021b - Squid's Day Off
Squidward is waiting for the Krusty Krab to close even though the day hasn't even started. SpongeBob keeps ringing the bell and it's starting to annoy Squidward. Squidward tells SpongeBob that he'll ring the bell when there's an order, but says there won't be an order because there aren't any customers. Then he knocks over the cash register and all of the money spills out. Mr. Krabs hears the sound of money, and then comes storming out of his office. Squidward attempts to pick the coins up, but Mr. Krabs shoves him out of the way. Mr. Krabs then picks all the coins up and starts rinsing them under the tap. When SpongeBob surprises him, he drops a dime down the drain. Mr. Krabs sticks his claw in the pipe to catch the dime and he grabs hold of it, but his hand is stuck. He won't let go so he has SpongeBob pull on his backside. They pull too hard and Mr. Krabs loses his arms and smacks on the wall, causing all of the items on a shelf to fall onto his head.
He gets taken away to the hospital, leaving Squidward in charge. Squidward decides to take the day off and leave SpongeBob in charge of the grill and the cash register. As he's walking home, he remembers that he forgot to tell SpongeBob how to make change and that he could bankrupt the establishment. He goes to the Krusty Krab to test SpongeBob's ability to make change (for a dollar, in this case). SpongeBob passes the test.
Squidward goes back home and tries to relax again. Then he envisions SpongeBob setting the Krusty Krab on fire, so he rushes to the Krusty Krab and it's fine. Squidward then goes back home saying he won't go back to the Krusty Krab again. He then appears rushing back and forth from his house to the Krusty Krab. He finally goes back home and barricades and locks his door so he can't get out. That's when he finally cracks. While trying to have a bath, Squidward thinks he hears SpongeBob but it's just a branch scratching against his house, outside. He thinks that he sees SpongeBob outside of the shower curtain but it's just his toilet. Then he sees SpongeBob in the bath and escaping down the drain. Squidward bursts out of the house naked, and when he finally arrives at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob's already there. He never left! SpongeBob gives Squidward his pants because he's naked, then tells Squidward that they never switched the closed sign to open and they "could have taken the whole day off!" He laughs and Squidward's nose falls off and his head deflates, ending the episode.