Day in the Life of Ying (This the first day on the Serpent's Pass, I'll the do the other one some other time.)
5:00 a.m: Was woken up rudely by my morning sickness. Damn doctor told me this should be over with by now.
5:02 am: Than is getting too excited about going to Ba Sing Se. It's a city, big whoop.
5:05: Fake contractions to screw with him. He gets so worked up. Lulz.
6:30: Finally get going. Some woman tags along. She says she's a midwife. Yeah, sure lady. Let's see some certificates.
12:30: pm I don't think Than knows where the hell he's going. Walking around for six hours when you're nine months pregnant is not fun.
12:40: We find some kids swimming around. Wow, they must have really responsible parents to let four kids wonder around in the middle of nowhere. Oh, wait, the bald one's the Avatar. He holds the fate of humanity in his hands? Crap..
12:45: The kids tell off the Water Tribe boy. His planned sucked anyway.
1:30: We get to the ferry port. Bureaucrats are going nuts at this place. "No rules, no society?" At least we won't have to deal with this in Ba Sing Se.
2:30: Somebody stole all of our belongings! Well.. Except our backpacks. But don't tell the Avatar that.
2:45: The Avatar is taking us through the Serpents Pass. Great, our life are in this little emo kid's hands. Did he say he lost his cow? Stop crying about it! Some chick with makeup is coming with us. Great, we get some floozy who has the hots for the Water Tribe boy. Teenage hormones.. Do not want.
3:30: We see a sign that says "Abandon hope." I cry about it so my husband can comfort me. He's so lame. The Avatar's being all mopy again. Get over it, kid, it was just a cow.
4:30: Nearly got killed by a Fire Nation ship. The Avatar did some Air Bending and saved us. Hm, maybe he's not totally useless.
8:00: I swear if we have to walk anymore-- Oh, thank the spirits, we've finally stopped. So we set up camp, and I complained that my ankles hurt and got Than to rub them. He is such a pushover. I hope our baby's at least a little bit tougher than him. That Water Tribe boy keeps staring at the moon, while completely ignoring the Kyoshi girl. Is he gay?
And the Avatar is still being emo, and can't be cheered up by the Water Tribe girl. He must be gay too.
9:00: Everybody's going to bed. What in the world is that woman really doing with us? I swear, she must be some sort of pervert or something. I wish I could sleep with my eyes open. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
If someone wants to continue this, be my guest. If not, I'll do it some other time.