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Your Dream Season of Total Drama

  • Avatar of DC-Dude


    [1]Oct 22, 2009
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    Let's say you are the creator of the Total Drama Series- but you can only choose one season to make. Choose between TDI, TDA, and TDM!

    Then, choose however many characters you want to be in this season, and write the names of the TD characters you would want in your season, and how the elimination order would go.

    I'll do mine soon!

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  • Avatar of DC-Dude


    [2]Oct 22, 2009
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    For example:

    Season: Total Drama Action

    Characters: 16

    Elimination Order:

    16th: Leshawna

    15th: Geoff

    14th: Izzy

    13th: Heather

    12th: Owen

    11th: Justin

    10th: Lindsay

    9th: Duncan

    8th: Ezekiel

    7th: Beth

    6th: Harold

    5th: Courtney

    4th: Gwen

    3th: Trent

    2nd: Bridgette

    1st: Noah

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  • Avatar of The_Cartoon


    [3]Oct 24, 2009
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    Actually, TDM is the exact list of contestants that I wanted. I think it's going to be epic. As for elimination order, this is my ideal choice.

    17. Duncan
    16. Harold
    15. LeShawna
    14. Heather
    13. Owen
    12. Lindsay
    11. Gwen
    10. DJ
    9. Alejandro (I know that's way too early, but this is ideal choice)
    8. Courtney
    7. Sierra
    6. Tyler
    5. Ezekiel
    4. Bridgette
    3. Cody
    2. Izzy
    1. Noah
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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [4]Oct 24, 2009
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    To be honest, I wouldn't change anything about the TDI season, they did it really well. Even though there are some characters I'd LIKE to have stuck around longer becuase I like them, that'd mean sacrificing some other characters that I either like also or who have more plot.

    I'd have Courtney not return for TDA (of course, I'd make her more vocal in the aftermaths and maybe have Duncan talk about her more in TDA to compensate for all the Courtney fans), but I WOULD keep her in for TDM (I'm excited to see her interact with Heather, Gwen, Kathie and Cody). The elimination order would be kept about the same for TDA, though, with Owen still getting voted out before Leshawna and Heather... and when I did kick Justin out, it'd be done in a better way. His exit was pathetic. Maybe have the guys' alliance eliminate Lindsay first before him? Dunno about the winner, though; I'm cool with it being Beth, especially if it means the winner doesn't participate in the third season.

    Instead of Duncan, I'd put Ezekiel or Eva (or both) in TDM, although I like what they've done with the (probable) teams. Too early to tell what changes I'd make since we don't know the elimination order, or even definitively who's on it.
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  • Avatar of chancek94


    [5]Nov 28, 2009
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    i would have used the same as tdi in this order though

    22nd Eva
    21st Katie
    20th Justin
    19th Leshawna
    18th Sadie
    17th Trent
    16th Beth
    15th DJ
    14th Tyler
    13th Courtney
    12th Ezekiel
    11th Bridgette
    10th Lindsay
    9th Izzy
    8th Heather
    7th Harold
    6th Cody
    5th Noah
    4th Owen
    3rd Geoff
    2nd Duncan
    Winner Gwen
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  • Avatar of Skyancez


    [6]Nov 29, 2009
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    6 guys in the final 7 is way too unbalanced, especially when you need the likes of Heather in the final 5 at the least due to her importance in the show.

    I wouldn't change anything in TDI, a good order in elimination and decent challenges.

    TDA I would polish it though, there's too many voting offs that seemed rigged in Courtney and Duncan's favor. Like Lindsay accidendly voting herself off and Courtney being immuned to everything in Owen's elimination. The challenges were superb though but the elimination order and the cast didn't fancy me.

    TDM has a perfect cast and I'll wait to see the show before commenting on the elimination order and challenges.

    My perfect season would be 11 oldies v 11 newbies.

    The 11 oldies have 5 guys and 6 girls and the 11 newbies have 6 guys and 5 girls.

    The Oldies team is: Gwen, Heather, Beth, Courtney, Bridgette, LeShawna, Harold, Justin, Tyler, Ezekiel, Noah.

    The challenges are based on History.

