i know! *cl* zuko: what's with the box? sokka: oh, that's just some bending-proof jail cell, don't touch it, it's aang's. zuko: pff, bending-proof? i doubt that! sokka: no apparently it's 100% fireproof and impervious to bending attacks. zuko: yeah right! i'll bet i can escape from it! sokka: you cannot! zuko: can too! c'mon! *zuko drags sokka inside the large metal prison cell* sokka: zuko i don't think we should- zuko: quiet sokka! this is going to be awesome! *he closes the door* sokka: why'd you do that? zuko: to prove to you that i can escape from it! sokka: but what if you can't? zuko: relax. it's not locked. see? *zuko kicks the door, it doesn't budge* *cl* sokka: yeah i'm guessing it locks itself when closed. zuko: well why didn't you tell me? *cl* sokka: i didn't know! anyway, try firebending us out! zuko: right, here goes! KYAA!!*zuko shoots a huge fireblast at the box, nothing happens* *cl* sokka: we're free! oh wait, no, we're not! *cl* zuko: shut it! i will get us out! KYAAAAAAAAAA! *zuko shoots an even bigger fireblast at the box, once again, the box remains intact* sokka: well that did so much! *cl* zuko: i said shut it! KYAA! *fireball* KYAA! *fireball* *timelapse* zuko: (weakly) kiyaa. kiyaa. kiyaa.... yeah i think we're stuck. sokka: oh, really? *cl* to be continued.
    continuation... zuko: *continuously banging head against wall* ow..*smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *cl* sokka: oh would you stop doing that! it's bad enough that i'm stuck in here with you without you smacking your head continuously against the wall! *cl* zuko: ok fine, i'll stop! sokka: oh this is bad, this is real bad! i mean, our double date is in an hour! even if we get out right now we still have to wash and change and shower and- zuko: dude, would you please stop panicking? sokka: no, i will continue to panic! *cl* sokka: i mean, what will suki and mai do if we stand them up? they'll go mental! zuko: chill, we'll just tell them the truth! sokka: oh okay, so we'll just go up to them and say 'hey girls, we couldn't make the date because we were stuck in a huge metal box!' yeah that'll go down well! zuko: i know, won't it? sokka: oh i was being sarcastic! *cl* sokka: i mean, they'll probably say something like (he makes a mock girly voice) 'you two were very bad for standing us up! we're going to break up with you and date jocks!' *cl* zuko: jocks? sokka: did i say that? zuko: this happened to you in high school didn't it? sokka: she went off with the kuai ball captain! i couldn't make the date because i got my foot stuck in a rock on the way over but noo, she couldn't believe that! *cl* sokka: wait, weren't you the kuai ball captain in high school? *cl* zuko: yeah, she was such a great kisser! *cl* sokka: oh that's it! you're going to pay for that! come here! *sokka grabs zuko and starts strangling him* *cl ensues* zuko: stop! stop! we'll never get out if we don't co-operate! sokka: you're right! now let's think. *time lapse* zuko: yeah i got nothing! sokka: me too! zuko: we should at least do something to pass the time! sokka: like what? zuko: i've got it! the alphabet game! i say something that starts with an a, then you say something with a b and we go on like that! sokka: oh that sounds like a great idea, for 3 year olds! *cl* zuko: great, i'll start! umm... avatar sokka: bending. zuko: kuai ball. sokka: that starts with a k! zuko: no it doesn't! sokka: hello! spelling bee champ 5 years running! zuko: ah yes, i forgot, the golden dork award! *cl* sokka: that's the golden bee award to you mister! *cl* female voice: hello, anyone there? zuko: oh, someone's come to save us! sokka: in here! who is it? katara: it's me, katara! zuko: awesome, it's your hot sister! *cl* sokka: eew! you stay away from my sister! zuko: oh like i want to date her! have you seen her PMSing? *cl* sokka: too many times my friend, too many times! zuko: besides, you let aang date her! sokka: please, like he's actually dating her! *cl* katara: i can hear everything you're saying! now let's get you out of there! *katara tries to use her waterbending to cut open the box, she fails* katara: oh, this might be a problem. sokka: aww geez! *cl* katara: i'll go get aang! sokka: you do that. *katara leaves* zuko: she's not coming back is she? sokka: no chance. *cl* *at the restaurant* suki: hey mai! you look nice tonight! have you seen the boys? mai: no, no sign of them anywhere! suki: well let's sit down and wait. *they sit* *awkward silence* *in the box* sokka: oh i bet they're already at the restaurant by now! zuko: what can we do? we're stuck in here! toph: sounds like you need help! sokka: toph! i've never been happier to hear your voice! metalbend us out! quickly! toph: here goes! *tries to bend the metal* toph: uh-oh! zuko: uh-oh? what uh-oh? what's the uh-oh? toph: there's no earth in this to bend! zuko+sokka: uh-oh! *cl* teo: hey girls! suki: oh, hi.. teo is it? teo: that's right, me and my friend haru were in the area and we saw you two sitting by yourselves. haru: (abridged voice) two women of such beauty as youselves shouldn't be alone at night! please, let us sit with you! mai: whatever. teo: so....you come here often! zuko: i spy with my little eye... sokka: *cl* zuko: something beginning with 'm'. sokka: is it...METAL? zuko: you're good at this! your turn! teo: so then i said, that's no arctic hen, that's my wheelchair! *they all laugh, along to cl in the background* haru: true story! suki: you guys are soo funny! mai: yeah, can you get us some more soda? teo: sure thing! *teo and haru leave the table* suki:......................let's ditch 'em! mai: right behind you! *they run* katara: right here aang! sokka: katara! you came back! toph: they're stuck in here! even i can't bend them out! aang: okay, they can't bust out.... they're trapped. zuko: yeah can you get us out? aang: hmm, looks like they're stuck. who wants pizza? *cl* katara: oh i love pizza! toph: me too! aang: let's go! *cl* *they leave* sokka: wait! i like pizza! *cl* zuko: aww shut up! *nudges sokka* *sokka nudges back* *zuko nudges back* *sokka nudges back* *the nudging escalates into slapfighting, the fighting causes teh box to roll around, eventually crashing out of teh window and falling two stories onto the ground below* sokka: awful! zuko: bad! sokka: catastrophic! zuko: dreadful! sokka: enfuriating! zuko: f****ng nnoying! sokka: ghastly! zuko: horrific! sokka: indecent! *they go on* end.

