Interview with Chris Tabares Rios

Background: On January 31, 2021, SpongeBob storyboard revisionist Chris Tabares Rios did a Q&A with The Art of SpongeBob Discord server (link here). The questions as well as Rios's answers have been replicated here for posterity.

Luke Vaughn asks: Who is your favorite SpongeBob character? Both to draw and just in general?

Chris: I would have to say, SpongeBob himself. Simply because of his cuteness. He has a specific aura that no other character in animation has. He's literally just a square, but he has a lot of other features inside of it. The cheeks, the eyelashes. So because of that, he is my favorite to draw. He's real simple compared to the other characters since he's just a rectangle. You can morph him and bend him in a lot of different ways.


hez asks: whats your favorite aspect of being a storyboard artist, especially for da amazing spongebob? 😮

Chris: Regarding the show itself, its weird because i've only been on for a year or so, but its crazy knowing that i work for such a well loved show, seeing all the merchandise at stores like Target. I work on a very big thing and its weird. I tell kids I draw for SpongeBob and they ask me to draw him for them and I love it. I love drawing SpongeBob. Knowing that I am part of such a widely loved show is cool, I love making people happy.


Barbosa Guy asks: Favorite Nickelodeon Show?

Chris: Ren and Stimpy, by far


bdelgado00 asks: What made you join the SpongeBob team ?

Chris: I would say, there's no real specific thing. Its like a thing that you work and you end up on it. But why i was interested in spongebob, i was just a fan of the show all my life. When i was in high school, i worked a lot towards that; getting to a cartoony show. I watched a lot of SpongeBob, and it seemed like a perfect fit for me and my influences. Think Ren and Stimpy and Bob Clampett type influences. So when I saw the new direction SpongeBob was going in, I figured it would be a perfect show for me.


JiD-Milo asks: Any background characters you're fond of?

Chris: I don't know if this counts, but I really really like the flying dutchman. I like anything thats creepy and has a horror or monster element. I like horror elements in cartoons, I wish it was more common. I also like the trench monsters from the first SpongeBob movie, like the frog fish that has the grandma on the tongue. Or just all the sea monsters, they're neon and stuff. I love the designs of those fish. Really anything monster related. One of my favorite designs, trying to remember the name, where they're trying to change figures, and the Dutchman shape shifts into lots of things to try to scare him. Love those designs


Deleted User asks: favorite ren and stimpy episode?

Chris: I like Fake Dad, a lot actually. ITs funny with the big fat guy and everything, i would have to say stimpy's invention is really cool as well. Stimpy's cartoon show is pretty funny. I would also say, Sven Hoek. That one's a really cool episode.


hez asks: how long have you been a storyboard artist? And any tips to building up a great portfolio?

Chris: I have been a storyboard artist for about a year, i got hired in april. What's funny about how i got hired, I'm actually a teen, I'm 18. I was ending my high school career when i got hired and everything. What i think was a big thing, going into art college isn't necessarily what matters. BUilding a great portfolio is about finding a show that you want to work on, and trying to see the influence of the show, and then study that. Cater your artistic stylings and influences to the type of show you'd like to work on. You have to think, how can i develop my art style to the show i'd like to be on? I feel a lot of people stress themselves out about specifics for the portfolio, doing this and that. I'm gonna be honest, that stuff is cool, but what gets you hired is your ability to draw in the show's style.


Adambomb asks: what's your favorite spongebob joke?

Chris: This one is really specific, and I don't think anyone likes it, but chocolate with nuts, it has a really stupid joke. Where SpongeBob is telling patrick that we have to be nicer to the customers, and then patrick just goes up to the door and goes "i love you." That specific joke, its so stupid and simple, like, it just comes out of nowhere. That joke gets me everytime.


Jacklyn | ChocoCrunchCorp. ™ asks: Favourite character in spongebob?

Chris: SpongeBob and Flying Dutchman are the obvious ones, but a character I don't like is Sandy. In the first couple of episodes where she was a dare devil I liked, but I'm not a fan of scientist Sandy. She is my least favorite character personality wise


Rodger Bumpass asks: If you could work on any other show besides what your working on already, what would you work on

chris: well, Ren and Stimpy would be a really cool show to work on if i was in the 90s, but to me the specific show doesn't matter, but rather the idea behind it. I love working on cartoony shows. My big thing is collaborative effort. I like working with others and bouncing ideas off other people. Anything that fits that bill of collaborative effort, I would like to work on.


hez asks: whats your least favorite episode of spongebob?

Chris: Hm, I don't have a specific least favorite episode, as more of like, an era. If I'm being completely honest, I think we honestly grew up with s1-4 I don't have any episode, where im like meh i hate it. When i was growing up, I stopped watching after the first season, so I didn't watch much of 5-10. Not saying I hate them, but episodes I don't like or haven't seen, seasons 5-10. Wasn't too interested in those


Yee asks: what is your favourite episode of season 1

Chris: Let me look at a list. I'm really bad with names, honestly. I'm on wikapedia right now. I would say...a tie between MuscleBob Buffpants or Pizza Delivery. I really like MuscleBob, for sure.


