The fire Nation Invades the Eastern Earth Kingdom with a massive army of 8000 soldiers, invested in the Navy. Because the Fire Nation Had 8000 men, the Earth Kingdom had only 1500 in their blocade (as perscribed by Isabel), and the Fire nation has massive metal Warships and the Earth Kingdom only has wooden Sailing ships, I think it's pretty obvious how that battle turns out. With the Beaches open, the fire nation lands four groups of two thousand men, who are able to use their massive numerical advantage (according to Isabel each Watchtower would only have had a few hundred men) to crush the opposition. The Air Force plays a huge part in the attack, with superior fire nation Airships wiping out both Earth Kingdom Balloons, and bombing the tanks on the ground. The Navy takes control of the River Systems. By employing the same Ground-Waters-Skies mastery that was employed in FN defense, they ensure that any attack on the FNs new holdings will be met with all 8000 soldiers, all of whom are now veterans of combat. Back in the Fire Nation, The Sun Warrior Legion and it's Dragon Unit takes over most defense. With Their 2000 strong numbers and flight patrols, they ensure that any part of the FN can still summon 2000 soldiers at will. The new territories in the EK are stripped of everything and anything valuable. The massive wealth accumulated is sent back to the FN, and is used to double the Military Fund. As a result, recruiting and training efforts are doubled, with new soldiers enlisting every day (AKA our soldiers will increase). War Balloons establish a new patrol path, that includes the new captured territory. Phoenix Queen Azula delivers an ultimatum. If the Fire Nation itself is attacked, she will burn every captured EK city under FN control to the ground, although people may feel free to attampt to dislodge her from the EK itself. The FN sets up a vast varriety of technological defences in it's new territories: Rivers are blocked off. And Ballistae defend the land. Pretty sweet, huh Here is an updated map: