Nick The Goldfish Slayer is a spin-off created by SBC user ClassicNickelodeon Fan1 on May 31st, 2013, as part of the Spin-Off Festival 4. The spin-off revolves around a mass-murderer in the streets of New Kelp City. It was abruptly cancelled due to CNF becoming inactive.
"Join a fish named Nick, who is a part of a dysfunctional family that doesn't care about him at all - which has led him to become a mass-murderer of whomever he sees while walking through the dark streets of New Kelp City."
Eight out of 13 episodes were posted.
(1) 1. The Beginning (6/7/2013)
(2) 2. Rampage (6/14/2013)
(3) 3. Attack (6/21/2013)
(4) 4. On The Run (6/29/2013)
(5) 5. The Beautiful Girl (7/5/2013)
(6) 6. The Date (7/12/2013)
(7) 7. Beware (7/19/2013)
(8) 8. Return (8/14/2014)