courtney number 1 lindsey number 2 bridgette number 3 duncin number 4 next tyler number 5 6 dj 7 eva 8 chef 9 beth 10 noah 11 mr coconut 12 heather 13 chris 14 katie 15 sadie 16 owen 18 geoffe
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1. Gwen---} 2. Noah---} Never change, very close 3. Duncan} 4. Harold-] 5. Cody--] Occasionally change, close to above set, -------------------------------------- 6. Trent----] 7. Izzy------ 8. Bridgette- Change around often, not very close to above characters 9. Geoff----- 10. Courtney-
I thought you hated courtney 0.o Freaky too bad ur never gonna read this thread. anyways 1. Mr. Coconut 2. Courtney 3. Izzy (E-Scope) 4. Lindsey 5. Owen
That was around 5 months ago before the special aired, when I was okay with her, and her looks put her that high. Now she's in my bottom five.
Now, it's more 1. Duncan 2. Noah 3. Gwen (top 3 still very close) 4. Harold 5. Izzy (but still don't think she deserved to return) ---------------------------------------- 6. Cody 7. Bridgette 8. Trent 9. DJ 10. Eva
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