Some music in playing in the backgroud and the Boulder is driving a corvette (Earth kingdom style). He also has on a trenchcoat.
The Boulder: Want a new car?
The Boulder pulls some cash out of his coat
The Boulder: (flashes the cash) Want some money? (throws the money to the wind and speeds off. Aang is in the background gathering up the cash when he gets jumped by Katara, Toph, Sokka and Suki who then takes the money)
The Boulder in in a photoshoot showing off his body
??The Boulder: (flexing his muscles) Like my body?
A picture on Boulder's before and after transfomation
Announcer: How did he do it?
??The Boulder: (flexes his muscles) Earthspa baby!
Announcer: Enter the earthspa challenge to win a Corvette made from the finest Earth kingdom tools or a millon Earth Kingdom dollars! Many will enter, only one will win.
The Boulder: (flexes his muscles) Earthspa baby!
Edited on 12/18/2006 9:32pm