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The following are a list of characters on Team SpongeBob.

Main Characters -

SpongeBob / The Speedster (Season 1 - Present)

Sandy Cheeks / Red Widow (Season 1 - Season 6, Season 8 - Present)

Linda Lane / The Lightress (Season 2 - Season 6, Season 8 - Present)

Pearl / Pink Arrow (Season 5 - Present)

Debbie Rechid / Universal Guardian (Season 8 - Present)

Aria Alamone / Ms. Magic (Season 9 - Present)

Alex Jones / Lightning (Season 9 - Present)

Shin Fu (Season 1 - Season 3, Season 5 - Season 8)

Patrick / Terraman (Season 1 - Season 8)

Squidward (Season 2; Guest Appearances Seasons 8 & 10) (Partially Deceased)

Queen Mindy (Season 7)

Larry, The Lobster (Season 7)

Recurring and Minor Characters -

  • Ms. Rossfield: An old lady with Magic powers who helps SpongeBob, Patrick, and Pearl find Sandy when Azarah and Aria tie her to a tree and cover her existence in "Bloodlines". She followed the team to the Forbidden Lands in "Yesterday" where she revealed to them that The White Queen, Cassandra, was behind the plane crash on December 25, 2012. She also reveals that Cassandra will also set up another one to crash into Mainland. She informs them that Cassandra has secret bases on the island. Ms.Rossfield then joins Shin, SpongeBob, and Pearl in attacking Cassandra's secret base in the Sand Dunes of The Forbidden Lands. She then travels to Main Point with them, following a possessed Linda. She appears in Season 7 in the two part episode, "Bypass" where she assists the team in breaking into Cassandra's hide out palace. She reappears in Season 8's "Rebirth" where she brings Sandy back to life, but at the cost of her magic. She appears again in "Power", where she informs the team and the Universal Guardian on the mythos of the Divine Jewels.

  • Pintar: The White Queen's son who first appears in "Terrors" where he terrorizes Mainland. He is stopped by Pearl and the police force. Before his arrest he tells Pearl that there is a conspiracy on the island, which explains his cryptic message. Pearl visits Pintar in "Lovers" where he tells Pearl everything, including that The White Queen conducted the plane crash on the island and that he's her son. He also kisses her. Pintar escapes jail and Mainland in "Failplan" thanks to Pearl's help. He returns although in "Bloodlines" and agrees to help his mother find and capture Team SpongeBob. In "Betrayal", he and his new partners, Amy and Brock attack the team. He has an emotional confrontation with Pearl. He and his team attack Patrick and Sandy at Main Point in "Chaotic" (Part 1 and Part 2). The rest of Team SpongeBob arrive to help in the fight too. In Season 7, Pintar changes his ways and gives information to Team SpongeBob about Cassandra's whereabouts. He and Pearl have also begun dating. In "Bypass", he helps the team attack Cassandra's new hidden palace. When he discovers a captive Linda locked up in the palace, he tries to rescue her, but Cassandra sends him into a coma in order to protect the secret of Linda being alive. Pintar returns in Season 9's "Fallout", where he shows up to see a hospitalized Pearl. Linda confronts him, thanking him for trying to help her back then. Pintar reveals that he knows of his mother's death, and awoken quite recently. In "Ruins", Pintar finally gets a chance to see Pearl, to which he bids her farewell, citing that he needed to discover who he was off of Karate Island.

  • Bindie: A sly blowfish who assisted and betrayed Patrick and the team in Season 1. He apologized in Season 2's "The Return". He left Patrick and the team to think about his apology. He never appeared again.

  • The Eagle/Calvin: First appearing in the two-parter "The Eagle", he kept attempting to rob a town nearby Team SpongeBob's campsite. He took Linda hostage when she tried to help him, knowing her friends would try to kill him if they found him. The Eagle became an ally to the team in Season 3 when he helped Linda rescue her friends from Nominoid in "Powerless". He again helped the team when he saved SpongeBob in "Forces of Nature" (Part 2) from being hurt by the Mud Man. He defeated the Mud Man, who was then arrested. In the season 3 Part 1 finale, "Stand In The Dark" (Part 1), The Eagle assists SpongeBob and Linda in getting to Conquess' castle. There, he slices through a demon who's body was made of poison. He and Linda kiss goodbye before he succumbs to the poison.

