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Am I the only one, or is Toph hot?

  • Avatar of dark_aquatus


    [121]Nov 17, 2006
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    Taang_Forever wrote:
    Like, does her voice fit her or not?

    ofcourse it does, its perfect...
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  • Avatar of Taang_Forever


    [122]Nov 17, 2006
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    I don't know... how old is this Jessica?
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  • Avatar of lastchancexi


    [123]Nov 17, 2006
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    12, total jailbait, and hot, no.

    If you don't know about the birds and the bees yet (etc), you might want to skip the??next part and go all the way down to the bottom. Women who do know should keep reading, for my post may contain vital insight into the male mind, if I explain myself well.

    When men talk about hot, it is almost always going to be about the physical characteristics and outer beauty of that women. The man is almost always not thinking with his mind here. Hotness is entirely about who a man would rather sleep with, if given the choice and no repurcussions except the actual "sleeping."

    Of course, based on personality, confidence, compatibility, and other factors, a??guy may bump up a girl 2 points on a (1-10) hotness scale. 3 is pretty signifigant, and by 4 points (not based on availability), a guy is probably thinking about marrying this girl or he's nuts.

    ??When talking about a women's persona specifically, men use entirely different words than hot.

    The most important ones are cool and psycho. Everything else (smart, funny) can probably be used to describe platonic friends, whether male or female. Cool and psycho are on the two opposite ends of the spectrum, and primarily deal with that girl's relationship to the man. Psycho describes a girl who is controlling and makes unreasonable demands. When the man describes the girl as psycho accurately, she is likely far too dependent on the man and very insecure. The man will use this term when he has no idea what is going on in the woman's mind. This mainly refers to arguments. I'll break it down.

    1. Man does something offensive to woman, has no idea what.

    2. Man and woman fight.

    3. Woman either cries or screams at man.

    4. Man has no clue why woman is yelling, doesn't see woman's thought process.

    5. Therefore man deems woman psycho.

    Cool is when man can see woman's thought process and when woman is angry/sad, man understands why.

    ***END NSFC*** (not suited for children)

    Back to the original topic, I don't think I'd give Toph a second look in the real world. First off, she's 12. No 12 year old can be decribed as hot, except maybe by other 12 year olds. Second of all, not hot at all, and I don't think that'll change in 6 years. Toph also seems "psycho," based on the rant about her not being able to put up signs.

    Edited on 11/17/2006 11:59am
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of masterofaeons


    [124]Nov 17, 2006
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    Oh my! *hides eyes*

    Yeah, this thready makes me uncomfortable. Even her voice actor is too young to be considered hot. There's nothing kosher here.
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  • Avatar of Taang_Forever


    [125]Nov 17, 2006
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    That opinion I can respect, since you didn't lash out saying others have problems for thinking Toph might actually be and/or will perhaps be "hot". Hmm... I should really write in my sig a list of words I don't like,("hot" is one of them, for the record) what my beliefs are on this whole "You think a cartoon character is hot, you have a problem!" thing. Also a list of how many girlfriends I've had, how often I go outdoors and socialize, and how much of a life I have, so as to eliminate any possible "counter attack" when I'm saying something.
    Edited on 11/17/2006 4:31pm
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  • Avatar of lastchancexi


    [126]Nov 17, 2006
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    If that's a reply to me, I don't think I stated my opinion on this subject enough.

    She's 12 years old. If she's "hot" now, and you're a guy who knows how to use the word "hot" in the way I described, I simply can't imagine Toph being hot for anyone older than 15. She starts out on a 1-10 scale at like -2 or something. That said, guys say things about how hot a girl will be all the time. While moderately creepy, it isn't really, really horrible like saying you'd want to hit a 12-year old (which is what most guys interpret from a is xxxx hot? thread).
    Edited on 11/17/2006 4:18pm
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  • Avatar of dark_aquatus


    [127]Nov 17, 2006
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    dang, this thread really attracts some people he? i guess the most useless and retarded subjects are exciting to post in? rofl
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  • Avatar of Taang_Forever


    [128]Nov 17, 2006
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    lastchancexi wrote:
    If that's a reply to me, I don't think I stated my opinion on this subject enough.

    She's 12 years old. If she's "hot" now, and you're a guy who knows how to use the word "hot" in the way I described, I simply can't imagine Toph being hot for anyone older than 15. She starts out on a 1-10 scale at like -2 or something. That said, guys say things about how hot a girl will be all the time. While moderately creepy, it isn't really, really horrible like saying you'd want to hit a 12-year old (which is what most guys interpret from a is xxxx hot? thread).