    y does that sound so familier......-ponders awhile- do u happen 2 be a fan of drake and josh? hmm?

    i thought it sounded familiar to like something from a monty python or men in tights movie
    no it's a complete ripoff of a D+J episode where they get stuck in a treehouse with no door and they have a double date later and they miss it because they're stuck.
    did i just say that out loud?
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  • Avatar of theredrobin


    [3528]Mar 1, 2008
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    Deleted Dialogue from the tales of Ba Sing Se

    Sokka: I am so sorry! Something struck me in the rear. I just... wound up... here?

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf.

    Sokka: They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf.

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall.

    Students: Ooooh.

    Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard.

    Students: Ooooh!

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy!

    Sokka: I calls it easy! Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too!

    Students: *Laugh*

    Madame Macmu-Ling: You know what--F*** you! I tire of your conceit, arrogant a******.

    And she still kept that in haiku form. Brilliant.

    Edited on 03/01/2008 9:31am
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3529]Mar 1, 2008
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    theredrobin wrote:

    Deleted Dialogue from the tales of Ba Sing Se

    Sokka: I am so sorry! Something struck me in the rear. I just... wound up... here?

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf.

    Sokka: They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf.

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall.

    Students: Ooooh.

    Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard.

    Students: Ooooh!

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy!

    Sokka: I calls it easy! Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too!

    Students: *Laugh*

    Madame Macmu-Ling: You know what--F*ck you! I tire of your conceit, arrogant a**h***.

