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thepowerwithinn (also known as ThePowerWithin) is an SBC member who joined on May 21, 2016. This member is known for constantly spamming on SBM. (see more details below)

SBM History

Thepowerwithinn is known constantly spamming SBM about the non existent "I Was a Teenage Gary" deleted scene. He was later permanently Banished for doing this.

SBM Return and Second Banishment

He later made a new account in 2016 and was accepted to resume posting on the forums, but he later spammed about the "I Was a Teenage Gary" deleted scene. He was Banished again as a result.

Joining SBC

He later joined SBC which lead to some controversy. CDCB later posted a recording of the original airing (which proves the deleted scene isn't real) .

He was only active for 3 days and hasn't posted anything after the topic got locked.