Actually, it's clear on who voted for who?
1. DJ, Justin, Owen and Courtney's votes were revealed: (DJ and Justin voted for Beth, while Owen and Courtney voted for Duncan)
2. Since Beth had three votes, Harold voted for Beth, leaving Gwen and Heather as Duncan's two other votes.
3. Geoff, Bridgette, Lindsay, Trent, and Leshawna couldn't vote for various reasons.
4. Izzy voted for her alter-ego: Explosivo.
With the evidence I gathered, the votes are obvious:
Duncan had votes from: Heather, Gwen, Owen, and Courtney
Beth had votes from: DJ, Justin, and Harold
Izzy voted for herself.
Geoff, Bridgette, Trent, Leshawna and Lindsay would've voted for Beth to win, had they not run into any trouble.