    And she still kept that in haiku form. Brilliant.

    censor your words! you don't want to get a TOS violation!
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  • Avatar of theredrobin


    [3530]Mar 1, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:

    Deleted Dialogue from the tales of Ba Sing Se

    Sokka: I am so sorry! Something struck me in the rear. I just... wound up... here?

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf.

    Sokka: They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf.

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall.

    Students: Ooooh.

    Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard.

    Students: Ooooh!

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy!

    Sokka: I calls it easy! Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too!

    Students: *Laugh*

    Madame Macmu-Ling: You know what--F*** you! I tire of your conceit, arrogant a******.

    And she still kept that in haiku form. Brilliant.

    censor your words! you don't want to get a TOS violation!
    I thought they were censored enough. Are they not?
    Edited on 03/01/2008 9:31am
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3531]Mar 1, 2008
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    theredrobin wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:

    Deleted Dialogue from the tales of Ba Sing Se

    Sokka: I am so sorry! Something struck me in the rear. I just... wound up... here?

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf.

    Sokka: They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf.

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall.

    Students: Ooooh.

    Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard.

    Students: Ooooh!

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy!

    Sokka: I calls it easy! Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too!

    Students: *Laugh*

    Madame Macmu-Ling: You know what--F*ck you! I tire of your conceit, arrogant a**h***.

    And she still kept that in haiku form. Brilliant.

    censor your words! you don't want to get a TOS violation!
    I thought they were censored enough. Are they not?
    i got in trouble for only covering the 'i' in s**t once, i wrote 'no s**t sherlock', but with only 1 *.
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  • Avatar of theredrobin


    [3532]Mar 1, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:

    Deleted Dialogue from the tales of Ba Sing Se

    Sokka: I am so sorry! Something struck me in the rear. I just... wound up... here?

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf.

    Sokka: They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf.

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall.

    Students: Ooooh.

    Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard.

    Students: Ooooh!

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy!

    Sokka: I calls it easy! Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too!

    Students: *Laugh*

    Madame Macmu-Ling: You know what--F*** you! I tire of your conceit, arrogant a******.

    And she still kept that in haiku form. Brilliant.

    censor your words! you don't want to get a TOS violation!
    I thought they were censored enough. Are they not?
    i got in trouble for only covering the 'i' in s**t once, i wrote 'no s**t sherlock', but with only 1 *.
    Huh. Friggin stringent about this crap aren't they? Ah well, thanks for the warning, Tom, I'll edit it.
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3533]Mar 1, 2008
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    theredrobin wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:

    Deleted Dialogue from the tales of Ba Sing Se

    Sokka: I am so sorry! Something struck me in the rear. I just... wound up... here?

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf.

    Sokka: They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf.

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall.

    Students: Ooooh.

    Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard.

    Students: Ooooh!

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy!

    Sokka: I calls it easy! Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too!

    Students: *Laugh*

    Madame Macmu-Ling: You know what--F*** you! I tire of your conceit, arrogant a******.

    And she still kept that in haiku form. Brilliant.

    censor your words! you don't want to get a TOS violation!
    I thought they were censored enough. Are they not?
    i got in trouble for only covering the 'i' in s**t once, i wrote 'no s**t sherlock', but with only 1 *.
    Huh. Friggin stringent about this crap aren't they? Ah well, thanks for the warning, Tom, I'll edit it.
    nooo problem! just don't post any rick rolls, they take it seriously. well i guess they ought to, the internet is serious business.
    hey, they shold make a website with that name!
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    [3534]Mar 1, 2008
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    like me new siggy?
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3535]Mar 1, 2008
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    louzer900 wrote:
    like me new siggy?
    tomcat is not amused.
    ...tomcat is very amused!
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    [3536]Mar 1, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    louzer900 wrote:
    like me new siggy?
    tomcat is not amused. ...tomcat is very amused!


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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3537]Mar 2, 2008
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    Why the airbenders are REALLY extinct.

    Airbender: Hey I found out Aang left.

    Airbender: Man. He was the only one who knew how to do this experiment.

    Airbender: Don't worry I'm sure we can get though.

