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Azula's Problem

  • Avatar of xRamensx


    [61]Apr 21, 2008
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    o0Navras0o wrote:
    xRamensx wrote:
    PsychoPass wrote:
    MarryLarry wrote:

    DeeDuck33 wrote:
    MaiAndZuko4eva wrote:
    bendthisfire wrote:
    Do you think she might be facing the problem that Zuko had about his identity? If so we may have good Azula, though I doubt it. It's probably karma coming back to her.
    The thing about having the same problem may be true....but Azzie becoming good....
    Nah, she won't become good. Avatar need a definite villain (besides Ozai). It isn't good for the story if two bad guys switch to the good side.

    I don't know what to think of it. In the trailer, we see her falling along with Zuko. This is presumably pre-comet time since the sky is still blue. However, another shot shows her firebending in front of a house, and if you pause it at the right time, you see that the sky is red, signifying the comet's arrival...or it could just be red from sunset/rise.

    Assuming she survives the fall, the only logical guess at this point is that the gaang does save her. This could lead to uncertainty and doubt, causing a moral dilema like Zuko. I'm guessing she cracks and someone takes her down because I honestly don't see her becoming good. However, it is not impossible.

    Remember what Aang said about his second trip to the spirit world with Roku: "If anything, what Roku showed me was that everybody/anybody is capable of great good and great evil..." There's some more but that is the main part. If what Aang said is "true" then that means Azula does indeed have good in her after all. She too is a descendant of Avatar Roku like Zuko. We all saw how Zuko had inner turmoil (because of the conflict between his two ancestors) but is that to say Azula is devoid of her heritage? 'Course not. It's the way she was raised. She wasn't born a seed of evil, it's the 'side' of the family she was raised on. Zuko was primarily raised by his mother who's great grandfather was Roku; the great good. But Azula was, apparently, mainly raised by her father who's from Sozin's bloodline; the great evil. In season 1, we saw the "great evil" from Zuko. Then in season 2, as he was shown the errors of his ways by both experience and guidance, the Roku side of him (his mother's side) was beginning to push away the evil of his Sozin's heritage. Finally, after pushing away all of the evil inside of him and letting the good of Roku fill his soul, he's a "good guy", if you will. Now, look at Azula. She's the complete opposite of Zuko. Not because of the way she was born but how she was raised. It's obvious that Ozai (the evil of Sozin) took her under his wing and raised her as the perfectionist, power driven, and 'evil' person we see now. She was never really influence by the good inside of her from Roku (her mother). Ozai led her to be like her ancestors (e.g. powerful and destructive like Sozin). The good inside of her from Roku has been locked up... But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist nor can it be released. Zuko had to placed in a/n environment(s) where he could experience and learn about the true good that existed in him. We saw where that led him. He was a changed person. He looked on the brighter sides of life. But then in Ba Sing Se... when he was around the evil of Azula, the good was overwhelmed. His inner turmoil had not been fully dealt with and, once again, Sozin took him over. I believe that if Azula undergoes situations where the good of Roku can be exposed and released from her chains, she too will experience an inner turmoil of good vs. evil like Zuko. Is that to say Azula would wise up and join the Gaang to fight against her country? Absolutely not, but it IS saying that Azula is not yet a lost cause. I may be going out on a limb with all of this, but all new ideas and ways of thinking sound crazy and wacko at first I blog'ed it, by the way.

    *claps* I couldn't have said it better myself! I agree completely with you. Azula was Firebending prodigy and a second-born, like Ozai, so he raised her to be what he struggled to be. Zuko had to work harder to become a good Firebender, so Ozai saw him as being weak, and since Azula was raised to listen to her father, she picked that up superiority over her brother.

    Since she was raised to be like her father, and Zuko was cuddled by his mother, they didn't spend enough time with either parent. Ozai might have had some ill feelings towards Ursa since she babied Zuko, and again, Azula instinctively had those feelings towards her mother. But like Zuko, who tried to please his father, Azula might have felt rejected by her mother, so seemed to love Zuko more. Which I don't think is the case. Azula just picked up her father's traits, and Ursa was scared by that, so she was more harsh with Azula than Zuko.

    I don't think Azula is a lost cause. I think she'll find a way she can fit into all of this without joining the Gaang, maybe joining Ursa in some way.

    Thank you! This is what I've always thought about Azula, because personally I hate those villains who are "evil", there must have been a reason why they got to that point. And it's true, we all are capable of good and evil, and sometimes people we see as "good ones" do terrible things. I would really like it if they treat Azula as a human being, not a maniac girl that can't see no reason.