    I'm gonna moderate my last post, and only the bolded part was directed at you. And even I think it's wrong if anyone would want to have 1nt3rc0urs3 with a twelve year old, much less a cartoon character. And I don't think "most" guys as you say interpret a question like "is XXXX hot?" as being asked if they would actually ever think of having 1nt3rc0urs3 with said character. That's another useless stereotype.
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  • Avatar of lastchancexi


    [129]Nov 17, 2006
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    "And I don't think "most" guys as you say interpret a question like "is XXXX hot?" as being asked if they would actually ever think of having 1nt3rc0urs3 with said character. That's another useless stereotype."

    Someone back me up here. Most (old enough) guys are agree hot = want 1nt3rc0urs3, right?

    If no one backs me up on this, I will drop it and agree that this thread is not that distrubing.
    Edited on 11/17/2006 4:34pm
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  • Avatar of dark_aquatus


    [130]Nov 17, 2006
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    i think there are 2 reasons for people to not like the word ''hot''.

    1) because for some people it CAN mean a lot of different things which can make it confusing about what that person exactly means when he says that someone's hot.

    2) because for some people it ALREADY means a lot of??different things which makes it hard to use this word for ANYONE.

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  • Avatar of Taang_Forever


    [131]Nov 17, 2006
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    lastchancexi wrote:
    "And I don't think "most" guys as you say interpret a question like "is XXXX hot?" as being asked if they would actually ever think of having 1nt3rc0urs3 with said character. That's another useless stereotype."

    Someone back me up here. Most (old enough) guys are agree hot = want 1nt3rc0urs3, right?

    If no one backs me up on this, I will drop it and agree that this thread is not that distrubing.

    Well if "hot" is just a shortened question and everybody knew that, then I guess what you are saying is true. Though I myself always thought it was just an inapropriate way to ask how physically atractive you think someone is. Alright, you know what? Someone should make it a rule to NOT use the word "hot" on this kind of thread, so all this useless arguing can be avoided, though I doubt they would stop even IF the word "hot" was replaced by other less suggestive words like, "pretty", or "cute", or "beautiful". Especially that last one. I don't think it matters that the word "hot" be replaced by any of the words(or others) I just mentioned. There will always be that single group that takes these kinds of threads almost as insults.
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  • Avatar of TheLegendaryPie


    [132]Jan 23, 2007
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    Shes only 12... whats wrong with you people..
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  • Avatar of Bountyhunterc28


    [133]Jan 24, 2007
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    There is nothing wrong with thinking a 12 year old girl is cute, heck people think babies are cute, but hot might be a bit too extreme for her age, I think Toph would be very pretty if she was older, but she is cute.
    Edited on 01/24/2007 9:19am
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  • Avatar of fatsomama


    [134]Jan 24, 2007
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    masterofaeons wrote:
    Oh my! *hides eyes*

    Yeah, this thready makes me uncomfortable. Even her voice actor is too young to be considered hot. There's nothing kosher here.

    But have you seen the voice actor for Azula?! WOAH man...that woman could slay me with a look!
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  • Avatar of fatsomama


    [135]Jan 24, 2007
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    Bountyhunterc28 wrote:
    There is nothing wrong with thinking a 12 year old girl is cute, heck people think babies are cute, but hot might be a bit too extreme for her age, I think Toph would be very pretty if she was older, but she is cute.

    Agreed, give her 8 years
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  • Avatar of C1991


    [136]Jan 24, 2007
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    I think it's just you, and any other toph fanboys...if there are any... (not bashing)
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  • Avatar of Mewtamer


    [137]Jan 24, 2007
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    Based on looks alone, I'd have to say that yes, I think Toph is attractive. And before anyone starts calling me a sicko or anything like that, I'd like to say that all men are for big breasts, a hourglass shape, and heavy use of make-up(I know that's a stereotype, but I think my point is made). I myself happen to like it when a woman manages to retain some of her girlish charms, and as a result most of the females I'd call beautiful(both real and fictional) are prepubesent.

    Now I never developed a crush on Toph for a few reasons:

    1. While admire females with fighting spirit(and the strenth to back it up), Toph lacks any softness(outside of when see needs to placde the role of a refined lady).

    2. She is not an overly intelligent girl. Not saying she's dumb, but I do prefer spending time with a female who can think on my level.

    3. By the time Toph debuted, I had a real girlfriend, and fictional girls stop grabbing my attention.????
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  • Avatar of CXK5821


    [138]Jan 27, 2007
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    I can say that she is cute on occassion but too young to tell what she would eventually look like.
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  • Avatar of zan4


    [139]Jul 5, 2010
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    umm... i think you guys forget that aang is 112 years old..
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  • Avatar of T7F


    [140]Jul 19, 2010
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    Well Toph is kinda cute BTW I can say this cause im 13

    Edited on 07/19/2010 7:24pm
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