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072b - Wishing You Well

After Mr. Krabs sees a child throwing a coin down a well, much to his horror, he learns about wishing wells, and creates The Eugene Krabs Memorial Wishing Well in hope of making money from it. SpongeBob and Squidward are tasked with digging the well, and SpongeBob does all the work, singing a song about the well's magic while doing so. After the well's completion, SpongeBob obtains a "promotion" in which he has to stay in the bottom of the well all day and night to collect coins that fall in.

After Sandy, Plankton and Mrs. Puff throw coins into the well and make their wishes, Patrick arrives and throws his soda cup into the well, thinking it to be a trash can. SpongeBob tries to explain to him that it is a wishing well, and Patrick mistakes the voice as coming from the "trash can." He wishes that SpongeBob was here to see the magic trash can with him, and when he tries to throw his coin into the well, he falls inside and meets SpongeBob at the bottom. That night, Mr. Krabs arrives to collect the money, and SpongeBob asks him if any of the wishes have come true yet. Mr. Krabs falsely says that if they "believe hard enough" and "dig deep enough," the wishes will come true.

The two buddies take this literally, and begin to dig the well deeper. Eventually, SpongeBob finds a glowing crack on the ground and claims that he has "found the magic." Squidward later comes to the well to tell them how good it feels that they aren't able to bother him. SpongeBob tells him that they found the magic, and Squidward, laughing at them, explains that there is no magic and that wishing wells are nothing more than a scam. SpongeBob wishes that he could see the magic for himself, and Squidward falls into the well, and SpongeBob and Patrick's antics continue to torment him as he desperately tries to escape. The next day, Mr. Krabs arrives to check on the well as Squidward finally climbs out, with SpongeBob and Patrick following.

Squidward wishes to get as far away from the well as possible, and is subsequently hit by and stuck to the front of a bus going to "far away." Mr. Krabs asks SpongeBob how much money they made, and SpongeBob explains that they made no money, but found the magic. Mr. Krabs then tries to explain to him that there is no such thing as magic, but then sees that the wishes of Sandy, Mrs. Puff and Plankton have all come true. The skeptical Mr. Krabs still doesn't believe in magic, and tries to prove that magic doesn't exist by wishing to be "steamed and served with a side of melted butter."

His wish is granted, and a live-action human with a bib reading "THE END" prepares to eat Mr. Krabs in his meal.

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