    * The next day*

    Airbender: Ok. Steady.Steady. Steady. *Alarm goes off*

    Alarm: Waring! A virus has been detected. You have two hours to live.

    Airbender: What are we going to do.. I don't want to die!

    Airbender: Don't worry! Let's blame it on the Fire Nation. Nobody will know.

    Other Airbenders: Yeah. Ok. Let's do that.

    Edited on 03/02/2008 7:57am
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3538]Mar 2, 2008
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    terminatorSSF wrote:

    Why the airbenders are REALLY extinct.

    Airbender: Hey I found out Aang left.

    Airbender: Man. He was the only one who knew how to do this experiment.

    Airbender: Don't worry I'm sure we can get though.

    * The next day*

    Airbender: Ok. Steady.Steady. Steady. *Alarm goes off*

    Alarm: Waring! A virus has been detected. You have two hours to live.

    Airbender: What are we going to do.. I don't want to die!

    Airbender: Don't worry! Let's blame it on the Fire Nation. Nobody will know.

    Other Airbenders: Yeah. Ok. Let's do that.

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    [3539]Mar 3, 2008
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    Batweb32 wrote:
    Spacerac wrote:
    Batweb32 wrote:

    *This takes place during the Western Air Temple*

    Zuko- Wow, I can't believe they won't let me join their gang! I should get back to do doing unfunny practice apologies while I sit here not expecting anyone to sneak up behind me........

    Toph- LIkE lOl ZuKo, hOwdy doOdy!

    *Zuko screams like a sissy and burns Toph's feet*

    Zuko- Woah, I need to take some pills! I must be getting paranoid! Let's see, I have painkiller! This might work!

    *Toph is in the background screaming in pain*

    Zuko- Yup, yup, yup! Nothing like some good old painkiller!

    Toph- The pain! The pain!

    *Later, everyone is fighting Combustion Man*

    Aang- Wait, how the heck did Combustion Man find us?!

    Or maybe, how does he get places so quickly? Isn't he slow?!

    Sokka- And can't we just throw a pebble at his third eye? That worked last time. And no offense Combustion Man, but that's the worst weakness ever!

    Aang- And why can't we just all attack him at once? He wouldn't be able to stop them all unless he grows a third eye. Sokka- Why is this season full of plot holes?! *The action scene gets tedious and so it ends*

    Katara-.....I will seal your destiny, permanetly!

    Zuko- Oookay, whatever you say. Why is it that in this season everyone does absolutely nothing? Seriously, what have any of you accomplished? All you do is whine and make remarks, and nobody else does anything. All these storylines are just floating around going nowhere and The Day of the Black Sun got a rather formulaic tie up.

    Katara- Just remember what I said or I'll.......

    Me- Can we just end this soap opera and start watching Avatar: The Last Airbender?

    Katara- You are watching it.

    Me- Wow, Aang is a weakling then. He plans this whole invasion, goes into the palace, and to defeat the Avatar, all the Fire Lord had to do was switch rooms so Aang coudln't find him. And the Sokka stayed for five minutes just asking Azula "Where's Suki?!" Why didn't he just go look for her instead of holding everyone up?

    *Crowd laughter*

    Me- Alright, what the heck was that? Zuko- You're on an episode of Friends!

    Me- I knew it!

    The Gaang responds: Zuko-Is seems all the Canadians and online viewers out there think my monologues were hilarious. I did display a talent for line delivery and timing in those scenes. Combustion Man: Yes, the trail that huge animal left led me RIGHT to them, also I've had episodes 8-11 to catch up to them. Good thing they didn't see the pebble traveling at super high speeds hit me on my third eye tattoo. My forehead is probably worn down to scar tissue from firebending from it so much, but I do it cause it's badass. And they dare not attack me all at once, with my dangerously wide blast radius I could either pick em off or take them out with one shot. The Duke (saw the whole thing): Sokka, that was so amazing how you took out that guy! Who in their right mind would call that whole tension-filled scenario tedious? Sokka: I dunno, some whacked-out elitist I guess. Someone who wouldn't appreciate the 5 years worth of work put into me and everyone and everything around me. Haru: The creators are doing a great job telling a nice story that lets the audience see what the Fire Nation is like, get to know all the characters better, and witness the so far, pretty epic battle scenes. And whose whining? Don't M&B love to do melodrama? Didn't they say that in an interview on some fansite? Teo: How was Aang supposed to know the Fire Lord switched rooms? And how in the heck was looking for Suki going to help Sokka WHEN HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START?!! Who had the information and was powerless at the time? Azula, that's who. Zuko: And the net time I get compared to some piece of crap like Friends, I'll challenge the infidel who did it to an Agni Kai!

