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140a - The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom

Patrick is playing around one day, when he stumbles upon a few jugs of radioactive waste. He pulls out the rubber stopper, saying he could add it to his rubber stopper collection. That allows the green goo to pour out and contaminate the coral around the jugs. Patrick then starts playing with a snowglobe, until a big coral monster hovers above him. Patrick hands the snowglobe to the monster, showing him how to work it. The monster seems to have just as much fun as Patrick did with it. Then, Patrick and the monster smell each other's armpits, just to pass the time, and then they play a short game of hide and seek. After playing a few rounds of coral ring toss, Patrick jumps in the monster's mouth and rides over to SpongeBob's house. SpongeBob sees Patrick in the monster's mouth, and thinks he is being eaten by the monster. He then has a flashback to a problem "just as bad" the day before, when the soda machine at the Krusty Krab ran out of ice. Patrick then introduces the monster to SpongeBob, who finds out the monster's name is Rrarrg. Patrick says Rrarrg can live under his house, but Rrarrg tries it and smashes Patrick's house. Patrick and SpongeBob then encourage him to go and smash SpongeBob's house. Gary escapes the house right before it is destroyed. He then smashes Squidward's house, and is put under captivity by the police. When a cop sneezes in the megaphone, Rrarrg goes berserk. Rrarrg then goes through Bikini Bottom, and the police finally catch him and drive him out of town. However, SpongeBob has an idea. They transport Rrarrg and Patrick to a snowy mountain to get ice for the customers at the Krusty Krab. Whenever a customer needs ice, SpongeBob just calls Patrick for Rrarrg to smash a big block of ice and to throw the cubes to the Krusty Krab when the ice machine is broken. The customer thanks SpongeBob for the ice and SpongeBob asks him to thank Rrarrg, leaving the customer in confusion.

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