  • Mr. Krabs: Mr.Krabs first appears in Ep.26 of Season 2, "Karate Island Krusty Krab" . He comes to visit SpongeBob and Squidward on the island, having not seen them for weeks. Not wanting to let Mr.Krabs go, SpongeBob convinces Mr.Krabs to open a resturant on the Island. He does so and it is sucessful until Stone-Man attacks the place. This makes Mr.Krabs see that he cannot have a resturant on the island until all the evil is cleared from it. He wishes SpongeBob and Squidward good luck and leaves. He appears again in Season 5, "Grounded" when he lectured Pearl about failing school exams. He then appears in the Season 5 finale, "Tensions Blazing" (Part 1), where Pearl tells him she isn't going to college and as he questions her, she eventually reveals to him that she is with Team SpongeBob and that she is a vigilante. He slaps her and she runs away. He still shows up at her graduation and accepts her life choices. Pearl then surprises him by telling him she will go to college at Shale University and that she resigned from Team SpongeBob. In (Part 2), Mr.Krabs shows up at SpongeBob's wedding to Linda. When Denominator attacks the wedding, he watches his daughter in action.In Season 7, Pearl mentions that she and her father are on bad terms, because she decided to rejoin Team SponeBob. In Season 8, when the team heads back to Karate Island, Mr. Krabs and Pearl are forced to address their issues again, such as in "The Universal Key". Pearl, however is very reluctant. By Season 9, the two have a much better relationship, with Krabs showing to support Pearl's vigilantism, as shown in Season 9's "Absolute Power" and "Surrender", where he visits Pearl on the island due to her hospitalization. Though he suggests she returns home with him, he accepts her choice to stay on the island.Following the Season 9 finale, Pearl returns to Bikini Bottom, retiring from her superhero life. In Season 10's "Dis-Appear", Sandy arrives in Bikini Bottom to recruit Pearl into the reformed Team SpongeBob. Pearl, however, is distracted by her father going missing. In the end, it is revealed that Krabs was kidnapped by Mikey Merlin on orders from Rita Thompson (Silverstorm). Krabs was apparently part of a covert 'superhero' team in the 1980s called, the Super Society of Bikini Bottom. During his time with the group, Krabs accidentally murdered Rita's daughter. This provoked Rita to seek revenge years later by luring Krabs' own daughter to her temple in order to murder her in front of Krabs. Team SpongeBob (with assistance from Miss Appear) defeats Rita, who is hospitalized and on the brink of death. Pearl and Krabs have a reconciliation, with them agreeing to talk more in detail about his past at a later time.

  • Squilliam: Squilliam first appeared in "Trails". Sandy and Patrick saved him from being attacked by demons, XJ3, XJ5 and XJ2. They ask why the demons were after him and he claims it is because he was trying to collect blood samples from the monsters. In "Denominator's Story" (Part 1), Linda runs into Squilliam at the hospital. She asked what he was doing there and he told her he needed medicene.In (Part 2), he reveals that he helped Denominator get plastic surgery to look like the young Barnacle Boy. He also tells what Denominator is planning.

  • Jeff Finney: Jeff Finney first appears in "Sandy's Solitary Battle" where he visits Team SpongeBob's headquarters to tell them that Sandy had been summoned for battle against Mandy Chunks by The Flying Dutchman. He appears as the announcer of The Flying Dutchman's compettitions in this episode along with "The Flying Dutchman's True Intentions Revealed!", "Linda's Time", "The Last Of Battle", and "Patrick, Use The Underbeneath Earthquake".

  • Bonnie Morse: A F.I.N agent who seeks out Team SpongeBob in 'Beginning Of The End" (Part 1)". Bonnie asks them to find and detain Clarissa Clam, a sonic screaming supervillain going by the name "Black Clam". Bonnie appears in the following episode, where she provides SpongeBob with a F.I.N file on the Divine Jewels. Throughout the rest of the season, Bonnie becomes conflicted about her loyalty to Team SpongeBob and her responsibilities as a F.I.N agent, which results in her having to make major ethical and moral decisions. In Season 10, Bonnie invents a sonic device that mimics the powers of the Black Clam.

  • Katherine Cross / Miss Appear: A superhero operating in Bikini Bottom, who has the ability to render herself invisible and move objects with her mind. She hails from Miss Appear, another show in The Teenjverse.

  • Analise Rogers: The girlfriend of Katherine Cross, who has psychic abilities. A younger version of the character also appears in the 2010 episode. She appears as a main character on Miss Appear.

  • Nathan: A young man from an alternate universe and member of the Undersea Force, who's means of weaponry is a powered vehicle called the Splitvire. He appears as a protagonist on Storm Racers.

  • Nora: A friend of Nathan's who comes to rescue him after he becomes trapped in Team SpongeBob's universe. She appears as a protagonist on Storm Racers.

  • Laneld: A friend of Nathan's who comes to rescue him after he becomes trapped in Team SpongeBob's universe. He appears as a protagonist on Storm Racers.

  • Kane: A friend of Nathan's who comes to rescue him after he becomes trapped in Team SpongeBob's universe. He appears as a protagonist on Storm Racers.

  • Dash: A friend of Nathan's who comes to rescue him after he becomes trapped in Team SpongeBob's universe. He appears as a protagonist on Storm Racers.

  • Zelleo:A friend of Nathan's who comes to rescue him after he becomes trapped in Team SpongeBob's universe. He appears as a protagonist on Storm Racers.

  • Darsun: A friend of Nathan's from an alternate universe who advises the members of the Undersea Force (Nathan, Nora, Laneld, Kane, Dash, and Zelleo). She appears as a protagonist on Storm Racers.