    I respond:

    *Takes place during the Awakening*

    Yue- You already saved the world. And you'll save the world again. But you can't give up.

    Aang- Well that was a completely useless cameo by you, Yue! Why did they drag the voice actor back just to do a couple of lines?! This sucks!

    Roku- I could have seen this coming.....

    Aang- Seen what coming? That the volcano on your island would one day erupt and Sozin would betray you and I would run away and get frozen in an iceberg?!

    Mike and Bryan- Well we think.....

    Aang- If you think things, then that might be the reason why I failed to defeat the Fire Lord! Because you would "think" that with all the trouble and and an entire season gone into planning that invasion, there would be a backup plan! But no, we all just started crying when we failed!

    Katara- Maybe if you would have been faster, we could've won!

    Aang- Me? All you did on the Day of the Back Sun was carry your Dad around, after he got injured after fighting for about three minutes! We're all a bunch of weaklings! Roku- Got that right, sista'!

    Aang and Katara- O_0

    Sokka- Wait, how do we know about all this if this is just the first episode of the season?

    Aang- Because it aired in like a hundred different countries before it aired in the US, and then a bunch of people put it on Youtube.

    Sokka- This could lead to, "Avatar Bloopers The Movie!"

    Quoting to remind myself to get this later.
    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    theredrobin wrote:

    Deleted Dialogue from the tales of Ba Sing Se

    Sokka: I am so sorry! Something struck me in the rear. I just... wound up... here?

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a Haiku, remarkable oaf.

    Sokka: They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf.

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall.

    Students: Ooooh.

    Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard.

    Students: Ooooh!

    Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy!

    Sokka: I calls it easy! Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too!

    Students: *Laugh*

    Madame Macmu-Ling: You know what--F*** you! I tire of your conceit, arrogant a******.

    And she still kept that in haiku form. Brilliant.

    censor your words! you don't want to get a TOS violation!
    I thought they were censored enough. Are they not?
    i got in trouble for only covering the 'i' in s**t once, i wrote 'no s**t sherlock', but with only 1 *.
    Huh. Friggin stringent about this crap aren't they? Ah well, thanks for the warning, Tom, I'll edit it.
    nooo problem! just don't post any rick rolls, they take it seriously. well i guess they ought to, the internet is serious business.
    hey, they should make a website with that name!
    OMG tomtitan, you never cease with the lulzy remarks. Oh yeah, and SPELLING CORRECTION POLICE.
    Edited on 03/03/2008 8:23am
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3540]Mar 3, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    shadowysea07 wrote:
    louzer900 wrote:

