Herald:does not seem usefull,but has his moments.Not that obsessed over peers.wise
Owen:likes to have fun and live life to the fullest.I love to eat[but i am not fat]
Cody:smart,clings to whoever he sees worthy and just hangs with them[thats how i make friends]and trying to get the girls
Gwen:A loner,a misfit,yet the most artistic in the group,plus we share the same views.
Izzy:i am probably most like her,i have a reputation of being a psycho,i like slasher movies and monster movies,i love to scare people,what i am also known for,i laugh out for no reason,witch creeps people are creeped out by,that why they don't want me answering questions.[but i am accepted for it,some people use it to their advantage]