Carly asks: How do you develop a specific artistic style?

Chris: Well, art style comes from your personality and your infleunce. Firstly, you should establish fundamentals before style. Think about an art style like toppings on a sundae. You need the ice cream before you can put on the sprinkles. A great resource is Preston Blair, he has a very good book to learn from. Pausing classic cartoons and redrawing those frames; construction, silhouette. But when it comes to art style, you hvae to ask yourself, why do I like these specific things? Like the way they do the eyes, or the hands, when you look at art and say "wow I like that." You take elements from different art, and pick and choose and develop it into your own style. But its something that develops overtime, even I am still developing my style. Don't worry too much about style, fundamentals are more important to master first


Deleted User asks: Do you do any initial writing to the scripts written for the episodes?

Chris: I'm a board artist, a revisionist specifically. I don't actually write anything, a lot of the times I don't know whats going on have the time. But if you're a revisionist you can plus a scene. Let's say spongebob is walking and you think its lame, and you pitch it to the director to change it to something like he does a backflip and slithers on the ground. You can even suggest little sounds or dialogues, not just animation or movement. IN a way, its similar to writing, but no i don't actually sit down and write any of that.


Torchu212 asks: Hey Chris, let's say I wanted to do a test board to see how well I can draw the characters. Any tips you could pass on to a rookie?

Chris: specifically of spongebob? just for yourself, i would say, how i said earlier, first analyze cartoon composition and fundamentals. as ive said, the fundamentals are so so important. Timing of gags, just going back and watching something like a clampett or chuck jones cartoon, you can analyze them and sit back and absorb everything happening. If you wanted to do a board for yourself, i think that will make it easier. For drawing the characters specifically, the best thing you can do is to pause the show and take out your paper or ipad, and redraw the frame starting from construction from the ground up.


Albert’s Country asks: How many episodes have you worked on so far?

Chris: I worked briefly on Kamp Koral, I did like twooo episodes of that. My memory is pretty bad if im being honest. And then maybe like two or three episodes in season 13. It keeps on coming, but i have only completed 2 or 3 so far.


themollusk1188 asks: When did you first discover SpongeBob SquarePants and what was your earliest memory with the staff and fandom?

Chris: I feel like we all have been watching SpongeBob since we were kids, we've all been watching it and growing up with it, its a huge culture icon. I'd say when i was I'm pretty young, I'm 18, so probably around the age of a lot of you guys. I grew up with it. With the specific staff, Ive been posting a lot of my drawings on instagram, and i just started posting them; and my mindset was never to work on SpongeBob or any cartoons for that matter, I just threw my drawings on Instagram, and the reason i posted them was because i wanted to do skateboard art. I grew up skateboarding with my friends and drawing a lot. My friends were all like, you're pretty good at that. Why don't you put them on Instagram? I didn't really think I had the ability to work on a cartoon, but as i posted them, more and more of the staff members started following me and reaching out. My big advice to those of you who think you can't do it, if you really put something in your head that you really want to do something, sit down and practice everyday, and you can do it.


Girls Night Out Fan asks: What is the funniest episode of spongebob in your opinion? Why?

Chris: That would probably go hand in hand with my favorite joke; chocolate with nuts. That episode is really funny. MuscleBob is also really funny; that moment when Sandy throws the anchor and the guy is running from the anchor and it just follows him in the sky, that was a pretty funny gag. Sailor Mouth is also a really good one, especially if you replace the censors with actual swear words in your head.


the ooftroop asks: When storyboarding, what do you enjoy doing the most with your drawings?

Chris: I would have to say the expressions. I really like facial expressions and the flexibility with what you can emote with the characters. They're really fun. I like making my boards clean too. A lot of stuff I can't show, but I've always been attracted to board artists who can get things done and make it clean. The rough style is needed sometimes, but if I can and i have the time to clean it up a little, its more appealing to me.  Pinkie does a lot of really clean stuff, I don't know how that girl draws that clean. Dylan King was a freelancer, and he is exceptionally clean with his work, I admire him a lot.


Vonny asks: Pepsi, or Coke?

Chris: I hate both. I don't drink Pepsi or Coke, it's so nasty. To me, it doesn't have a specific flavor. Can you honestly tell me, this is the flavor of coke? Its gross man, so screw pepsi and screw coke. I like stuff like cream soda or stuff like fanta.


Shell Shack Dog asks: Since I asked Cunningham last interview, I think it would be fitting to ask again for Mr. Tabares: Thoughts on the Season 7 episode Krusty Dogs (if you have seen it)

Chris: I haven't seen that episode, so I wouldn't be able to answer that question.

PickleMan: my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Arin asks: What do you think of the crusty crab seafood shack?

Chris: That's cool, he's dope. He's got girls on girls on girls for sure. That looks sick, I want to go there. I feel like if i eat there though, I'll get cardiac arrest, it looks like a damn crack house child trafficking ring.


poy asks: What do you think of Gary's got Legs? (if youve seen it)

Chris: i haven't seen that one either. Gary's got legs is probably the plot. It's about time gary has legs. i wish gary the best with his legs.


hez asks: Have you seen sponge on the run? And if so, what’s your favorite spongebob movie out of all 3?

