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The Llama Kingdoms are a series of eight, soon to be nine, kingdoms scattered across west-central Spongecraftia. Nearly all were created by the users DarknessDG and TheOpenWindowManiac, or otherwise "llamafied" to fit the characteristics of the kingdoms. All of the kingdoms are rather uniform in composition, and always fit a set of rules or standards:

• Ruled by some sort of monarch, usually a king or an emperor

• The population is predominantly llama, with other mobs in a minority position

• Based off of a real-life culture that has or had had a monarchy at some point, usually European due to its abundance of monarchies

• Have fictional llama rulers instead of llamas with real rulers' names given to them, with the exception of Andean Spongecraftia

Major Kingdoms

The list of Llama Kingdoms is as follows:

Walled City- An urbanized kingdom located in north-central Unknown Spongecraftia, based off of medieval England. This city predated the llama mob itself and thus was "llamafied" to fit the kingdom standard.

Andean Spongecraftia- A mountainous kingdom in west-central Spongecraftia, based off of the Andes Mountains region in South America. This was the first kingdom to introduce the idea of llama monarchs.

Montagne- An icy hilled kingdom directly north of Andean Spongecraftia, based off of medieval France and its former colony Quebec.

Vredeveld- A flowery meadow kingdom built off a tributary of the Great Spongecraftia River, based off medieval Holland.

Terraricca- A resource-rich kingdom near Vredeveld, based off medieval Italy. Was once controlled by three families struggling for dominance.

Fichtenwald- A cold forested kingdom on the other side of the Vredeveld tributary, based off imperial Germany.

Selva Grossa- A jungle kingdom near Futuristic Spongecraftia, based off the South American jungle of Brazil.

Askrstórr- A snowy kingdom by the shores of the Salty Seas, based off all five of the Nordic countries.

Sabanna - A plains kingdom made from a survival map, based off the Japanese plains.

Minor Kingdoms

Minor kingdoms are populated by llamas, but are often not powerful or large enough to be considered a kingdom. They do not even need to be a kingdom, and can be a republic or a theocracy.

There is currently only one Minor Kingdom in existence:

Meridiem- A theocracy only a few steps away from Terraricca. Speaks Latin and worships "spirits", or mythical llamas with elemental powers.