The SBC Show a lit created by Conehead, ran by SBC Studios, and inspired by The SBM Show, featuring SBC members in the show. While the show revolves around Conehead, Ol Bold and Brash and SpongeBob's #1 Fan usually accompany him in his adventures. The show was cancelled due to Conehead leaving SBC.
Production Info | |
Premiere Date | September 14, 2016 |
End Date | September 1, 2017 |
Status | Cancelled |
Genre | Comedy, Action |
Seasons | 2 |
Episodes | 20 |
Rating | PG |
Conehead (main)
Ol Bold and Brash (reappearing character)
SpongeBob's #1 Fan (reappearing character)
Bl4ze (main antagonist)
WhaleBlubber (sidekick of Bl4ze)
Storm (sidekick of Bl4ze, appears in some episodes)
VLK2007 (does not tag along with Conehead, but is a friend, and appears in most episodes)
Cream (cameo in the sneak peek, battles OBAB in Octerrorfest Deathmatch, and also takes Conehead's place in Shattered World)
GullahOfficial (appears in some episodes, and takes OBAB's place in Shattered World)
scarypants (takes SpongeBob's #1 Fan's place in Shattered World)
Guest Appearances
ssj4gogita4 (has appeared in the ARC series)
Renegade the Unicorn (has a cameo)
Alex Squarepants (has appeared as a store clerk)
Weasel (has appeared on Octerrorfest Deathmatch)
SpongeBob (appears in The Fool)
Sandy Cheeks (appears in The Fool)
Season 1
S1E0: Conehead's First Day] (Pilot/Sneak Peek) (September 14, 2016)
S1E1: SpongeBob's #1 Fan literally turns into SpongeBob's #1 Fan (September 16, 2016)
S1E2: Alex's Store Frenzy (September 18, 2016)
S1E3: OBABland (September 30, 2016)
S1E4: Halloween? (October 6, 2016)
S1E5: Octerrorfest Deathmatch (October 14, 2016)
S1E6: The Fool (October 20, 2016)
S1E7: OBAB Studios (October 27, 2016)
S1E8: The Hack Attack (November 3, 2016) (ARC)
S1E9: The Shutdown (November 10, 2016) (ARC)
S1E10: What Has Happened? (Was planned for November 17, 2016, but was posted a day later because of time) (ARC)
S1E11: Just In Time (November 24, 2016) (ARC)
S1E12: Same Old (December 1, 2016)
S1E13: The Marble Race (December 8, 2016)
Season 2
S2E1: wohS CBS ehT
S2E2: A Day In Planet SBM
S2E3: The Alphabit
S2E4: Hypno-a-Go-Go
S2E5: Camp Catastrophe
S2E6: The School
S2E7: The Beginning of the End
- When the lit was announced, the show was related to The SBM Show (SBM/SBCtopia, etc) before an angry concern from BagelsInEurope (FunnyKid2014 on SBC) and BrickSponge2015 (the main writers of The SBM Show) forced Conehead to remove all evidence of relation to said show. One of the two also despise the show, and as of now Brick has voted "Hate it" on the poll (which has since been removed).
- The Dark Adventures of The Land Takers is a spin-off to the show.
- The show was eventually cancelled as it was taking up Conehead's time for bigger and better things, though after OBAB convinced him to, he revived it.