    My guess is that she wanted power so much, that when he turned Fire Lord, she realized it wasn't what she really wanted. Or like you said, Zuko being able to defense himself from her attacks and maybperhaps winning, will most surely affect her in some way because he's not that angry person anymore, he has found balance.

    Also Ursa represents good in that family, Azula seeing her mother, it's a sign she's not completely sure of the path she's chosen like we all thought when she was able to pull lightning "the cold blooded fire".

    I don't see her joining the gaang, but I think Aang is going to save her, it's difficult for me to imagine they will let her die in that fall.

    And like I've said many times before, I hope the creators don't treat Azula as a typical villain.

    Exactly. They're not going to be like "Hay thar 'Zula! Kbai! "

    Not all "bad" characters need to be killed off. It seems fitting for Zhao, but for Azula, who we have a little bit more of a backstory of, she has a chance to change, being still so young. If Zuko can change, I think Azula can too. Maybe not as fully as Zuko, but still in an Azula-type of way.

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  • Avatar of waterbender171


    [62]Apr 21, 2008
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    PsychoPass wrote:
    waterbender171 wrote:
    No, in the immortal words of Iroh, "No, she's crazy and she needs to go down." AND DOWN SHE GOES!!! BWAHH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ahem, sorry. But seriously I think Azula needs to go down. She's really the more prevalent form of evil in the story. She DID have capacity for great good but it was never fostered and grown. Zuko had Ursa growing up and Iroh later on. Ursa never showed much nurturing to Azula like she did to Zuko. I don't think the good side of her ever developed. Also its not all based on heritage. Iroh has the same heritage as Ozai and look at him. (Well we can't really cause he freakin' disappeared!!) I'd be happier seeing Azula go down or go crazy and go down than to turn even somewhat "good."

    Speaking of going crazy, I definitely think that Azula has visions of Ursa and throws the brush at the mirror. If you look at pics of face in flames vs. pics of Ursa, it's pretty sure that that is Ursa. So ya, I'm with the crazy visions of disapproving mom theory.

    Why do you think she is going insane in those pictures? It's the inner turmoil being released from her cage. Doesn't mean she's becoming "good." No, it means she's trouble dealing with the "struggle inside of her." Hence, the extreme crankiness. ;p

    P.S. What do you mean by ".. disapproving mom theory"?

    ...?? Why do I think she's going insane? Because she looks like a psycho (more than normal) and is throwing a brush through a mirror. Yes, I'm sure she has a struggle insider her but I think it comes from some weird vision of her disapproving mom. Hence the "crazy visions of disapproving mom theory."
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  • Avatar of zimtower


    [63]Apr 21, 2008
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    waterbender171 wrote:
    PsychoPass wrote:
    waterbender171 wrote:
    No, in the immortal words of Iroh, "No, she's crazy and she needs to go down." AND DOWN SHE GOES!!! BWAHH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ahem, sorry. But seriously I think Azula needs to go down. She's really the more prevalent form of evil in the story. She DID have capacity for great good but it was never fostered and grown. Zuko had Ursa growing up and Iroh later on. Ursa never showed much nurturing to Azula like she did to Zuko. I don't think the good side of her ever developed. Also its not all based on heritage. Iroh has the same heritage as Ozai and look at him. (Well we can't really cause he freakin' disappeared!!) I'd be happier seeing Azula go down or go crazy and go down than to turn even somewhat "good." Speaking of going crazy, I definitely think that Azula has visions of Ursa and throws the brush at the mirror. If you look at pics of face in flames vs. pics of Ursa, it's pretty sure that that is Ursa. So ya, I'm with the crazy visions of disapproving mom theory.
    Why do you think she is going insane in those pictures? It's the inner turmoil being released from her cage. Doesn't mean she's becoming "good." No, it means she's trouble dealing with the "struggle inside of her." Hence, the extreme crankiness. ;p P.S. What do you mean by ".. disapproving mom theory"?
    ...?? Why do I think she's going insane? Because she looks like a psycho (more than normal) and is throwing a brush through a mirror. Yes, I'm sure she has a struggle insider her but I think it comes from some weird vision of her disapproving mom. Hence the "crazy visions of disapproving mom theory."

