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154a - Drive Thru

At the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob notices that Mr. Krabs is filling a hole in the wall with toothpaste. The toothpaste begins dripping and causes the hole to crack, making an even bigger hole in the wall. A fish and his children came to the Krusty Krab and orders from the hole, thinking it's a drive thru window. This gives Mr. Krabs an idea to create a Krusty Krab drive thru. SpongeBob brings in equipment for the drive thru but Mr. Krabs just uses a simple menu written on napkins, and a microphone with tin cans. A customer soon orders from the drive thru but SpongeBob has trouble getting the food out of the window. Later, Plankton drives by in his tiny car (and no one sees him) and an old man runs over him, then he drives away after he thinks Squidward said they were closed. The next customers are Pearl and her friends; they play a prank on Squidward by screaming through a megaphone, and ends up getting his ear replaced, making Mr. Krabs pay his bill. After that, Larry the Lobster shows up, accidentally breaking the drive thru microphone with the side of his SUV. SpongeBob then has trouble getting his food up to the window of his SUV and drops it on his head, so Mr. Krabs hammers a second hole in the wall much higher than the first. Soon, there is a huge line through the entire town to go to the drive-thru. The mayor comes and isn't happy about all the cars, so Mr. Krabs solves this problem by breaking a hole for another drive-thru. Then, SpongeBob and Squidward desperately try to feed all the customers at both sides. It ends up with a car accident and Plankton gets run over by an old man again. Mr. Krabs breaks another hole and says "More money!" Then, the Krusty Krab cracks and falls apart into a pile of dirt. The episode ends with Mr. Krabs crying.

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