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207a - Mimic Madness

In the beginning of the episode, Mr. Krabs makes some new rules and goes to his office, while Squidward imitates him behind his back, but Mr. Krabs hears him and confronts him about this. However, Squidward lies that he was imitating him out of flattery and he is let off the hook. SpongeBob believes this lie and decides to mimic/imitate people because he heard that "imitation plus flattery equals happy people." He first imitates a father yelling at his kids. The father and the kids become impressed with SpongeBob's mimicry. SpongeBob then imitates Squidward, who also likes his imitation. He then imitates Patrick, who thinks he is looking at his real self.

SpongeBob then imitates Sandy and Plankton, while they are playing a game of chess. Sandy admires the imitation, but Plankton says that he got his voice incorrect. He also imitates the French Narrator by reading the "80,000 Impressions Later..." time card in his voice as the narrator complains about it.

After a while, SpongeBob's imitation of everyone starts to get annoying, as everyone tries to persuade him to stop, but he gets a thing called "Mocking Mimicry Madness" and ends up forgetting who he truly is. SpongeBob's friends attempt to help, but they only make matters worse, as SpongeBob happens to mimic all of them at once, much to their disgust and horror. Sandy tries to get SpongeBob to come back to his senses, though her attempts cause him to have a breakdown of several imitations and he leaves town calling himself a freak.

SpongeBob goes to live in a cave in regrets of not remembering himself. His friends find him and end up mimicking him in order to bring back SpongeBob. It ends up working, but the others get the Mocking Mimicry Madness as well and end up acting like SpongeBob. At first, SpongeBob is shocked, but gets adjusted to it as they all laugh crazily like him.

The episode ends with a focus of a laughing Squidward's eyes, as his distraught real self is demanding to be let out of his subconscious.

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