    Its no longer a theory

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  • Avatar of vampys_girl


    [64]Apr 21, 2008
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    waterbender171 wrote:
    PsychoPass wrote:
    waterbender171 wrote:
    No, in the immortal words of Iroh, "No, she's crazy and she needs to go down." AND DOWN SHE GOES!!! BWAHH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ahem, sorry. But seriously I think Azula needs to go down. She's really the more prevalent form of evil in the story. She DID have capacity for great good but it was never fostered and grown. Zuko had Ursa growing up and Iroh later on. Ursa never showed much nurturing to Azula like she did to Zuko. I don't think the good side of her ever developed. Also its not all based on heritage. Iroh has the same heritage as Ozai and look at him. (Well we can't really cause he freakin' disappeared!!) I'd be happier seeing Azula go down or go crazy and go down than to turn even somewhat "good."

    Speaking of going crazy, I definitely think that Azula has visions of Ursa and throws the brush at the mirror. If you look at pics of face in flames vs. pics of Ursa, it's pretty sure that that is Ursa. So ya, I'm with the crazy visions of disapproving mom theory.

    Why do you think she is going insane in those pictures? It's the inner turmoil being released from her cage. Doesn't mean she's becoming "good." No, it means she's trouble dealing with the "struggle inside of her." Hence, the extreme crankiness. ;p

    P.S. What do you mean by ".. disapproving mom theory"?

    ...?? Why do I think she's going insane? Because she looks like a psycho (more than normal) and is throwing a brush through a mirror. Yes, I'm sure she has a struggle insider her but I think it comes from some weird vision of her disapproving mom. Hence the "crazy visions of disapproving mom theory."

    "No, she's crazy and she needs to go down." No one could have said it better than Iroh. Azula could be capable of great good and evil but she hasn't developed it and it would not be realistic if she developed the good in her in just 1 or 2 episodes when it took Zuko his entire life. Azula will remain evil. Heritage doesn't really make you good or evil. I think Zuko had inner struggle and choose the good side because his mother was a good person and he learned that. When she disappear he felt alone and confused because Azula was his father favorite child so he tried to win his fathers love and acceptance, and that made him go bad. Then, Iroh became his paternal figure so he had inner conflict because didn't know if he should be in his dad side or his uncle side. Finally he decides to be good. Azula never had the love from her mother or any other person to teach her to be good. Her only influence was his father so I'm pretty sure she will stay bad until the end of the series. Azula broke the mirror probably because she was having visions of Ursa. It could have also been because she was so disappointed with herself, with her own reflection. She is a perfectionist and some things will start going wrong for her (she could be defeated in a battle, or Mai and or Ty Lee could leave her, or her father might do something to her)she will feel like she wasn't perfect anymore and her own reflection reminds her of that so she breaks the mirror.
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [65]Apr 22, 2008
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    Eman5805 wrote:
    Azula is a sociopath, perfectionist. She gotta be #1 and her brother is her lesser. Imagine if Zuko hands her but to her in TBR? I bet that would put her on the downward spiral. Mai could turn on her and her father just stuck her under his thumb in a position of absolutely no power. I smell controversy...
    That's gonna be sa-weet.
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  • Avatar of clara-nuts


    [66]Apr 29, 2008
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    Being a children's cartoon, or at least on the outside, killing off Azula would be rather traumatic. Remember how discretley the mercy killing of Jet was. It causes less trauma if Azula goes insane. After all, she probably had some grandiose scheme to use the returned "hero" Zuko, hence crediting him with capturing the Avatar. But now daddy knows how Azula lied, and Zuko isn't there to be manipulated...

    I think Azula is having a mental breakdown, and gets her out of the picture.

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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [67]Apr 29, 2008
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    I read a short fan fic that I think empatizes her discondent from any normal person.

    This fan fic, Azula is wondering why Mai choose Zuko over her, why Ty Lee choose Mai over her, she says she gave them prestige and social in the Fire Nation, Zuko couldn't do that for Mai, Mai couldn't do that for Ty Lee. Azula doesn't understand real values. She thinks all that matters is who can gave you more material things, than who is a nicer person.

    She is messed up, she doesn't understand normal values and feelings.

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  • Avatar of xRamensx


    [68]Apr 29, 2008
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    clara-nuts wrote:

    Being a children's cartoon, or at least on the outside, killing off Azula would be rather traumatic. Remember how discretley the mercy killing of Jet was. It causes less trauma if Azula goes insane. After all, she probably had some grandiose scheme to use the returned "hero" Zuko, hence crediting him with capturing the Avatar. But now daddy knows how Azula lied, and Zuko isn't there to be manipulated...

    I think Azula is having a mental breakdown, and gets her out of the picture.

    I greatly hope that's not true. It doesn't seem like Bryke to go "She's crayzee, she kan go bai nao." If she really dies, I really hope she has a death fitting of her with some sort salvation.

    If she lives, even as a huge Azula fan, I thinks she needs some sort **s-kicking.

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