sorry if theres already a thread like this but i wonder do u think aang will be able 2 master blue fire by the time he has to fight the firelord.
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
sorry if theres already a thread like this but i wonder do u think aang will be able 2 master blue fire by the time he has to fight the firelord.
gamerfreak2 wrote: |
whats the difference between blue fire and jus regular fire and lightining? |
cjclifford wrote: | ||
blue fire is hotter than regular fire.?? I don't get the lightening thing.?? Lightening isn't fire.?? Cool though. |
Lightning is a form of??fire in a mythological sense. Lighten up!
I think it's doubtful Aang will learn to bend lightning because then Zuko (who likely will learn to bend lightning) would be superfluous.
Raikiri1103 wrote: |
Technically fire and lightning are both plasmas. Only really experienced firebenders who train alot tend to be able to create lighting. Since Azula is a firebending prodigy she got trained by those two old ladies how to create and discharge lighting. Iroh also knows how and even developed a move to redirect someone else's lighting attack. The whole whole blue fire thing actually has nothing to do with lighting. Its just hotter than the usual red/orange fire and the reason Azula can do is prabably bacuase she was teached how or its just becuase thats the way she is. |
blitzwing17 wrote: | ||
Actually they are different. Fire is simply the rapid oxidation(exchange of elections) of a material with the surroundings. Lightning, is the realease of a built up charge. Both can burn you but fire only burns the outside, lightning carves a path thought the target until it reaches ground. Plus fire requires oxygen or another electron hungry gas to be effective. Lightning simply needs a medium throught which to travel(air, water, etc). I really wish there were lightning benders they would be soo bad @ss. |
gamerfreak2 wrote: |
whats the difference between blue fire and jus regular fire and lightining? |
e-hero-will wrote: | ||
lightning can cause a fire, but not the other way around. Lightning has to do with positive and negative charges getting together. Fire is the combustion of a fuel when heat and oxygen are supplied. when azula and iroh use lightning, they are separating the electrons in the air, rejoining them inside their bodies, then shooting the resulting lightning out of their fingers. Lightning will always find a way to get to the ground. That's why when Iroh grabbed azula's fingers he acted as a conduit and channeled the lightning through himself and out in another direction into the rock. That's how you deflect lightning. You can't stop it, only change it's direction.
Shard2005 wrote: | ||||
lightning can cause a fire, but not the other way around. Lightning has to do with positive and negative charges getting together. Fire is the combustion of a fuel when heat and oxygen are supplied. when azula and iroh use lightning, they are separating the electrons in the air, rejoining them inside their bodies, then shooting the resulting lightning out of their fingers. Lightning will always find a way to get to the ground. That's why when Iroh grabbed azula's fingers he acted as a conduit and channeled the lightning through himself and out in another direction into the rock. That's how you deflect lightning. You can't stop it, only change it's direction. |
The four nations in Avatar are based on the four classical elements: fire, earth, water, and air.?? Quite a few series choose to depict the classical elements, even the Fantastic Four (Reed - water, Sue - air, Johnny - fire, Ben - earth).?? However, some people consider lightning to be an additional fifth element.?? (Some Asian cultures even consider wood and metal to be elements.)?? Somewhere along the line, the creators of Avatar probably thought the idea of "lightning bending" had a lot of potential but couldn't??determine how to incorporate it into the show, seeing as there were already four nations.?? They decided that the only logical way to include "lightning bending" was to depict it as an advanced form of firebending.?? This is purely my speculation.
zukone wrote: |
Now that I think about it he might be able to create bombs with that ability. Rip Hydrogen from water, compress Hydrogen with air, ignite and BOOM. Well it would probably come as a small explosion, but who else would have that ability? It'd be a shocker in battle. |