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Flag of Andean Spongecraftia.

Andean Spongecraftia is an extremely hilly, mountainous area of Spongecraftia. It is the first area in which llamas have been spawned, and they outnumber the Squidwards here. It is the first country to have the concept of Llama Kingdoms. It is also the first country to have constant snowing despite the weather elsewhere in the world.


Climber's Tent- A tiny rest stop for hikers who wish to see the emperor. Has a giant slime trampoline to prevent any "accidents."

Exile Mountain- A remote mountain where banished llamas are sent for their wrongdoings.

Indigenous Architecture- Ancient Andean architecture, done by either villagers or llamas.

Las Llamas- Began as the only Squidward-based settlement in the country, which quickly lost that distinction. Now populated by hundreds of llamas.

The Last Gas Station for Miles- The last gas station for miles. You can pay 99,999.99 S/ for regular gas or 0.01 S/ for ultra gas.

Mt. Mayhem- One of the tallest mountains on the server, standing at a mighty 90 blocks tall. It is the home of Atahualpa and family, who live in the giant castle on top of it.

Mt. hilaryfan80 - The tallest mountain in all of Spongecraftia, taller than the clouds and stands at 145 blocks tall.