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m (lmao I messed that up, sorry about that. You can just not count it if you want)
(No difference)

Revision as of 23:00, 2 July 2018

Metal Snake
User Info
Registration Date March 8, 2010
Age 22
Status Inactive
Group Nematodes
Notable Creations Spin-Offs

LukeJames_525/Metal Snake is a user who joined TV.com on May 25, 2009 under the username LukeJames525. At the time, he was a shy and inactive user. He left the site for a while in August, right during the forum attack, and returned in October 2009 as an active member. He started to talk with more users, and kept posting. However, during the forum attack of July 2010 {when WhaleBlubber returned to the site and started getting people banned}, he became very inactive. On November 1, 2010, he left TV.com.

He joined SBC in March 8th, 2010, and has recently become an active member there. He also created a spin-off entitled The Journey of Sebastion (Ended). He is also a Good Noodle, and usually goes under the name "Metal Snake" now. He was involved in the SpongeBob Section Fights 2011.

On July 23, 2013, he took a jab at issues on SBC through his spin-off Modern SBC User, which caused controversy: http://www.thesbcommunity.com/forums/index.php?/topic/8780-modern-sbc-user/

On July 26, 2013, he changed his name to CloudMistDragon feeling he had outgrown Metal Snake and changed as a person. He has now since gone back to Metal Snake.

On January 6, 2017, Metal Snake was promoted to Cashier after Tyeamwork stepped down from her position. He has since left staff since June 4, 2018, after he was found to have created a 14-page Google Doc attacking jjs and multiple other members; this document, as well as Metal's later additions, were the focus of the Metalgate controversy. Metal Snake was then permanently banned from the forums on June 15th, 2018.


  • Metal Snake is the first, and currently one of three staff members to be permabanned. The others being hilaryfan80 and Cream