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  • Avatar of jackyboy29


    [7]Jan 1, 2010
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    22. Noah

    21. Harold

    20. Eva

    19. Cody

    18. Gwen

    17. Ezekiel

    16. Leshawna

    15. Duncan

    14. Sadie

    13. Katie

    12. Tyler

    11. Owen

    10. Izzy

    9. DJ

    8. Bridgette

    7. Geoff

    6. Courtney

    5. Beth

    4. Trent

    3. Lindsay

    2. Justin

    1. Heather

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  • Avatar of mitsukigirl13


    [8]Jan 4, 2010
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    before I start my dream eliminations, I want to do some other things that I wished would happen in TDA.

    Couples: Heather & Harold, Duncan & Gwen. Also, Courtney never came to TDA in my version, and Cody & Eva did.

    16. Owen
    15. Justin
    14. Trent
    13. Beth
    12. Lindsay 11. E-scope 10. DJ
    9. Leshawna
    8. Eva
    7. Duncan
    6. Gwen
    5. Geoff
    4. Heather
    3. Bridgette
    2. Cody
    Winner! Harold (Boo yah!)
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  • Avatar of AngelPIN


    [9]Jan 5, 2010
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    This is more if they had a fourth season and I was given the power (25 characters in my mind but I'll only post 22 for reasons bellow):

    22. Duncan (he's been in the final four two times and I believe if you been in the final four once you don't do that again till three seasons later plus unless he starts becoming nicer to Harold and loss his jerk ways I will continue to dislike him)

    21. Courtney (hate her the most of all characters and like Duncan became to focus on)

    20. (Owen (similar reasons as Duncan but I like him and I love the Izzy/Owen couple so he goes for third out)

    19. Geoff (his jerk actions and constant make out has me not liking him so much so he gone unless character changes big time)

    18. Leshawna (I like her and I love the couple of Harold/Leshawna but I want characters who didn't get much character development, relationships time, or overall screen time to last longer)

    17. Gwen (similar to Leshawna)

    16. Justin (loses his powers on all the females but at least have him make one true friend as I found some pity for him in the episode he left)

    15. Heather (hopefully she will be changing her ways slowly to a more protagonist character)

    14. Trent (he went middle ground in TDI and out fairly quickly in TDA so I want him to stay long enough to handle the Gwen factor and perhaps fix his 9 obsession)

    13. Lindsay (I like her but she lasted well in TDI and TDA so once again I'm letting her go here so the other lessor characters will have time to shine)

    12. Bridgette (I like her so I want her separated from Geoff so no kissing interruption will happen)

    11. Katie (Long enough for some screen time and some independent action away from Sadie)

    10. Tyler (I'm neutral about him but I want him to last longer to handle the relationship he has with Lindsay, a reason he wants to be a good jock, find one sport he's good at: maybe Curling , and screen time)

    team merger ends

    9. Harold (my fave character but he lasted long in the last season and others still need more screen time and character development plus it would add to the 13 bad luck factor)

    8. Beth (I didn't think she was given much plot or screen time compare to many of the others even though she was in the final two plus she started to rise once separated from Lindsey and at the end so I want her to last longer so a second chance for plot and character development can concur but like I wrote before if you made it to the final four before you won't be doing so again until much time has gone by)

    7. Sadie (like when Beth was separated from Lindsey I hope her second separation will be different and more productive. Smarter of the two gals I choice her to last longer and make it count more with good plot)
    6. Ezekiel (being the first one out and no lines in TDA I want him to last long and have character development and plot, respects gals seeing their strengths and calls his father who taught him the wrong sexist lessons off)

    5. Izzy (popular character and very funny but has lasted long in both and has come back twice so I don't think she should win)

    4. DJ (very nice guy with a big heart who's kindness should be his rewarded by staying for a long time till the final four)

    3. Noah (fan favorite and funny with more time to shine now)

    2 or 1 (fan voting). Eva (Lessor characters getting more air time and plot is a major factor of my ideas of the show plus with Cody and Eva in the final two it will be a David vs Goliath story. Possible relationship signs with: Noah, Ezekiel, or DJ)

    2 or 1 (fan voting but cannon 1). Cody (Likable and not in second season Cody makes it to the final two with finally a girlfriend)

    Alejandro and Sierra as I haven't seen the characters in action so don't know where to put them in the list (making it 24 characters) plus maybe adding Brady to the mix so we see Beth/Brady couple and how it started and works (a loving couple with strong bonds beyond looks) plus his own independent character plot and interactions (making it 25)
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