[QUOTE=shaneneville]The panel kicked off with a pre-recorded introduction by Michael and Bryan, the creators of Avatar and showed what a normal day working on the show was great.
The video was very interesting - it showed some of the fun and the less exciting parts of working on the show. When they filmed the show, they were putting the finishing touches on The Fury of Aang, so there weren't to many things we hadn't scene before - except for the drawing of Aapa.
There was one quick clip of a drawing of Aapa. He was looking very beat up. The audience let out a gasp and 'aww' at the same time. All I know is that whoever is responsible is going to get a serious Air, Water and Earth beatdown.
Then we got to watch a preview of the next Avatar 'movie' - The Secret of the Fire Nation. Some great water bending action from Katara, Suki rejoins the crew and there were no Aapa sightings to be had. There is a delicious show-down at the Serpents Pass outside of Ba Sing Se (sp?).
Then the director took us on a slide show tour of Ba Sing Se which was a total treat! The opposite of Omashu, which is a vertical city, Ba Sing Se sprawls for miles and is connected by trains and train stations. The design of the city is spectacular. There were also some new animals revealed, including an awfully normal bear. Yep - bear. Maybe it's a bear-bear... but it was just a bear (but it was wearing a costume)
Big treats from the slide show - Sokka, Aang, Katara and Toph all in formal wear. Zuko going on a mystery date with an unknown earth kingdom girl. The return of Jet (who bumps into Iroh and Zuko on the ferry to Ba Sing Se)
Then Aaron took the mic and gave the fans some great shipping - Needless to say, the Blue Spirit - Azula combo resulted in some groans from the crowd and a "What's wrong with you???" yell from the back that was pretty funny. Iroh matching up with the twin old ladies that mentor Azula was pretty funny and of course - the Sokka/Suki and Aang/Katara match-ups got great reactions from the crowd. My personal favorites were the ones involving Foaming at the Mouth Guy from the island of Kyoshi and his various match-ups.
We then went to Q&A - a few repeat questions from the DVD came from the crowd. Aaron artfully dodged a few Avatar mythos questions regarding developing the ability to bend, but spilled the beans on female airbenders: [/QUOTE[
EDIT: This info was taken from the DH forums, and was written by the user shaneneville. Since meninwhite didn't want to give proper credit, I decided I would. Sorry about the mix-up. --Pooldude256
Edited 3 total times.