    tomtitan wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    new avatar in the city episode! i'm going to use a totally 100% original, never before seen in sitcom plot for an episode! seriously, it's like, entirely my idea, and it's genius! remember *cl* stands for *canned laughter*, the kind you see in sitcoms that's so obviously fake. aang: hey sokka! check this out! *aang points to a huge metal box* sokka: a box? *cl* aang: not just any box, a bending-proof box! sokka: a bending-proof box? aang: that's right, it's 100% fireproof, impervious to earth, air and water-based attacks, and 100% free of earthen impurities. sokka: so what's it for? aang: capturing criminals who bend, durr! *cl* sokka: great... aang: anyway, i gotta go, i've got a da-i err mean..i gotta go do..avatar stuff, yeah, sure, ehehe.. *cl* sokka: *he glares at aang* aang: okay i'm on a date with your sister! *cl* sokka: *continues glaring* aang: okay she doesn't know it's a date! *cl* sokka: *keeps glaring* aang: okay it's not a date! sheesh! sokka: *still glaring* aang: what? what else do i need to say? sokka: nothing, i was just hoping you would admit something else! *cl* aang: anyway, seeya! *aang leaves* sokka: well, it looks like i have the whole apartment to myself! so, what should i do? hmm... *sokka sits on the couch, we see a clock change from 12:30 to 2:25, we then see sokka, still sitting in the exact same position, canned laughter esues* sokka: okay i'm bored. *zuko walks in* sokka: zuko! zuko: what? sokka: i'm so bored! please help me! zuko: no! i'm just here to pick up my...err...umm...manly..thing... sokka: your dolls are on the table. *cl* zuko: they're action figures! action figures! *cl* sokka: whatever. hey, is mai still up for that double date tonight? zuko: totally, is suki still okay? sokka: yup, this is going to be awesome! zuko: i'm so excited! this is so cool! sokka: yeah i know! *cl* zuko: what's with the box? sokka: oh, that's just some bending-proof jail cell, don't touch it, it's aang's. zuko: pff, bending-proof? i doubt that! sokka: no apparently it's 100% fireproof and impervious to bending attacks. zuko: yeah right! i'll bet i can escape from it! sokka: you cannot! zuko: can too! c'mon! *zuko drags sokka inside the large metal prison cell* sokka: zuko i don't think we should- zuko: quiet sokka! this is going to be awesome! *he closes the door* sokka: why'd you do that? zuko: to prove to you that i can escape from it! sokka: but what if you can't? zuko: relax. it's not locked. see? *zuko kicks the door, it doesn't budge* *cl* sokka: yeah i'm guessing it locks itself when closed. zuko: well why didn't you tell me? *cl* sokka: i didn't know! anyway, try firebending us out! zuko: right, here goes! KYAA!!*zuko shoots a huge fireblast at the box, nothing happens* *cl* sokka: we're free! oh wait, no, we're not! *cl* zuko: shut it! i will get us out! KYAAAAAAAAAA! *zuko shoots an even bigger fireblast at the box, once again, the box remains intact* sokka: well that did so much! *cl* zuko: i said shut it! KYAA! *fireball* KYAA! *fireball* *timelapse* zuko: (weakly) kiyaa. kiyaa. kiyaa.... yeah i think we're stuck. sokka: oh, really? *cl* to be continued.
    continuation... zuko: *continuously banging head against wall* ow..*smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *smack* ow.. *cl* sokka: oh would you stop doing that! it's bad enough that i'm stuck in here with you without you smacking your head continuously against the wall! *cl* zuko: ok fine, i'll stop! sokka: oh this is bad, this is real bad! i mean, our double date is in an hour! even if we get out right now we still have to wash and change and shower and- zuko: dude, would you please stop panicking? sokka: no, i will continue to panic! *cl* sokka: i mean, what will suki and mai do if we stand them up? they'll go mental! zuko: chill, we'll just tell them the truth! sokka: oh okay, so we'll just go up to them and say 'hey girls, we couldn't make the date because we were stuck in a huge metal box!' yeah that'll go down well! zuko: i know, won't it? sokka: oh i was being sarcastic! *cl* sokka: i mean, they'll probably say something like (he makes a mock girly voice) 'you two were very bad for standing us up! we're going to break up with you and date jocks!' *cl* zuko: jocks? sokka: did i say that? zuko: this happened to you in high school didn't it? sokka: she went off with the kuai ball captain! i couldn't make the date because