  • Sun Chang: An employee of Paradye Industries in 2010, and writer of a blog that Squidward likes. The 2017 version of the character appears as a main character on The Quickster, where she is the mother of Peter Chang, the titular hero.

  • Jannice Jasper / Jelly: A college student who joins a subgroup of Team SpongeBob during Season 7. Jannice had the power to shoot stings, and was able to mimic the look of a jellyfish by transforming her skin. This transformation also provided her with small wings, allowing her to fly. Jannice had a love-hate relationship with Scooter. Jannice is the only member of the subgroup to appear in Season 8, as all four were murdered off screen during the first half of the season.

  • Sara Fishkins / Frostwoman: A young woman who had a history with Shin before the show began. She joins a subgroup of Team SpongeBob during Season 7. She had the ability to engage in cryokinesis, but her powers were temporarily removed by a Heckfire Clan member. She dies off screen in Season 8, at the hands of Azarah Alamone. The character appears in the Season 10 episode, 2010. In the episode, we see events that happened shortly before the show premiered - including Sara, Johnny, and Shin on the run from troops of the Volcano Lord. The three were major faces of the Karate Island resistance.

  • Johnny 'John' Cane: A young man who had a history with Shin before the show began. Johnny joins a subgroup of Team SpongeBob during Season 7, being the only new recruit without superpowers. Johnny, similar to Sandy, was a highly trained martial artist and was quite skilled with weapons. He was murdered off screen in Season 8, at the hands of Azarah Alamone. The character appears in the Season 10 episode, 2010. In the episode, we see events that happened shortly before the show premiered - including Sara, Johnny, and Shin on the run from troops of the Volcano Lord. The three were major faces of the Karate Island resistance.

  • Scooter / Snailman: A young man that joins a subgroup of Team SpongeBob during Season 7. Scooter had the power to mimic attributes of a snail, including the ability to shoot powerful, sticky goo blasts. Scooter was known as a joke-ster and often got on the nerves of Jannice Jasper, who he was hinted to have a crush on. Scooter died off screen in Season 8, at the hands of Azarah Alamone.

  • Tetra King / Tremors: The sister of Left Shore mayor, Arthur King. Tetra first appears in the second Team SpongeBob movie, where she is displayed as having a crush on Patrick. In the movie, she assists Team SpongeBob and eventually reveals sonic/vibrational manipulation abilities. She first appears on the show during late Season 8, and helps Team SpongeBob thwart Azarah Alamone at the Mystic Caves. Following the divide of Team SpongeBob into two different factions, she joins Team Linda, assisting Linda in trying to capture SpongeBob, Sandy, and their allies. During this time, she takes on the superhero moniker, Tremors. After Team SpongeBob comes together to stop Triton and E.V.I.L, Tetra joins the team on a mission to prevent a nuclear missile launch. Though unsuccessful at preventing it's launch, the nuke is carried into space by the Universal Guardian. Tetra, all in all, appears to be one of Karate Island's strongest metafish. Sandy once states on occasion that her powers are "almost as strong as Clarissa's clam cry". Linda also states at one point that Tetra's powers are "nearly unmatched".

  • Tomoya Chrome / Cold Reef: A superhero who comes into prominence by preventing F.I.N agents from capturing metas across the island. Tomoya is the son of Victoria Chrome, who gave him up for adoption after his birth. Tomoya's heroics lead him to cross paths with Pearl and Debbie, who he helps fend off Black Clam. Tomoya is also a genius scientist, inventing a cure for the ice chill that his mother inflicted on Pearl (originally an attempt to 'cure' his own meta abilities). Tomoya seems to thaw Victoria's evilness, as she betrays E.V.I.L to allow Tomoya, Debbie, and Pearl to escape their clutches. Tomoya later joins Debbie and Pearl in helping to free Team SpongeBob from custody, and then joins the superhero team in preventing Triton and E.V.I.L from nuking Left Shore.

  • Amanda Wheeler: President of the Karate Island Board of Trustees, who sought to impose regulations on superhero activity on the island. Amanda was revealed to be working with Triton and E.V.I.L, but is eventually revealed as a double agent. She tricked Triton into a sexual relationship in order to get information out of him about his true plans.

  • Elijah Martin: Triton's legal counsel and also sexual partner, who is loyal to Triton up until he discovers his affair with Amanda Wheeler.

  • Kyle Reeves: Former Director of the Federal Investigative Nexus (F.I.N). Kyle initially served as an antagonist towards the team, citing their inferior methods of 'getting the job done'. As the season progresses, Kyle softens towards Team SpongeBob and helps them with thwarting Triton's attempt to nuke Left Shore. Kyle is removed as the director in Season 10, being replaced by Greg Payne.

  • Greg Payne: The new Director of F.I.N. Greg appears to be somewhat shady, giving off a bad vibe to Linda and SpongeBob when they first met him.