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Revision as of 07:28, 1 September 2023

Screenshot 2023-09-01 021028.jpg

Inter Island is a small island located in the oceans of the Frontierlands, east of the village of New Horizonia. It was first discovered by Meko1432 during his search for a stronghold, discovering one directly beneath the island's surface. Inter Island is arguably the most strategically important known location in SpongeCraft Frontiers, due to the presence of both the stronghold (as well as the large mine labyrinth around it) and an ocean monument within visual range to its southeast. After the stronghold itself was discovered beneath the island, its End Portal was located and activated on July 12th, 2023, leading to the Attack on the End.

Inter Island's only current connection to the mainland is its link via the Pioneer Central Railway to New Horizonia.


  • The island was named by HawkbitAlpha as a play on New Zealand's Interislander ferry service, due to the interdimensional End Portal located in the stronghold beneath.