Lunch Pail

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Revision as of 03:18, 7 July 2020 by JCM (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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Lunch Pail was a new SBC menber, who joined June 18, 2012.

Arrival -

Lunch Pail stumbled upon SBC'sXat in June 2012 as SOPA. The users there took an instant liking in Lunch Pail, most of all Dragiiin123 and Elastic. On June 18, 2012 Lunch Pail joined the site, learning that the Xat was apart of The SpongeBob Community forum. He has become fastly active in the forums and on the xat. He hasn't been on in a very long time, causing some members to miss him greatly. However on December 5th 2012 he visited the forums one final time.