i got my foot stuck in a rock on the way over but noo, she couldn't believe that! *cl* sokka: wait, weren't you the kuai ball captain in high school? *cl* zuko: yeah, she was such a great kisser! *cl* sokka: oh that's it! you're going to pay for that! come here! *sokka grabs zuko and starts strangling him* *cl ensues* zuko: stop! stop! we'll never get out if we don't co-operate! sokka: you're right! now let's think. *time lapse* zuko: yeah i got nothing! sokka: me too! zuko: we should at least do something to pass the time! sokka: like what? zuko: i've got it! the alphabet game! i say something that starts with an a, then you say something with a b and we go on like that! sokka: oh that sounds like a great idea, for 3 year olds! *cl* zuko: great, i'll start! umm... avatar sokka: bending. zuko: kuai ball. sokka: that starts with a k! zuko: no it doesn't! sokka: hello! spelling bee champ 5 years running! zuko: ah yes, i forgot, the golden dork award! *cl* sokka: that's the golden bee award to you mister! *cl* female voice: hello, anyone there? zuko: oh, someone's come to save us! sokka: in here! who is it? katara: it's me, katara! zuko: awesome, it's your hot sister! *cl* sokka: eew! you stay away from my sister! zuko: oh like i want to date her! have you seen her PMSing? *cl* sokka: too many times my friend, too many times! zuko: besides, you let aang date her! sokka: please, like he's actually dating her! *cl* katara: i can hear everything you're saying! now let's get you out of there! *katara tries to use her waterbending to cut open the box, she fails* katara: oh, this might be a problem. sokka: aww geez! *cl* katara: i'll go get aang! sokka: you do that. *katara leaves* zuko: she's not coming back is she? sokka: no chance. *cl* *at the restaurant* suki: hey mai! you look nice tonight! have you seen the boys? mai: no, no sign of them anywhere! suki: well let's sit down and wait. *they sit* *awkward silence* *in the box* sokka: oh i bet they're already at the restaurant by now! zuko: what can we do? we're stuck in here! toph: sounds like you need help! sokka: toph! i've never been happier to hear your voice! metalbend us out! quickly! toph: here goes! *tries to bend the metal* toph: uh-oh! zuko: uh-oh? what uh-oh? what's the uh-oh? toph: there's no earth in this to bend! zuko+sokka: uh-oh! *cl* teo: hey girls! suki: oh, hi.. teo is it? teo: that's right, me and my friend haru were in the area and we saw you two sitting by yourselves. haru: (abridged voice) two women of such beauty as youselves shouldn't be alone at night! please, let us sit with you! mai: whatever. teo: so....you come here often! zuko: i spy with my little eye... sokka: *cl* zuko: something beginning with 'm'. sokka: is it...METAL? zuko: you're good at this! your turn! teo: so then i said, that's no arctic hen, that's my wheelchair! *they all laugh, along to cl in the background* haru: true story! suki: you guys are soo funny! mai: yeah, can you get us some more soda? teo: sure thing! *teo and haru leave the table* suki:......................let's ditch 'em! mai: right behind you! *they run* katara: right here aang! sokka: katara! you came back! toph: they're stuck in here! even i can't bend them out! aang: okay, they can't bust out.... they're trapped. zuko: yeah can you get us out? aang: hmm, looks like they're stuck. who wants pizza? *cl* katara: oh i love pizza! toph: me too! aang: let's go! *cl* *they leave* sokka: wait! i like pizza! *cl* zuko: aww shut up! *nudges sokka* *sokka nudges back* *zuko nudges back* *sokka nudges back* *the nudging escalates into slapfighting, the fighting causes teh box to roll around, eventually crashing out of teh window and falling two stories onto the ground below* sokka: awful! zuko: bad! sokka: catastrophic! zuko: dreadful! sokka: enfuriating! zuko: f****ng nnoying! sokka: ghastly! zuko: horrific! sokka: indecent! *they go on* end.

    y does that sound so familier......-ponders awhile- do u happen 2 be a fan of drake and josh? hmm?

    i thought it sounded familiar to like something from a monty python or men in tights movie
    no it's a complete ripoff of a D+J episode where they get stuck in a treehouse with no door and they have a double date later and they miss it because they're stuck.
    did i just say that out loud?
    It was hilarious and spot-on with D&J. Now if only someone would do the same with an episode of Kenan & Kel.
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