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142a - Trenchbillies

After four days, SpongeBob and Patrick are still silently waiting for the jellyfishes to move. Finally, they swim away, and the chase is on! The plan is for SpongeBob to take one side, and Patrick then takes the other. But, as both approach the jellyfish, they end up colliding, letting the jellyfish escape.

They continue chasing the jellyfish. They don't watch where they are going and accidentally fall off a cliff, falling way down to a county-like village and land on a port-a-potty. Many of the trenchbillies gang up on SpongeBob and Patrick and capture them with a rope. They take them to Ma Angler, who says that they are "awful purdy." Ma Angler orders them to an initiation. SpongeBob and Patrick question them and Ma Angler sentences them to a series of challenges, being: a banjo contest, "hootin" and hollering" contest, and a wrestling match. SpongeBob and Patrick win the first two competitions but decline to the wrestling match, claiming that "they don't like to wrestle." Ma Angler is surprised and asks them what they like to do for fun. SpongeBob claims that they like to jellyfish. They show the trenchbillies how to jellyfish and collide, once again. Ma Angler enjoys this. The trenchbillies laugh at them and call them dumb. Ma Angler certifies them as official honorary trenchbillies and gives them novelty teeth.

SpongeBob gives a short speech and attempts to leave, however, they are stopped by a group of trenchbillies. One of the trenchbillies says that they have to take care of Ma Angler for the rest of their lives. SpongeBob and Patrick try to convince them to let them leave but the trenchbillies won't let them.

Meanwhile, at the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs and Squidward lightly chat, SpongeBob and Patrick burst through the door and the trenchbillies follow them. The trenchbillies destroy the Krusty Krab out of anger. Mr. Krabs nervously asks them for their orders, they all order something to eat. Mr. Krabs says that Ma Angler, who is eating a lot of Krabby Patties, will make Customer of the Week. One of the trenchbillies sees Mr. Krabs making "goo-goo eyes at the Ma Angler" and as the episode ends, Mr. Krabs is forced to get "hitched" (married) to Ma Angler.

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