Homophobia: The Miniseries

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Homophobia: The Miniseries is an eight-part literature created by jjsthekid. Guest writers included JCM (Part 4) and Aquatic Nuggets (Part 6). It ran from August 6, 2017 to August 13, 2017.


The events in the story are based on an actual SpongeBuddy Mania incident. A thread on homophobia was made by a notorious conservative poster, The DS Guy, which became filled with lots of drama, and eventually, lots of comedy. After several requests, jjs decided to turn the topic into an SBC literature. Each part was based on each page of the Homophobia topic itself.


Part 1: In the Loud House I (August 6th, 2017)

Part 2: Beep Beep I Have HIV (August 7th, 2017)

Part 3: You Don't Have To Finger Him (August 8th, 2017)

Part 4: SBMslamic Terrorism (August 9th, 2017)

Part 5: Bigots & PatBob (August 10th, 2017)

Part 6: ACS Does A Barrel Roll: The Rise of Beter Griffin (August 11th, 2017)

Part 7: The Art of Shitposting (August 12th, 2017)

Part 8: In the Loud House II (August 13th, 2017)


The miniseries was one of the most popular pieces of literature posted on SBC in 2017. It gained over 1000 views in its debut week, and was #1 on the SpongeBoard for the week of August 6 to August 13. Many users praised its satirical comedy and well developed character arcs throughout.