Chris: i've seen sponge on the run, yeah. i watched it, it was...interesting. The first one is my favorite, for sure.


The Monki asks: What’s your favorite piece of SpongeBob Merchandise?

Chris: oh! i saw this one figurine, it was really cool, its like this x-ray vision spongebob, its vinyl so its pretty big. Its pink spongebob, a weird pink figurine (SpongeBob LovelyPants) thats like a 300 dollar figure, but its really really cool


Deleted User asks: Can you tell us any small details of what to expect in S13?

Chris: ummmmmm.........uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hmmmmmmmmm... i try not to talk about things for the sake of NDA, so just to be safe, i'm gonna skip that question.


chicken nugget asks: if you were to design a new character for spongebob, who would it be and how would they act like?

Chris: I think it would be cool, to have a monster fish, i really like the whole monster looking kinda stuff. I feel like we could see more of those kinds of designs, cutesy creepy stuff. An anglerfish, or an underwater sea guy who came up and is living amongst the sponge crew and whatnot, i think that'd be kinda cute. they'd be in a constant state of panic and miss home, something like that.


CWeeb 2.0 asks: do you have a favorite Cartoon Network show?

Chris: Billy and Mandy. I love it, its such a cool show because it has alot of the elements i really like in cartoons, the whole creepy thing. But it also has that expressiveness and the animation is really strong. Its very consistent, and pretty much any season that you watch is really funny. A lot of the jokes are really on the edge, don't know how they got away with some of them. I also do really like regular show. I love the humor of seasons 1-3.


themollusk1188 asks: Least favorite nicktoon?

Chris: I never really liked rugrats, i dunno. I thought it was kind of dumb, babies running around being babies. If i wanted to watch babies being babies id just watch a real life baby throw up or something. I never really liked hey arnold either. They just seem like realisticy people in realistic settings that could happen in real life, i think it defeats the purpose of a cartoon if it could happen in real life.


hez asks: If you could talk to any of the spongebob characters for a day, who would it be?

Chris: For a day? Squidward. That guy needs to cheer up. i want to sit down with the man and buy him some lunch; a burger, and cheer the guy up. Oh wait he can't eat burgers, he'd blow up. I'd buy him a taco then, he has a lot of stress, he needs a pick me up.


Rodger Bumpass asks: If you could make an episode of Spongebob, what would it be about

Chris: i like the concept of them going up to the surface, when they were little puppets on popsicle sticks. Like real actual starfish or sponge, an episode like that could be pretty funny. Put a face on em, it could be like a bootleg looking kind of episode.


hez asks: In your opinion what is the most underrated nicktoon you’ve watched?

Chris: there's this series ive been watching recently, the what a cartoon series. a lot of really good cartoonists worked on it, and a lot of them ended up at nickelodeon; butch hartman and some of the guys like that. not sure if its a nick property, but its a limited run thing. i recommend watching it on youtube. one of my favorites from that is buy one get one free. its by a real cool artist, carrie yoss (probably spelled wrong), he directed it and did designs, and it has two cats and stuff. that specific cartoon is really cool.


ndog asks: What do you like to get on your burgers?

Chris: so, im Colombian, im from south america but born in the US. in colombia, they have chips on burgers, and egg, and a pineapple sauce. and i know a lot of people don't like pineapple or chips and stuff like that, but thats really good. another thing i like to put on chicken burgers is maple syrup. the bun absorbing the syrup is great


HD asks: What are your thoughts on Kamp Koral?

Chris: i think its interesting; its a new concept that the crew are trying out and expanding, and if its one of those things where people like it, thats great. some people like the 3d stuff, some people don't; either one is alright. if there's an audience for it and they enjoy it, power to the people. i see it as an experimentation of sorts, of what hits and what doesn't


............. asks: What's your opinion on Kwarantined Krab?

Chris: I haven't seen that episode, im sure with current times an episode like that wouldn't be so good, i haven't seen it, so i can't speak too much on that. yeah, ya know, if it comes out it comes out, but with the whole rona thing right now, its pretty interesting. maybe its better that they're holding off releasing it. i just try not to talk too much about stuff that hasn't been released


final thoughts: really study up your fundamentals, i think a great book is the preston blair book, you can find it on amazon, like 6.99. you can also find the pdfs, it was made in like the 40s. that book is really good because it breaks everything down from beginning to end. teaches you heads, bodies, hands. invest your time to that book, and reading up on it. it feels like a guide, and tells you how to draw individual things. it teaches volume and shape and stuff like that, id say that is my strongest advice. don't worry too much about specific art style. really focus on the fundamentals. have faith in yourself and keep a positive mindset. live life, watch spongebob, go outside...actually no don't go outside because of the rona, but after that maybe. be happy, don't take the world too seriously, and practice. that's my big takeaway.


Vonny: thanks for coming aboard!


PickleMan: heres that figure btw

thanks for joining us today chris!

Credit to ThePickleMan and the rest of The Art of SpongeBob for arranging this Q&A

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