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File:USC Flag.JPG
Flag of Unknown Spongecraftia

Unknown SpongeCraftia was the uncharted region of SpongeCraftia and the 2nd largest country in the directory. It bordered Historic SpongeCraftia and several other regions such as Deep Sea SpongeCraftia and British SpongeCraftia. This region housed mostly projects unrelated to the ones you would find in Historic SpongeCraftia. It possessed a darker theme than HSC and building was pretty much unrestricted, except on major towns. The region was not yet fully explored as it is on constant expansion. It was the home of the Band Geeks headquarters. Its primary religion worshipped a deity called the All-Seeing Eye.

Historical Landmarks

Buildings of importance on the country.

USC Central (Northern USC)

Where Unknown Spongecraftia started, most buildings of historical significance were located in this region.

  • John Lulzy Memorial - The first building on the region, it served as a reminder of the early days prior to the region's existence.
  • Portal Palace - A large obsidian structure near the entrance of the region, it held several portals that lead to the nether.
  • Unknown Spongecraftia Parliament - It served as the political hub of Unknown Spongecraftia, yet no elections were ever held.
  • Forbidden Mansion - A mansion for villagers from all over Unknown Spongecraftia. Built by crushingmayhem.
  • Haunted Hotel - History says it was struck by a hurricane and was never reopened. It was also a place where you could roleplay as a survivor. Built by ZaidCatDog, crushingmayhem, and spongeboblover.
  • SBC Tower - A colossal building near the Forbidden Mansion. It was the tallest skyscraper and structure in all of Spongecraftia. It held a number of floors each having something unique.
  • The Lofts at Spongecraftia - A state of the art apartment complex. Never finished construction.
  • Unknown Spongecraftia Airport - The main airport in the region.
  • Church of the All-Seeing Eye - A large cathedral that served as the main All-Seeing Eye church in all of USC.
  • Spongecraftia Animal Sanctuary - A sanctuary for raising animals.
  • Haunted Village - A town occupied by an alien race; it was also home to several impact craters.

Frontier USC (Western USC)

The road to the tri-border region, it was the most modern part of Unknown Spongecraftia.

  • Walled City - A medieval style city in the western part of the country, it had an inn and several structures in it.
  • Church of the All-Seeing Eye - A church near International Village, served as the local church in the region.
  • Sanctuary 7 - A dystopian town near USC River, it housed four main buildings each having its set of rooms.
  • International Village - A large, densely populated city located on the border between three countries. The second largest city in USC.
  • Glove World - A reconstruction of the Glove World from the show. Underwent constant expansion.
  • USC Detention Center- A prison located near Glove World.
  • Village of Halloween - A village where the SC Halloween Fest took place.
  • Forest Village - A village surrounded by trees on the westernmost side of USC. Built by spongeboblover.

Metropolitan USC (Southern USC)

Underwent constant expansion, it was home to several towns and cities like Squidville.

  • Squidville - The largest city in USC and one of the largest in Spongecraftia. It housed Gem Plaza and several apartments and restaurants. Also the capital of Unknown Spongecraftia.
  • Hunterville - A city that housed a graveyard of the knights of USC, as well as beach.
  • Embuerton(later Lumillard)- A town near Squidville founded by spongeboblover. Underwent much construction.
  • Horizonia - A city on the southernmost region of USC. It was completely solar powered and was the first city to see the sun rise.
  • Acacia Forest - A forest located south of Squidville, it housed several animal species.
  • Pillar Town - A town that had several pillars and unusual structures.
  • Orchid City - A swamp town in the middle of USC.
  • Quartz Town - A town near Squidville that was entirely made of quartz. Also served as a stopover on the road to JSC.
  • Dirt Village - A town made out of dirt, a really dirty town.

Rural USC (Central USC)

The countryside of the nation, here you could find the most humble of villagers.

  • USC Volcanic Reserve - The only volcanic reserve in Spongecraftia, located next to the Village of No Prosperity.
  • Village of Prosperity - A prosperous village (as its name suggested) was home to many animals and a vast amount of fertile land.
  • Village of No Prosperity - The opposite of the Village of Prosperity, it was once just as prosperous according to history but it then depended on external help. It was near the Volcanic Reserve.
  • Avenir - A city located on the USC mountains, it had a lake as well as a panoramic view.
  • Tech City - An advanced city full of technology and innovation.

Dark USC (Eastern USC)

A little known part of the nation with mysteries that surrounded it.

  • Black Rock - A major city with a dark, Halloween theme to it.
  • Hidden Village - A town very little people know about
  • Birch Town - A town surrounded by birch trees.
  • Lava Field - A huge lava field with a bridge running across it.
  • Nether Village - A village with a nether theme to it.

Phantom USC (South-Western USC)

The far south-west of the nation where religious fanatics, witches, and mysterious things resided.

  • Rock Bottom - A city in the region. Based on the Rock Bottom from the series.
  • Village of the All-Seeing Eye - A village of religious fanatics from the ASE church.
  • Meteor crash site - A place where meteorites crashed in a remote past.

Towns and Cities

Nearby Countries

Countries and regions that were near Unknown Spongecraftia and shared a common border with.